Saturday 3 March 2018


Did I ever mention how much I adore Anchovies?

I love them on toast for breakfast, with simple pizzas in the summer, and on a pissaladiere at any time.

With 'George' our wood fired kitchen oven having been permanently on the go recently, we needed to take full advantage. Lady Magnon baked cakes, pies, and crumbles, and I did the long slow stews, roasts, and other savoury stuff. 

Pissaladiere is a favourite of mine, and it's making was timely. I still have a large box full of red onions from Haddock's, I had a pizza base waiting in the fridge (I never make my own), and my yearning for Anchovies was overwhelming.

Yes, I know it looks a bit messy, but it was really very good; it made an extremely pleasant simple lunch; cheap and easy peasant food at its best!


  1. Now you've given me a good idea for today's lunch! Thanks. Anchovies are very versatile and very useful to have in the cupboard.

    1. We buy multi-packs here; in 5's I think. Delicious.

  2. Beer is the best "marriage" with anchovie pizza to quinch the thirst.
    It is quite easy to make your own pizza dough yourself Cro. If you keep dry yeast granules (they come in packets of 7gramms) in your pantry, then all you need is 50O gramms of plain flour, a teaspoon sugar, about two cups luke warm water and two teaspoon full salt. Mix into dough. Place dough in a bowl and cover with a clean dish cloth and keep in a warm place. Allow to rest to rise for about an hour or more, until the dough has doubled its volume (go for a walk read a book etc). Stretch the dough out with your fingers on an oven dish (I use the dish in the oven). Top with your favourite imgredients. Allow to rest for another 30 to 40 minutes and put in 180° C hot oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Lift the pizza in a corner to check, if it is champagne colour at the bottom then it is ready. Bon Appetite!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. You're right; I really should make my own. I have all the ingredients, it's just that I'm lazy. However, I must say that I would NEVER buy a ready-made pizza in a packet! That would be going too far.

  3. Thank you Maria for the recipe,i shall do it too.

    1. And thank you Cro for reminding me how much i like anchovies too.

    2. I'm glad you want to try it Yael xx

    3. Show us a photo when you do one.

  4. I've often want to make a pissaladiere but first of all tinned anchovies are quite expensive here and secondly traditional people don't like 'fish' on 'pizza'.
    Looks delicious ... to me. You eat well. More variety than us.

    1. Anchovies are expensive because of the process. It takes time to make them, they have to be filleted by hand, then they are eventually very carefully put into the tins by hand.

      If you can find film of an Anchovy factory on YouTube, it would be worth watching.

  5. I also love anchovies .... I’m afraid I love salty food ! I also love the fresh ones ..... are they available where you are Cro ? Also, a couple of anchovies in certain sauces and stews are great for seasoning ..... people who don’t like anchovies don’t know they’re there but the give a wonderful flavour !! I have bought pizzas ... you can get some delicious ready made ones especially in M&S although, I’m a bit of a pizza purist , Marguerita being my favourite. I don’t think the Italians like fancy toppings do they Maria ? XXXX

    1. The only reason I would never buy ready-made, is that they're so quick and easy to make at home. I also know exactly what's on them!

      I'm a 'salt' person too. I blame it on all the Marmite I ate as a child.

    2. PIzza Express do good ones on Euston Road. I always ask for something not on the menu and they will make it, and always with extra anchovies.

    3. The only 'fast-food' that I've ever eaten was KFC. I loved it.

    4. Baked beans and coleslaw and KFC. Yummy.

    5. Jackie, we don't mind different toppingd, like cold meats, cheeses, grilled vegetables, anchovies, olives, capers etc, but, pineapple or banana is a no no :)

    6. Pineapple is definitely a no no and banana I couldn't even think about.

  6. Fry the contents of a tin, bar a couple of fillets. Mashing as they fry. Cool and stir through cream cheese with a goodly squeeze of lemon, and a twist of black pepper to taste. Decorate with the saved fillets. Bob’s your Uncle, you have a tasty Anchovy pate!


    1. That sounds totally delicious. What's not to like!

  7. At times a certain pizza which we may order to be delivered has anchovies. I always say, no anchovies please. Yet I add fish sauce to my very extra special fried rice, pretty well the same thing but liquid.

    1. To me, a Pizza without Anchovy, just ain't a Pizza. As for a Pissaladiere without Anchovy: impossible.

  8. I'm not a great lover of anchovies(I find them too salty) but that Pissaladiere looks yummy.

    1. It's a good 'standby' for when you can't think of anything to cook!

  9. That definitely floats my boat. Salty anchovies and sweet onions on pizza dough, what's not to love.

    1. You've got it; the perfect combination. And don't forget a few black olives.

  10. I have never seen this but I want to eat it.
    I adore anchovies and I have some pizza dough in the fridge that I need to use up. Looking up how to make it now !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. You need about 3 or 4 large onions, finely sliced, and cooked down very slowly. The rest is simple.

    2. Thank You ! I will shop tomorrow.

  11. Me too, me too, me too! Love anchovies. Mostly on big green salads but that Pissaladiere looks fantastic. Must give it a try.

    1. It's a great standby recipe; very few ingredients, and bags of flavour!
