Monday 26 December 2016


All over bar the washing-up.

The Turkey was moist and delicious, the bottle of Margaux perfect, even my strange looking experimental stuffing (middle of picture) was really excellent.

Timings seem to have been OK, quantities well exceeded the necessary, and there are plenty of left-overs for the next few days.

All in all, it went well. We kept Prince Charles's Plum Pudding for another occasion, and didn't even bother with the cheeses. 

Another Christmas, another over indulgence, and another diet to follow.

Next December 25th we'll do it all again, and it will all look exactly the same. Certain things just mustn't change; ever!


  1. It looks delicious (for colder climes). How many of you were there for that delicious meal? Our steak with spring vegetables followed by trifle was superb. Just the two of us which was lovely for a change and a nice relaxing day.

    1. Just the two of us! We spent the rest of the day on Skype.

  2. 'Ahh a 'normal' Christmas dinner. Looks and sounds delicious. The turkey looks cooked to perfection. Your leftovers are going to be equally delicious.

  3. Happy San Stefano, Cro! Your turkey looks lovely! I also like your new profile, I forgot to mention yesterday that I liked the photo of you. Have a lovely day.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. And a Happy St Etienne to you too. All went well yesterday, and hopefully will again today although there's much less cooking to do. Very mild here now; I'm just off to take the dog for his first walk of the day.

  4. That looks really tasty... we had pintad...slow-cooked on a bed of collard greens, lardons, onions, carrots and white wine... a we drank the rest with the meal....and we also stopped after the main course!
    Happy Boxing Day to you, Lady Margoletta and Bok.... may 2017 be kind to us and the World!

    1. We had a Pintade just a few days before, and I used the stock to make my sauce yesterday. Our Pintade was almost the same price as the Turkey!

      Quiet day today. Hopefully not too much eating!

  5. That turkey looks worthy of a photo in a cookery book - it looks picture perfect, and I can almost taste it ! Hope Bok got to sample a sliver or two !

    1. He's already had a few bits this morning, as had Freddy (and me).

  6. Glad it went to your satisfaction although I bet you didn't get a Mecanno set this year. I cooked Christmas dinner for friends for the first time. I was married to a superb cook and hostess (but we spent most Christmases nearly 500 miles from home at my Parents') and since then I've either been in New Zealand (The Family cooked) or with friends. I enjoyed the experience. Perhaps I'll do it again.

    1. I always plan everything on paper; like a battle plan. That way I 'hope' not to forget anything.

    2. We obviously have some things in common: I also have a plan written out. I even look at it occasionally!

  7. Yes, we do it all again, just the same, next year. I see you were only two. We were also only the two of us. It was great .I'm vegetarian so he gets to eat all the Christmas meat and roast pototoes. I have my own apple, celery and cranberry stuffing; pumpkin cakes in caramel sauce and cauliflouwer cheese. Bliss...

    1. I think Christmas is one time I'd have real difficulty being veggie. Otherwise we do eat veggie several times each week, but I do have to have my Turkey.

  8. We had prime rib and many sides and the best part was that I did not have to prepare any of it. I so appreciated being a guest rather than the host this time. Watching the younger generation keeping some traditions but also making new ones for themselves and their families is lovely to see as the baton was passed.

    1. I'm not sure if I'd like that. I'd still like to be the one in the kitchen, even if we were more numerous around the table. I like being in control!

  9. Your delicious Christmas dinner looks like the epitome of a worthy tradition. The potential for delicious leftovers is definitely an important part of the plan.

    Happy Boxing Day!

    1. Tonight we eat a Turkey Casserole. Thighs of the bird in a sauce made from all the juices. Probably more delicious than yesterday's roast. Tomorrow, I expect it'll be Curry.

  10. We are having turkey bits all in juices too with everything thrown into the oven in the roasting tin and I am not paying much attention to it but am happy it will be fine. My roast yesterday looked just like your picture. I can cook too you know.x

    1. Boxing day Turkey is always better. Ours last night was a bit like yours.

  11. I always enjoy the leftovers better than the actual dinner, I think it's because I haven't had to cook it all over again.

    1. That's it. All the angst is over, and the enjoyment is multiplied.

  12. This all looks so wonderful.
    We had a very simple dinner Duck breast, grilled salad and mashed potatoes. We will have lovely leftovers today. Perfect.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. On one occasion when I was by myself for Christmas, I roasted a Duck. It was very indulgent and delicious.

  13. like me, you cook your stuffing outside the bird. A wise move: I find it reduces the anxiety about its done-ness, and also provides a pleasingly crispy crust to the stuffing.

    1. I made two lots. One was more of a 'meat loaf' with Pork, the other (in the photo) was basically 'sage and onion' with foie gras, cranberries, and chestnuts, all bathed in Port and wrapped in smoked bacon. It was bloody delicious!
