Friday 6 October 2017

The difference between the parties.

Thank goodness that the Political Party Conference season it now over.

                             Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Effigies hanging beneath bridge"

I have often said that the Socialists have one major problem; their charming supporters!

Can you imagine a Conservative supporter hanging effigies of Corbyn or Abbott beneath a bridge with the slogan 'Hang the Marxists'? Of course not.

                              Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Conservative party conference 2017"

Did any witless fool try to disturb Corbyn's speech at Brighton? Of course not.

There's no doubt about it, Socialism boasts of its juvenile pranks, just as it boasts of its equally juvenile policies. The Tories are somewhat better behaved, and, thankfully, far more responsible.

Maybe that's because at their conference they mostly looked like very old age pensioners.


  1. Were there any Conservatives to hang I'd agree with you. May, Hammond and Rudd are a disaster. Globalist, Marxist light one and all.

    1. All I can say is, that I'm glad it's all over for another year.

  2. There's a general election here in a couple of weeks. I was talking to two people who will be voting. They are both at Uni and both in their mid-20s. Both very interested in politics. May even be active young socialists. It seemed that way. In the course of conversation happened to mention that I once met Salman Rushdie. I noticed their blank looks. I said: You've heard of him of course? Answer: No. Then I said: But maybe you've heard of a book called "Satanic Verses"? Once again. No. But you know what a fatwa is? Silence.

    1. I expect the same could be said of many young people in the UK too. They know more of Taylor Swift than they do of Shakespeare.

  3. Your 'Hang the Tories' banner was probably commissioned by Laura Pidcock, Labour MP, NW Durham, the voice of new young Labour.

    1. No doubt it was done by an extreme left wing supporter of Corbyn's, but it isn't something you'd do in an extreme left wing country such as Russia or N Korea.

  4. I must say the same thought crossed my mind Cro. I do hate the conference season though because they all trot out what they are going to do and little of it ever gets done.

  5. The thought that went through my mind when the witless prankster lunged towards Mrs May was that in most countries the head of the government would have been protected far more effectively. He could quite easily have attacked her before her CPOs got to her.

    1. The Conservatives have always been very trusting; maybe too much so. I dread the time when all UK political figures are surrounded by a bunch of 'heavies'.

  6. Quite right. The Socialists only make bad-taste jokes by hanging effigies. Your classic Tory would like to bring back hanging for real.

    1. Especially for lefties who make hanging effigies.

  7. Mrs May has some extremely fancy footwear but I really wouldn't like to be in her shoes.

    1. I hear she is something of a shoe aficionado.

  8. Poor Tess. It all looked so perfect on paper. There was time when youthful idealistic communists would become Tories in their old age. The youf is now much more conservative but I don't think they will go towards the right in their older age.

    1. Churchill said something like 'If you don't vote Labour at the age of 20, you have no soul. If you don't vote Tory at the age of 30, you have no brain'.
