Friday 3 November 2017

Dancing lessons.

                                  Image may contain: drawing

I never had dancing lessons, we were simply expected to know what to do; but we didn't!

Lady Magnon, on the other hand, did have some instruction.

When we 'rough dance' in the kitchen she often takes the male rĂ´le (as shown above). She attended an all girls school and during her dance lessons half the girls had to pretend to be boys; she was one such.

She never got over it.


  1. Good morning Cro ... I love that you and Lady M ‘ rough dance ‘ in the kitchen.
    .... I think that dancing is like laughter ...... a brilliant medicine ! XXXX

    1. Yes, we occasionally have an impromptu dance; doesn't everyone?

  2. Cute. What music gets your toes tapping?

  3. The sketch of you two dancing would suggest that you have a lot of fun!

  4. My husband loves modern dancing. I can't dance but was taught 'country dancing' at school. So the night we went to a Scottish Caelidh he was astounded I knew what to do and he hadn't a clue. Just for once I had the upper hand on the dance floor.

    1. I'm a hopeless dancer, but I try to hide my ignorance.

  5. I think everybody does it too. We certainly used to.

    1. What; dance as if you were the boy? I suppose it was all part of the learning process (to dance, I mean).

    2. I meant dance in the house. I did go to dancing classes, 30 girls and two boys so yes I got to dance as the boy too.

  6. English, Scottish and Israeli (?) dancing was fine at our all girls school, but with 'ballroom' we had the boys in from up the road! As young adults we had the Court School of Dancing - above a furniture shop - in town and many a romantic liason was formed.
    We jog around when a good bit of music comes up on the telly and we do a waltz/slouch to everything now.

    1. I think my own style of dancing could be called 'rough waltz', which I use for everything. I get away with it.

  7. Paul won't dance - all the twirling makes him giddy and he falls over.

    1. I get giddy and fall over, but it's not the dancing that does it!

  8. I once had some ballroom dancing lessons. It is a law of nature that a great crowd of absolute beginners find themselves all crammed into the corner of a large room very quickly, then the music has to be stopped and them disentangled and put back evenly in the centre of the room to start again... and again...

    1. I suppose they were all heading for the exit.

  9. The Retired Man is not a dancer, however, after some fine wine, he might try some John Travolta moves. It is not always pretty, but he has fun and so do I.

    Dancing is joy, and this post is lovely.

    1. I hope he has the clothes to go with the moves. They wouldn't be the same otherwise.

  10. My grandparents were beautiful ballroom dancers. They gave all the grandkids lessons and surprisingly some of it stuck. One of my favourite memories is about 12 kids and the two of them dancing in the living room with all the furniture pushed to the walls.

    1. You were very lucky; my family all had two left feet. Hopeless dancers.

  11. We were sent to dancing lessons in which the boys were taught to carry a cup of punch to their dancing partners. Good times!
