Saturday 19 May 2018

Let the fun commence!

Well, maybe not quite yet. With the water at a bone-chilling 17 C, I think it'll be a while before we take a dip. 

Opening-up the pool is always fraught with danger. Will the pump work? Will all the pipes be stuffed with Toads? Will the water itself be luminous green?

Luckily all was OK. There were about four dead Toads on the bottom, but that was quickly dealt with. The water was very clear, and with a good dose of 'flocculant' all will be sparkling again in a day or so.

It's so nice to see moving water again. Yesterday evening we even returned to drinking our 'aperos' by the pool. Bok dangled his front left paw in the water, and somehow everything returned to NORMAL.

And just in time for the wedding too.

p.s. Prince Charles's offer to accompany Ms Sparkle up the aisle has changed everything. From having become a farce, it has returned to (what one hopes) will be a sophisticated ceremony...... Voila!


  1. Hello from North Idaho and it sure looks like nice day for dip.
    If you fine the time stop by for a cup of coffee

    1. Hi Dora. The water temperature is still a bit low for swimming, but it's so much nicer to look out onto water, rather than the horrible black winter cover!

  2. Oh, that is one posh looking pool! The pool house(?) looks amazing - is it original or did you build it? The park bench is not made for lolling on so I guess you've got banana lounges tucked away somewhere?

    1. The pump house is new, but made to look old! And the bench was for the children; it's child-size. I've yet to put out the loungers; we call them 'layabouts'.

  3. That looks lovely. I can't understand why you're not in there splashing about.

  4. It's not the Great Barrier Reef but it'll do. Why not take the plunge Cro! If the air temperature is warm when you get out you'll dry off quickly be ok. In fact you'll feel very cosy in a big fluffy towel.

    1. Actually, for me the outside temperature is far more important than the water temperature; but even so.... 17 C is a bit like self-flagellation.

  5. 38c here today,I could use a pool.

  6. Replies
    1. I saw on the weather map yesterday that Norfolk was expected to be the coldest. It'll warm up!

  7. Your pool area is always very beautiful and when I see the first photo of your pool it means summer is here for me too.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Yes, it's lovely looking out on the pool again. It changes everything!

  8. If I had a pool like that there would model boats floating on it most of them radio controlled.

    1. I just have a few scantily-clad female models sprinkled around. I'm no fool.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We've just been watching it too. We have guests. What a great show!

  10. I really enjoy seeing your pool. Who usually has the first swim? When we open our cottage, it's always a mad rush to see who is in first no matter the temperature.
    PS-I am watching the wedding.

    1. Lady Magnon is Swedish, so has no fear of cold water. I give her a damned good thrashing with birch twigs afterwards too.

  11. What a lovely sight. Even if it is too cool to jump in, it must be so nice to just sit alongside and enjoy the beginning of the season.

    I just watched the wedding. It was beautiful and I especially liked how they incorporated their different cultures. Magnificent looking bride, handsome groom, and some good news for a change.

    1. I though the 'sermon' went on a bit too long, otherwise it was superb.

    2. I've only read parts of the "sermon" but it sounds slightly ridiculous to me, given the time and place.

    3. He kept on about FIRE; we couldn't understand quite why.

  12. My husband just began the opening up of the pool here. Some mouse damage to deal with. I saved one big frog. Do you heat your pool in anyway, or just rely on the sun? -Jenn

    1. Sunshine only, Jenn. It's already almost up to 20 C (it's been a nice day here), and with any luck should exceed the 20 C mark next week. We never swim below about 22 C. It's now 14 hrs since I removed the winter cover, and it's nearly crystal clear.
