Wednesday 8 February 2017

Curried Stein.

With some recent inclement weather, and a load of tripe on TV, I've entertained myself with a re-run of Rick Stein's series on India.

I'm something of a Stein fan (as you can probably see above) and his TV series' are always worth watching. They combine travelogue and cuisine; what better mix. His India series is sumptuous.

Much of India is vegetarian, and this aspect of their cooking appeals to me enormously.  I would happily become a veggie if I lived in India; maybe with some fish thrown in.

The endless combination of pulses, vegetables, ghee, yogurt, and spices, creates wonderful dishes; I really must learn, and experiment, more.

Luckily Lady Magnon feels the same as I do, and as long as her beloved pasta isn't excluded from the menu she's happy to join me. 


  1. He's good entertainment! I haven't seen his India series. I hope we see it on greek TV one day

  2. I think the India series - and the book that goes with it - are among the best he's done.

    1. Me too, I have the book by my side most of the time, and could watch the DVD's again and again.

  3. Haven't seen him for years - mind you I hardly watch television. Don't have any of his books either - must check in the library.

    1. The India book is very good, and the recipes not too complicated.

  4. Been following some of this series, I particularly like his seafood recipes.

    Although I do love the Indian curries, sadly the wife doesn't go for anything spicey so korma is about her limit.

    1. Some of the amounts of chilli powder he puts into dishes is quite worrying, but no recipe is carved in stone.

  5. I like him as a traveller and for his enthusiasm about different cultures. The cooking is incidental.

    1. Being a curry nut, the cooking for me is as important as the travelogue.

    2. I like his celebration of local foods which we sadly in Britain do not emulate. We should.

  6. It is one of my projects in the future to investigate Indian cuisine as I do love spicy food.

  7. I do like watching his series but I do get very cross when he slags off the UK .... he does it a lot and it annoys me as Padstow and tele has made him a rich man !!! .... and, I don't like his man-bag !!!!! Apart from that, he's good !! XXXX

    1. I haven't really noticed him being critical of Blighty; I'll look out for it now!

  8. I liked the one he did on a barge travelling from the Atlantic to the Med in France. I think he had his dog with him.

    1. In one episode he stops off with my friend Simon Fletcher for lunch; down in the Herault.

  9. Chalky the Dog was a star especially the time he jumped up and savaged the microphone!
    Latest scare story is about arsenic in rice. What next?

    1. We all loved Chalky. As for the arsenic in Rice; bring it on. I ain't changing.

  10. Stein is terrific, without showmanship. His India series was great.

    1. I loved watching it again the other day. It doesn't date.

  11. When I used to visit India on business all of the people I worked for were vegetarian/ Jain and I never missed meat when I was there. The food was always gorgeous. They know how to combine ingredients to produce a balanced meal so you do feel the lack of anything. This is a style of cooking the reputation of which has been destroyed by cheap curry houses in the U.K. Rather like Greek food, which in Greece is sublime and in the UK is in grease. Sorry I could not resist that.

    1. In Greece I've always eaten in beach-side tavernas, where the fish dishes were swimming around just a few minutes beforehand.

      I must add that I've eaten in some exquisite Indian restaurants in London, including Veeraswamy's off Regent St.

  12. I love the one where he keeps changing his shirt because it's so hot! Makes me chuckle!

    1. You can imagine the heat. 40 C outside, and cooking over a hot stove. I'm not surprised he melted.

  13. Our Public TV travel host is Rick Steves. How odd that their names are so alike. I do enjoy watching him and the places that he takes us. Food is often a good part of his programs also.

    1. If you feel like a change, try Rick Stein on YouTube.

    2. Rick Steve's travel books are very good and very comprehensive.

  14. Thank you for reminding me of Rick Stein. I will have a look at YouTube, and see if B&N bookshop have some of this books to scan.

    We are expecting to receive up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow. A good time to make a curry!

    1. I hope you've cleaned your skis. Still quite pleasant here; some light rain at nights, and sunny days. Nothing to complain about.

  15. I am a stein fan too, and am enjoying his spanish series on tv at the moment.....

    1. There's an English man in that series who went to my Prep' school. He lives miles from anywhere, and wrote a book about 'driving over Lemons' (?). He was a drummer I think. Stein manages to find allsorts!

    2. Great series of books as well!
