Friday 2 March 2018

Life in MARCH.

March is so very different to February, it speaks of hope, where Feb' spelt despair.

Now we'll all begin to blossom again; our sap will rise, and the air we breathe will taste of honey.

The sun will have genuine warmth, those checkout girls will smile again, and there will be free sweets for all.

Bones will mend, chilblains disappear, and freckles darken.

Street conversations will change. No longer will we speak of wind and weather but of far distant islands and sandy beaches, of cold beer and BBQ's, and of picnics and pools.

Haddock's will soon overflow with Tomatoes, Peppers, and Aubergines. Flowers will surround our doorways. Logs will remain unsawn.

Croissants will always be made with butter, Chickens will all be free range and maize fed, and my weekly supply of bread will be hand delivered by the lovely Sandrine.

Trump will become couth, Fat Boy will apologise to the world, and Assad will roll up his sleeves and personally help to rebuild Syria.

In a US amnesty, all guns and ammo will be handed in to the cops.

Yes, I like March. life will now be perfect. Good times ahead.

MEANWHILE: I believe snow has fallen in many parts of Europe. Not here.


  1. Poetic post of hope and happiness, that's the spirit Cro.
    It snowed all day here yesterday and last night, and now the snow has turned into ice.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. No snow here, just windy; I think we've been lucky. I was listening last night to people stuck in snow on UK motorways. The photo above was taken two days ago.

    2. Maria, there's a poetic verse about March that people in the UK used to recite, but I don't know if they still do in this new age:
      The March wind doth blow
      And we shall have snow.
      What shall poor robin do then
      Poor thing?
      Ciao, G

    3. He visits Cro, and eats seeds underneath our terrace table.

  2. I was with you until you mentioned Trump and realised you just being extremely over optimistic.

    1. Overly so perhaps in that paragraph; but one lives in hope!

  3. From your mouth to God's ear!

  4. I read of traffic chaos because of snow in Montpellier and South of France yesterday.

    1. Not here. It's been cold, but no snow. A balmy +6 C this morning.

  5. Still warm here and most of the summer crops are coming to an end. Just about time to plant winter crops.

    1. I can't wait to get out onto Haddock's again. Another 6 weeks at least.

  6. I’m afraid we can’t be as optimistic Cro ...... we are expecting heavy snow this afternoon so we will have to wait a while before we can start thinking of Spring !
    I do like being indoors in the warm with the snow falling outside but only for a few days ! XXXX

    1. I was listening to LBC last night. People were phoning in, stuck on motorways. Dreadful.

  7. I shall just point out to you that it is March, we have eight inches of snow, 60mph winds, freezing rain, no Times printed today, roads blocked, trains stuck for 12 hours in the dark....need I go on. Still - thanks for the timely reminder that Spring is on its way. (Just that it will have to dig its way through the drifts to get here).

    1. The sun is shining here; I'm just back from the vineyard!

  8. Last year it was exactly as you said (well nearly). On 5th March in our little corner of France the sun came out and Spring arrived. I'm hoping for the same this year.
    February is always the longest month, despite having fewer days.

    1. Not bad at the moment. A bit cool maybe, but plenty of sunshine.

  9. Hope is so important in our life.Your place looks perfect, so simple and beautiful.

    1. It's only a small cottage, but it has everything we want. I'm not interested in big houses any more; done that!

  10. I can't believe that photo - it looks so sunny and springlike! My house is waiting for me. Very white, grey and cold here.

    1. It's just the same today. Lovely sunshine and about 10 C. Why are you not here?

  11. Your cheerful post was just what was needed - hope it all comes to pass soon!

  12. It is very quiet and still here right now with forecasters predicting hurricane type winds and heavy rain coming our way in a few hours. Others, further north and west, are being hit with heavy snow. The weather, both atmospherically and politically is looking bad. However, I got my first packet of seeds yesterday and am planning for an early spring. It is better to live in hope than die in despair.

    1. Our good weather might be short-lived, we're expecting several days of rain next week.

  13. The best thing about March is you sense the end of winter. The last few days have been nice here but I know others are really feeling the bad weather. I can't wait to lose winter boots,snow tires and heavy coats.

    1. When I wrote the above I had no idea of the blizzards affecting the UK. It really is quite nice here!!!

  14. Terrific post today !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. forgot... love the photo today !

    2. We are supposed to be having 15 C today; I can hardly believe that others (so nearby) are having it so bad!
