Thursday 9 February 2017

Cars eh? Who'd have em'.

Having not mis-spent my youth, I know nothing about the inner workings of a motor car, other than how to clean spark plugs, where to put petrol, and how to meaningfully kick tyres.

However, I do recognise a rattling noise when I hear one.

Some time back I'd had to have some major work done to The Compact Royce; noise was coming from somewhere amongst the back wheels. There's a long metal rod inside the bit that connects the two back wheels that was making a noise on the right hand side, and it took a stonking €500 to fix.

Recently I heard a similar noise coming from the back left hand side, so I took it to my man for another €500's worth.

Luckily he found that in fact the new noise was coming from the front, and replaced the offending part for under €200 (a short rod with two rubber ends).

So, I now have a bonus of €300 burning a hole in my pocket. 

The echo of my huge sign of relief is still bouncing around outdoors.


  1. Touch wood and spit three times!

    1. I'm hoping it'll last a few more years, although he did say that the clutch was making some noise!

  2. A childhood memory if mine is dad having a rant to me at a sale about a man kicking the tires on a machine!

  3. The £200 a time I was spending on my 10 year old Ford became like confetti. It was time to stop.

    1. I beginning to think that myself, but I love the old gal, and am hoping that she'll provide good service for some while yet.

  4. If you see someone kicking tyres, you can guarantee they know sod all about cars.

  5. Have you decided how to spend that spare 300 euros?

    1. Kimbo and the boys are coming this weekend; I'm sure we'll find something.

  6. Once a car starts costing money on it's bits actually wearing out, it is time to change it!!

    1. I disagree. Once it totally, 100%, refuses to budge, and bits are falling off, is when one changes it.

  7. Our nineteen year young Compact Bentley regularly passes the NCT and this year it had a minor failure that cost a mere eighteen Euro to fix. It is a beautiful vehicle to drive and has lots of power Furthermore the model is now going up in price as it is now a collectors piece!

    1. I'm not sure how a Compact Bentley compares to a Compact Royce, but mine is depreciating by the hour.

  8. Oh well .... C'est la vie !!!
    Is the caravan finished for the boys ? XXXX

    1. Yes, other than painting the walls. I laid the 'fitted carpet' just yesterday!

  9. My vehicle is certainly not a "luxury" car (a Toyota SUV), it is twelve years old, completely paid off, and apart from the usual maintenance and parts that wear out, it owes me nothing. I will drive it into the ground. My husband on the other hand is driving a used Jag, which when things go wrong, costs a ridiculous amount of money to fix, so if it doesn't affect the mechanics of the vehicle he just leaves it. I hate the bloody, fussy thing! -Jenn

    1. Cars are a pain in the neck. We all need them, and they always cause trouble. I like simple, old, cars; the type that you can repair with chewing gum and a piece of string.

  10. My husband has two volvo estates over 20 years old. I think they will go on as long as he does!

    1. Volvo always had a reputation for being one of the most durable cars. I seem to remember it was 15 years....

  11. Once, as a teen, I took my fathers car (Ford Galaxy) without permission. While four wheeling in a field (!) the muffler came loose. My friends and I, all bad boys, tied it in place with several of our socks. Weeks later it fell off again and my father blamed himself. He's been dead now over 25 years. Is it too late to say I'm sorry? Sorry dad, sorry.

    1. Sounds like you all did a grand repair job; it's a shame it didn't last!

  12. This summer was the first time I had to spend money for repairing my 12 year old Suburu. Three months later I had to invest more. It has been the best car I have ever had and I hate to have to think that this is the beginning of the end. She has served me well.

    1. It's like losing an old friend. I'd be very sad to part with The Compact Royce.

  13. What struck me about the Compact Royce is that you can see ground through the engine compartment: unknown these days.

  14. 300€ to spend on something more fun!

  15. You would be hard pressed to find spark plugs now to clean them. They seem to lock them away somewhere, but on the positive side, they last a very long time now without attention.
