Friday 13 April 2018

A lesson in charity economics.

One comes across some wonderful things in the newspapers. This one really appealed!

It seems as if the UK TV channel ITV recently had several terribly well known Z-List celebs strip off, in Full Monty fashion, for the entertainment of whoever watches such tripe.

This very sexy striptease (ahem) was for the benefit of a Breast Cancer charity; all very noble.

Well it might have been, other than they raised just a measly £4,000, whereas each famous celeb stripper was paid £10,000. I count EIGHT celebs, so that makes a spending of £80,000, just to raise £4,000. Not good economics in my book!

Might I suggest to ITV that the next time they wish to organise any charity event; just close down the channel for the evening, and simply give away all the money you save!

p.s. I think the large lady, bottom left, is a 'Nolan', otherwise their fame eludes me!


  1. ITV may well make a donation next year. Even half at 40,000 would be substantial.

  2. So weird and dumb.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I always wonder at those extravagant dinners in the US for charity where everyone pays thousands for a ticket. Why don't they just give it straight to the charity concerned.

    1. Exactly; but would they get their pictures in the trash press?

  4. So this is classed as entertainment in our strange modern times?

    1. TV entertainment is in serious decline. The categories of programme which I refuse to watch has become so large, that there is almost nothing left. At least it gives me a lot more time for other activities.

  5. Red faces all round. What a shower of tits.

    1. I can think of even more apt descriptions for them!!!

  6. At first I thought it must be 1st April. Then I realised it was not. I have to say that the whole thing seems truly bizarre.

  7. No different Cro to Roman times when the greatest enjoyment was watching gladiators fight to the death. Cock fighting, bear baiting, hare coursing,, dare I say it... fox hunting. Funny folk these humans at the things that turn them on...


    1. I would have be tied down to watch such tripe; even then I have a penknife in my pocket.

  8. Oh Cro,
    I was SO annoyed when I read this the other day. All of these charity things are just for the so called celebrities to keep their so called fame going and keeping themselves in the public eye. Why don't they just give some of their own money to the charity ? The fact that they only managed to raise £4,000 just shows how ' famous ' they are !!! XXXX

    1. Imagining they they each gave just £1,000 each of their fees to the charity, that would have added another £8,000. Obviously it must have slipped their minds.

  9. They also miss the point (pun not intended ) that men get breast cancer too

    1. On a much smaller scale, but you're absolutely right.

  10. Charity is a strange business these days.

    1. One can but wonder who had the bright idea of having a few Z Listers strip off on TV for £10,000 each. I expect to hear of sackings!

  11. I am sure you that the person who was in charge of that debacle has a lot of questions to answer.

  12. The trouble is "charity" is big business these days.

    1. In ITV's case, very small business; other than for the strippers.

  13. How stupid. Nobody participates in this stuff anymore, and Nobody was only good for 4K.

    1. With well-warranted worldwide condemnation of female exploitation, It's sad to see that low-IQ TV stations are still promoting such things. Will nothing change?

  14. Don't know a single one. Rarely watch ITV - can't stand the adverts!

    1. I must say, Weave, that I much prefer to watch BBC than commercial channels; which of course limits my viewing even more.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If I might say so, I think it is you who is missing the point. We are all very aware of the Cancers you mention, and I can confirm that I give money to research myself. OK, do a proper programme about Cancer, but lets not have naked women all over the media when the rest of the world is trying to stop sexual expoitation. I think you can see the public's response to this nonsense by the amount of money raised. It was only after the event that we heard they'd each been paid £10,000.

      I can guarantee that fund-raisers on our streets raise more than £4,000 every day; without taking their clothes off, and without being paid £10,000.

      But if you think this is the way to go, and that it's great entertainment, then good for you!

  16. Kind of you to put me in my place.
