Saturday 14 April 2018

In Flar.

All areas now require regular mowing. Most flowers have a nectar searching insect buzzing around them. Lizards are rushing around on warmed south facing stone walls. Hummingbird Hawk Moths are here again. Cuckoos are calling. I saw a pair of Hen Harriers yesterday. The fields are filled with Buttercups, wild Orchids, and Daisies. Temperatures have finally reached above the 20 C mark. 

The first of the fruit trees are now sprouting leaves and are in blossom; above is our Greengage. 

Looking out from the house, there is white blossom everywhere, mostly Wild Cherry like above. There are also flowering Sloe bushes in all the hedgerows.

Most of the fruit trees are now in flower (Pear above), at Haddock's my Red Onion sets have 2 inch shoots, and I have planted out my Cauliflower and Calabrese plants.

I am mowing like crazy, trying to calm the growth. Everything smells of Spring; it's wonderful. However, as I was atop my mower 'Rory' yesterday afternoon, French air force jets flew overhead so low that they almost knocked me off my seat. I can but wonder if they were on their way to Syria.

And finally; one of my neighbours passed by this afternoon wearing SHORTS!


  1. It looks delightful. I just planted more swiss chard and what was sold as cavello nero seedlings but I think may be kale.

    1. Lady M is buying Cavolo Nero seeds for me; they are still unavailable here. I wonder why!

  2. All sounds springy and delightful, even the baring of (presumably) winter-white legs! I haven't had a Greengage plum in half a lifetime. Lucky you.

    1. Unfortunately bugs adore Greengages, and almost every fruit has something nasty inside. I'm lucky if I eat a dozen a year.

  3. Can't wait! Is your wisteria in flower yet?

    1. Big buds; it won't be long. Just back from early morning walk, I heard a Hoopoe and an Owl. Chilly this morning.

  4. Yeh, a hundred reasons to celebrate. You'd have a fiesta/feast if you were here.
    Those damn jets were on their way to war. Woke up to the bad news. I didn't think trump would actually carry out his threat. What will follow?

    1. I was listening to the radio through the night as it developed. Let's hope that the returning planes will stay at home. They've probably done enough to be taken seriously.

  5. I have been watching the leaves come out on the trees from the house this past week. It is slowly becoming a world of green again.

    1. I breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when I see the trees greening. Ahhhhhhhh.

  6. Spring is so beautiful! We had a lovely sunny day here as well yesterday; today is looking the same.
    World news not good at all.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. The blossom here is amazing; it seems to be everywhere. Yes, world news could be better!

  7. Spring has sprung and all’s well in Cro’s world !!!
    We have clear blue skies and it’s warming up ..... I’m going to clean out the greenhouse today. XXXX

    1. Take a bottle of fizzy wine, and a radio, with you; your work will be done so much faster.

  8. Every thing is so beautiful around you.(I wish i would live somewhere else).

    1. It is very beautiful here, and very peaceful. I would like to wish that for everyone.

  9. In second thought, i love living here,only sometimes i want more peace and quiet.

  10. It has cheered me no end, reading this.
    We have had two consecutive days of heavy cloud and 6c. Forecast better from Wednesday next week.

    1. A little cool here this morning, but still quite pleasant. I shall not be wearing my own shorts for a few days yet; next week maybe!

  11. Meanwhile in the old colony down under, tonight the heating has been turned on for the first time this year after a lovely autumn abruptly ended. But our nice autumn will return for a bit longer. It must be nice to live in cold winter country and experience the joy of spring.....well, just the spring bit.

  12. Oh yes, great photos.

    1. The arrival of Spring, after a long cold Winter, is a real treat. You can actually feel the difference in the way people behave. Next week we will be above 20 C.

  13. I'm very envious. I'm listening to freezing rain hitting the door right now. -Jenn

    1. Light the fire, make yourself a cup of tea, and watch a good movie. That's all I can suggest.

  14. I wish. We are getting freezing rain all weekend too. I am really looking forward to spring, it's been slow coming this year. Enjoy the sun.

    1. Not too much sun today, but still quite pleasant. Warming-up next week!

  15. They've been doing the Municipal Mowing around our village. The grass has only just got going,and their large ride on mower has left tread marks and ruts..its still too wet to mow,really

    1. At this time of year finding grass dry enough to mow isn't always easy, but if you don't it becomes a jungle. When the grass is dry, I now mow even if it doesn't really need it.

  16. I was also out in my shorts today. In fact yesterday too. The apricot tree has blossomed and I'm waiting for the peach tree to get on with it. Only one snag - Sahara sand. We're getting an unusual lot of weather from Sahara.

    1. I had just TWO flowers on my newly planted Apricot tree, but the Peaches were covered (as usual). It's now a matter of praying for no late frosts.

  17. Here in the North of England my daffodils are now in bud!

    1. Our own ones are long over, but there are still some about. We have masses of Cowslips everywhere. No Primroses unfortunately.

  18. Everything sounds so spring , nice and pretty. Your photos are fabulous.

  19. Enjoy your spring! Love your pics! I've never been to the French countryside, but your house and land look wonderful! Thanks for sharing. And I too hope you see no more jets flying overhead!

    1. Those wretched jets come over quite often, and fly so low. The noise they make is deafening. When I hear one coming in the distance, I put my fingers in my ears!

  20. Cro! You never mentioned that you live in heaven!!! What a beautiful, fecund garden area you have. (Violent storms here last night, but they passed quickly). My Moonflower seedlings are up along side 3 tiny Avocado trees. They give me hope. My Sphinx (Hummingbird) Moths come later in the year. Happy Springtime! xo

    1. It's certainly heaven to me 99% of the time. I wish I could grow Avocados here; too much Winter frost I fear.

  21. Thank for your very good article! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!

