Thursday 5 October 2017

Neil Young - Harvest Moon

Today there was, is, or will be, a Harvest Moon. Here is Neil Young with his beautiful song celebrating the event.

I just love this song; and its funny video.


  1. It is a beautiful song and I had not heard it for some time. Thank you.

    1. It was also a beautiful moon last night. At 2.30 am it was almost like daylight.

  2. It's a full moon here too. I must think this through about full moons on the other side of the world.

    1. I was trying to explain 'Harvest Moon' to my neighbour yesterday, and he asked what they were harvesting in the UK at the moment. Pumpkins maybe?

  3. Full moon also here. Now i shall ask Mr. Google whatis harvest moon.

    1. It roughly coincides with the British 'Harvest Festivals', so I imagine it comes from there.

  4. Neil Young, one of the best.
    Our harvest moon was big and bright last night. In-between harvest here. Grapes finished, olive trees awaiting a little rain

  5. The Harvest Moon normally rises in September after the equinox when traditionally the grain harvest would have been in full swing. Harvests in my life time have got earlier and earlier so the Harvest moon counts for nothing and the combine harvesters have headlights anyway. You can name a moon what you like and in different parts of the world they get called different names according to what suits. Because of the 28 day cycle of the moon's orbit and 30/31 day months every so often the Harvest Moon ends up in October, as this year. This year it is the Aries Full Moon so I am wondering what is in store for me today.

    1. As Lammas (August 1st) is when traditionally we eat bread made from the year's new harvest, that suggests that the Wheat has always been harvested in July. September sounds very late.

    2. When I was growing up the wheat harvest was late August, early September. It is now early August.

    3. New varieties, new practices.

  6. Yes, I noted the beautiful moon rising last night. I love this time of year with everything winding down. I've been clearing and weeding at the allotment and yesterday after cutting the grass at home I sat on my bench with a cup of tea and watched the golden sun set. The album Harvest is in my husband's collection and I shall play it on my son's record player later today - no gardening as it is pouring in the Surrey Hills.

    1. I've just been looking at my Orchard which needs mowing. I daren't leave it too long. Nice here today, and set to continue. Do you live anywhere near my native Lingfield?

  7. He's even more clever than I thought - to be able to dance at the same time as you play the music. He always looks like an axe-murderer to me though.

  8. Wow. That's a blast from the past.

  9. I watched the moon rise up behind the trees last night, it was amazing. Even Rick was spell bound.

    1. I got up at 2.30 this morning to look at it. I think Bok was impressed too.

  10. I often wonder if there's a connection between full moon, planetary alignments and earthquakes.

    1. You'd need to go way back in history to make any firm connection. Somehow I doubt it, but I'm a sceptic.

  11. One of my favourite songs and the moon was beautiful here last night.

  12. My very, very favorite song from my favorite singer. The other songs on this album are wonderful also.

  13. That was wonderful! I will be looking up more of his music.

    1. Listen to Long May You Run. It is a beauty.

    2. After the Goldrush is his greatest album, give that a go too Patty.

  14. I always thought this song was a sweet little ditty, pretty enough, but simple. Then I saw how it was used in the movie version of Eat, Pray, Love. It's about a man who still loves a woman who does not love him back "I want to see you dance again, because I'm still in love with you, on this Harvest Moon." It was genius: the simplicity of the song, its sweetness, now seems so sad, and the longing is so understated (don't need an Adele here) that it hurts to watch. Now I get wistful and melancholy when I hear it.

    1. I think we hear the wistful and melancholy more as we age.

  15. You have got great music taste. I love Neil Young.

  16. This would go well on our ukuleles I think.

  17. Mmmmm....Makes me remember when hubby and I met in 1975. We actually looked a lot like that couple back then. Not so much, now! Feeling very nostalgic.

  18. Dancing to this a long time ago is a happy memory for me...thank you.
