Saturday 4 November 2017

Little Miss Cake.

We share the chores in this house; I cook everything that involves salt and spices, and Lady Magnon cooks everything that involves flour and sugar.

Now that she's 37½ years old, she's managed to achieve that wonderful kitchen confidence where she can make brilliant cakes, almost with her eyes closed. 

She doesn't have a huge armoury of different cake recipes, but her Lemon Drizzle, Chocolate, and Walnut cakes are perfection every time. 

I'm not really supposed to eat such things, but when I smell the aroma of cake-baking, I can't resist a small piece with my afternoon cup of Lapsang.

What I now need, is for her to master the making of Crumpets, Squashed Fly Biscuits, and Battenburg. 

I seem to be thinking a lot about food again recently; it must be the approach of Christmas.


  1. That looks delicious and its even got icing!

    1. I really should have removed the icing from my slice, but it was too good.

  2. I'm a glutton for anything with chocolate in it. Like you I keep it to the minimum. I think it's all the hot cocoa (spell checker wants to write the name of a famous fizzy drink) I was force fed :) at bedtime as a child.

    1. For this particular cake Lady M used a specially good chocolate; it makes all the difference.

    2. Mrs. G buys Gatterer Dirndl. Now there's a chocolate! It's just for eating. I'm allowed one small piece a day.

      Mostly Viennese housewives cook Manner. ;)

  3. Mmmmm that plate of chocolate cake slices looks dangerously delicious. Don't think crumpets have sugar in them. You could give them a try yourself......or aren't you old enough?

    1. I might try one day. I have a YouTube video of them being made, and it looks quite easy.

      p.s.I have to get an adult to light the gas for me; otherwise OK.

  4. I think a lot about crumpets after googling them some days ago, i think i shall try and make them, i did not even know what are they until i read your post...

    1. We found 'Muffins' in the supermarket, but not Crumpets. Muffins are good too.

  5. They have started to sell 'giant' crumpets here now Cro.....perhaps the size of a side plate....delicious drizzled with butter and then a poached egg and spinach on the top.

    1. Giant Crumpets sound wonderful. I'm beginning to have real Crumpet envy.

  6. I think crumpets are are loved not just for themselves but also the memories of gathering around the fire toasting them on cold autumn afternoons.
    If you do attempt to make them please, please video it. xx

    1. I have a nice old fashioned toasting fork, but nothing to put on them.

  7. Death by Chocolate probably does what it says on the tin BUT moderation in all things - choc. and red wine included. We had a mini binge yesterday with little, irresistable Mendiants chocs from Lidl.

    1. I do like really good quality chocolate, but the cheap imitation chocolate (as found on many biscuits) is horrible.

  8. That cake looks delicious, and would not last long in our house. Perhaps your thoughts about food is because the weather is turning colder so you will need more fuel to keep the inner fires stoked up. This is the excuse I frequently use when I am heading towards anything sweet!

    1. Yes, the cake was really good. I think there's still a little left for this afternoon.

  9. Lady Magnon has very light cooking duties.

  10. I agree, I have been thinking of food so much more .
    All my family is coming for Christmas and New Year.
    Lots of great cooks in the kitchen.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. That sounds like fun. We shall have yet another quiet Christmas; eating, drinking, and Skype!

  11. Lapsang! My favourite tea. I'm going to make a pot now. To accompany the crumpets I promised my son.

  12. Replies
    1. Still a couple of slices left. If you hurry.....

  13. BATTENBURG, cake of the Gods! It's so much work but so good.
