Thursday 30 November 2017

Let them eat Cake.

Stirring the cake mix is an important ritual in the Magnon household. It must be done clockwise, and a wish must be made (nothing too outlandish). 

I know nothing of Cake baking, but the mix was put to cook for several hours at a low-ish temperature. It's bottom will now be anointed with Armagnac for a week or so, then it will be put away until required for Christmas.

As with last year's Cake (which was excellent) it is a Saint Mary Berry recipe. Just how a rich Christmas Cake should be. Can't wait.


  1. The armagnac must make it divine. I wish you both..a merry christmas

  2. That looks wonderful. Will it last until Christmas?

    1. A certain person has already suggested we start to eat it; her excuse being that we have far too much to eat around Christmas anyway. I fear she may get her way!

  3. Every year when i read your posts about those wonderful cakes i say to myself that i must try it once, may be this year.

    1. You need a lot of ingredients, a lot of time, and a lot of patience. Otherwise it's quite straightforward.

  4. I used to cook the Christmas cake, including one year when I made small individual ones as gifts. Then there was the year of the cake fail. I think it was combination of mixing up two recipes, a lack of confidence in what I knew was right, and an interfering better half, who was not so better on that occasion. I could do it again well, I suppose, but I have handed it over. Let others chop up figs. Of course the brandy that was bought for the cake that kept disappearing was a problem too. I fixed that by pouring some into a jar when the bottle was bought, but still I think that got drunk once.

    1. You sound like a pro'. I wouldn't have a clue where to start; I leave it all to my wife!

  5. That is a lovely and yummy tradition. Is it a fruit cake?

    1. Yes, lots of dried fruits, a few chopped nuts, flour, eggs, and Armagnac (I think).

  6. I must say, looking back over your posts Cro, that food features highly!

    1. It's one of my passions. Good food, simple wine, nice countryside, and peace and quiet. Not necessarily in that order.

  7. The cake looks wonderful..
    I look forward to the start of your Christmas post especially the Christmas cake ones.
    I giggled at the last photo where it looks like "someone" is stealing an early taste.
    Why do you only anointed the bottom of the cake? Must look this up.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I think she makes small holes all over the bottom, then the alcohol is absorbed batter. Otherwise, I really don't know.
