Wednesday 29 November 2017

Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash (Live Hyde Park 1969)

Yes, a much younger Cro was there to see the Butterflies released, the Hells Angels misbehaving, and Mick wearing his bizarre frock. I seem to remember being rather underwhelmed by the whole affair.

Here is a reminder.


  1. I must have seen them a couple of years before you, on Eel Pie Island, the atmosphere was tense, the music loud, the place thrummed with the beat.

    1. I did see one band on Eel Pie Island, but I can't remember which. My main memory of the above was the chaos.

  2. Never did connect with the Rolling Stones, but I did see the Beatles in concert at the Hammersmith Odeon, but never connected with them either.
    I think I was a late starter in regards to bands. Recently I have taken a liking to heavy metal!

    1. Lemmy and 'Ace of Spades' has always been a favourite.No, I wasn't really a Stones fan either, I only went to the above because it was free!

  3. I was in Kew Gardens that afternoon having driven to London in a Hillman Imp with a friend and her older sister. We were in Kew while the sister went for an interview for a job as an au pair abroad somewhere, might have been Saudi. My friend and I were sulky on the way back because we wished we had gone to Hyde Park instead.

    1. It was very chaotic, and the Angels started fighting. The best bit was the huge speakers that were placed around in a circle behind the audience; at times they staggered the sound from speaker to speaker, so that it went around in circles. At the time it was quite magical.

  4. I was there.... right at the back, not that that matters../
    In the film of the concert, at the beginning, the camera pans round the audience... in the background is a line of trees...and somewhere there.... is a little, young me!!
    Living just outside London in those days meant that concerts like this were in budget [free and get-to-able by tube!]
    And the speakers were behind the "expected" audience... they were still in front of the rest of us!! The paupers!!!!

    1. I was right up at the front; probably not the best place to have been. I didn't stay too long, it was very loud.

  5. I saw the Stones in the 80’s. What I remember most was the audience who were very stoned.

  6. Bugger. I would have enjoyed hearing Jumping Jack Flash, but not available in your country. What a joke. I am sure I can find it.

  7. And look at Keith! I am still a Stones fan. When I was younger there was an endless debate of Stones vs Beatles.

  8. My husband got second row seats, center, to see the stones, probably early 90’s. I was underwhelmed, too. My Mother listened to them when I was young, on a turntable, of course!

    1. Some bands are better on record than they are live; I think The Stones were one such.

  9. Strange to think they are still performing. My sister went over to a Barcelona recently to watch them

    1. I don't think I'd bother these days. A final flourish maybe?

  10. Not available in my country .... paah!!
    I saw the Rolling Stones in 1982 in Wembly Stadium... great concert... opening act J Giels band...they were all late coming on due to a massive thunderstorm but it was a great concert....I thought I was the bees knees for years as I had been to a "Stones" concert... Haha

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  11. look at Rambert on utube, look for little red rooster...they interpreted a whole LP...marvellous music and dance
