Saturday 19 May 2018

Went the day well?

Well, what did you think of it?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Harry wedding"

I had intended to watch for about 10 minutes but was glued to the screen until the end. What a great bit of theatre.

Some of the frocks were nightmares, some of the hats even worse, but the whole occasion was wonderful.

We shared the event with our friend MM (a well known Aussie writer and broadcaster), and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

We drank far too much Champagne, ate a very pleasant salad, and generally approved of everything (other than the length of the sermon).

What could have turned into a farce, became an almost perfect Royal occasion.

When the chips's are down, the Brits probably do the very best shows on earth.  Well done to all involved.


  1. Considering she had only one family guest, her mother, she looked totally unfazed. It went well. I wrote about the sermon as I listened to it so I will say no more here.

    1. It seemed to be all about FIRE; he must have mentioned the word 200 times.

  2. Between Wedding and Football we dashed to the shop. Needless to say that was when the Courier was attempting delivery of a parcel. Got to wait til Tuesday. Great TV and I loved the happy couple.

  3. We ate far too many scones, cream and jam. Drank far too much champagne (if that's possible?), and are now about to doze. I thought the whole thing was modern, wonderful, and full of love (the main thing). The sermon for me was perfect, and something that only an American preacher could pull off. Megan's mother was dignified and looked amazing, and it must have been very difficult for her for any number of reasons. I do however need something savoury to eat now, such as your salad......any left Cro?

    1. And yes, we Brits do ceremony and pomp.

    2. I think I may skip supper; I'm stuffed.

  4. That was a very long sermon. We got a fit of the giggles looking at the expressions of everyone looking a bit startled and bored in the congregation. What a wonderful backdrop for a wedding though.

    1. Great wasn't it; we were a bit like you with the sermon, we were half expecting the audience to start waving their arms, and shout 'PRAISE THE LORD'.

  5. I wonder if I can find a delayed playing of the entire wedding. Out here in California the timing was not good for watching it. Plus I don't have cable TV. That feast you had looks delicious.

    1. The main event took about 90 mins; I'm sure you could find it on YouTube. It's worth watching.

  6. Some of the hats were really beautiful!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. And some of them should have been fed to the Pigs; did you see the one with the sticking-up white feathers. Really bizarre.

    2. Camilla's hat was a damn travesty!

    3. Mr P hated that Pocahontas hat too but I thought Camilla looked great! She does big and fluffy well.

    4. I did think Camilla's hat was a tad too wide.

    5. I thought it was an amazing hat.

  7. I thought the ceremony was exactly right for Harry and Meaghan. I enjoyed watching it and some of the guests reactions.

    1. What a privilege for them. No-one could have wished for a better ceremony.

  8. Having said I would not be one of the 10 million (turned out to be 2 billion) people who would watch it, I too was glued for the whole event. I loved it. We (the Brits) do ceremony better than any other nation on earth, and that's a fact.

    1. I was the same. I heard this morning that it could even have been between 2 and 3 BILLION people watching. I think even the hardest republicans have had their heads turned.

  9. Loved the sermon !!!
    Dress perfect - some of the guests's dresses a bit weird but that's to be expected. Salad looks wonderful.

    1. I think we shouldn't mention the sermon too much, the poor guy must be regretting that he accepted the invitation.

  10. It was a splendid event and even the weather gods smiled.

  11. It was fabulous! Her mom looked wonderful and was emotional like any mother of a bride usually is. The music was splendid and when the choir sang Stand By Me, I lost it. Everything about this ceremony was perfect. Best royal wedding ever!

    1. I think it's changed many attitudes. What a day!

  12. I agree with starting over. Best yet. Multi cultural, done well. The couple just looked so damned happy, a real coup I reckon. Uplifting and thoroughly enjoyable. Wishing them the best!!

  13. Pomp and ceremony at it’s best ..... we really do it so well. We watched it all ..... these things only come around now and again. I also want to give Prince Charles a mention ...... he was brilliant .... he really looked after Meghan and her mum. XXXX

    1. For me, Charles was the star of the show. He simply took control. I liked the way he looked after Meghan's Mum went they went off to sign the register. I've always been a Charles fan; now I'm even more so.

  14. We loved it! Pj's, spag bol & a bottle of red for a good Saturday night in. I welled up when we first saw M and her mum setting off in the Rolls & was thrilled to see old tiara. The fire & love sermon was too much, but the discreet coverage of some of the congregations faces was priceless. Music was very nice. What about that hair on the American choir!! Do you think D. Beckham will regret those neck tattoos one day?

    1. I think D Beckham might regret having a wife with such a sour face, who sees fit to dress in black for a wedding; but he seemed very popular with the other guests, regardless of the silly tattoos.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We're used to a very different type of sermon over here, those Pentecostal, arm thrashing, Hallelujah, Lordy Lordy, ones are viewed with some amusement. But each to their own. It was all good fun.

  16. Only disappointment no gold coach! Brilliant royal show though....

    1. The big gold ones are usually 'closed', with such a fine day they wanted to be open.

  17. I loved the British pomp and ceremony. I loved the sermon. I loved Diana's the two sons waiting for the bride to arrive. William was the perfect supporter to Harry. And Prince Charles was a proper gentleman taking Meghan's mum under his wing when going to sign the register and also engaging with her on the steps. Brilliant!

    1. I totally agree with you, apart from the dreadful sermon. I was almost expecting someone to drag him away!

  18. I hope MM took his hat ff for the service!
