Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas greetings 2016.


A very happy Christmas from Santa Cro, Lady Magnon, Bok and Fred. xx

To get you really in the mood, here are The Beach Boys.

Now, go and put those Sprouts on; they need five hours cooking (at least). Cro xx


  1. Is that really my baby bro? We have had an enjoyable day (not over yet as it is only 4.45 p.m.) But we had good walks a delicious lunch of steak and spring vegies followed by trifle.

    Even though it was a "no presents" year I still got a kindle. It is 22 degrees which is quite pleasant.

    Enjoy your turkey.

    1. I'm up early again (can't sleep, no radio). It's beautifully quiet, just me and the snoring animals. I'm now going to work out my Turkey timetable; I think it'll need 3 hours!

      Happy Christmas.

  2. I am glad you are cooking the sprouts for a long time. I will be getting up soon to do the same. You were early with your comment this morning. Happy Christmas. Perhaps Santa will bring you a new radio. Xx

    1. Mr Amazon is bringing one; a WiFi internet radio that has an earphone socket. Normal life will resume after Dec 29/30th (delivery date).

  3. Happy Christmas from coastal California! Bea x

    1. 'Coastal California' sounds just perfect. It's foul here with damp, drizzle, and dark days; not at all Christmassy. Happy Christmas Bea xx

  4. Good gracious, Cro. Are you up blogging at 5am?! It's not quite 1am here and I'm just getting in bed (typing this on my phone). We've had a lovely Xmas eve and there's still tomorrow to look forward to. Happy Christmas! xxo

    1. Can't sleep and old radio broken; still, I've done all my food preparations and am ready for the onslaught. Cro xx

  5. Replies
    1. Merry certainly; bright I'm not so sure. It's wet and dark here. We'll probably have to stay indoors. Cro xx

  6. And a peaceful and indulgent day to yourselves as well.

    1. I hope the weather is better in Cumbria than it is here. Best wishes, Cro.

    2. Overcast, breezy and cool, but dry.

  7. Happy Christmas to you all I hope you do all that food justice. Sure you will.

    1. I've just been preparing the stuffing with lots of foie gras; it's seems a little over indulgent. Diets looming. Best wishes, Cro.

  8. Good morning Cro, Merry Christmas, have a lovely day.
    (Re Turkey cooking: should be, plus minus, 15 minutes/kilogram, depending on your oven.)
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I was reckoning on 20 mins per kilo, plus another 30 mins; then rest for nearly an hour. I'll let you know; I hope it won't be over-cooked. Best wishes. Cro xx

    2. Oops, I spot the error now! I did mean 30 mins per kilo and NOT 15! Sorry - Thank goodness you're a good cook, Cro!

  9. A merry Xmas day to you and Lady Cro. Pity about the weather. A day for eating, drinking and snoozing round the fire

    1. With one or two dog walks thrown in. I hope there's a decent film on TV. Best wishes, Cro xx

  10. Merry Cristmas to all of you.

    1. And, most importantly, I wish you a peaceful new year. Nos meilleurs voeux, Cro xx

  11. Happy Christmas!
    Enjoy all those Skype calls with the family. Somehow I think that turkey will turn out just fine and, even though Christmas be a bit quieter than normal, I hope you still have a truly lovely Christmas. xx

    1. Luckily I'm just as happy with a quiet Christmas, as I am with a noisy one. We shall still do all the traditional things, and dinner will be at 7 pm.

      Very best wishes Elaine, Cro xx

  12. Twenty minutes per kilo Cro? I work on twenty minutes per pound. Have a lovely day x

    1. Oh dear. Mine is only 4 kilos, so if I reckon on giving it 2 hrs 45 mins, I should be OK. I haven't failed yet, but there's always a first time! Very best wishes Ally, Cro xx

  13. Merry Christmas to you all Cro, may you have a peaceful and enjoyable day, and your turkey cooked to perfection, as I'm sure it will be. Are the sprouts on yet?

    1. They been on since Wednesday... they should be done soon! Best wishes Coppa, Cro xx

  14. Happy Christmas! I'm panicking, I haven't even peeled the sprouts yet...

    1. In which case I wouldn't bother, unless they're for Boxing Day. Best wishes Sue, Cro xx

  15. Merry Christmas Cro.... and everyone else!
    What a grey morning...almost nine a.m. and it seems like dusk!
    The perfect day to cook, eat and sit by a roasting log fire... or in our case... a video of one...(don't ask...long, bitter saga!)

    Sprouts should be steamed for twenty to thirty minutes.... depending on their size.... especially for those who can remember school meal sprouts.... cooked until you can mash them.
    Another great way to eat them is finely sliced and then quick fried, in sunflower or peanut oil, with chestnuts... and drizzled with walnut oil before serving.
    If you don't want to go to the hassle of slicing the things, quarter them... works just as well! They just need a longer, more gentle fry....

    1. I once had some in a local restaurant that had been boiled for five days then fried in butter for another hour or so. They were brown, and tasted wonderful. I par-boil mine for about 15 mins, then fry with diced smoked bacon and chestnuts. Very good.

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Aril, and I wish you the same. Cro xx

  17. Happy Christmas to you and your family Cro. Your music is always so much jollier than mine! x

    1. I love the Beach Boys, you can almost feel the warmth. Best wishes, Cro xx

  18. Dull and wet here in Bournemouth, but hey, a roast dinner and good whiskey can make any day bright. Have a really good day Cro.

    1. Very dull and damp here, and I now have to go to fetch a wheelbarrow load of logs. I may be some while. Best wishes, Cro.

    2. Is the log store where you hide the whiskey?

  19. Your comment about the sprouts made me smile. I have a friend who went to Uni in London and who lived in Crosby, Liverpool. When he was going home for the week end he would ring his mother from the station before he boarded the train and tell her he was on his way. Her reply was always the same 'I'll put the vegetables on now.' (3 hour journey to Liverpool)!
    I cook my sprouts for ten minutes whether they like it or not.
    Happy Christmas.

    1. I reckon 10-15 mins is enough. I shall then fry mine briefly with smoked bacon and chestnuts.

  20. Well it's a good job I read the comments! I cook sprouts exactly the way you do. I buy cooked and vacuum packed chestnuts (I use lots of chestnuts for things including chestnut soup). At the moment I'm sure they would make a better investment than gold! Have a great day Cro.

    1. I've never understood why people hate Sprouts so much; I love them. They simply have to be treated with respect. Best wishes Graham, Cro.

    2. I love sprouts. We both do. But ourd are boiled for 30 minutes because we like them soft and mushy.

  21. Belated Xmas wishes to you all. I've just sent off photos taken of today's morning walk to friends in the UK and Spain which heavily feature the dogs and our guest dog dressed as Santa Paws oppening her pressies. Quick glass of Bucks Fizz, shower, dress up (!) and boil up the sprouts for lunch. Have a great day.

    1. We've just had some Elderflower Champagne with smoked salmon and caviare on bikkies, whilst Skyping the children. It's starting off very well. Very best wishes Potty, Cro xx

  22. Merry Christmas Santa Cro - I put my sprouts on in October just to make sure they were done :)

  23. Thank you Santa Cro. We are eating with family at their house this year so no cooking for us...maybe just the washing up! Have a wonderful day x

    1. I'm just about to start my preparations, but I refuse to do the washing-up. Have a peaceful day, Cro xx

  24. Sorry, I can't stomach the Beach Boys on Christmas Day. Enjoy your sprouts.

    Great hat. Great beard. Great photo.

    1. Get your surf board out, put on your baggies, and enjoy!

      Have a good Christmas Gwil, Cro.

  25. That's a very good picture of you! I'm the only one in the family who really likes Brussel sprouts. Maybe that's the secret, I'm not cooking them long enough ;) Have a very merry Christmas!-Jenn

    1. I love Sprouts; all ways. Best for Christmas is lightly cooked then fried with smoked bacon and a few Chestnuts. Enjoy your Sprouts; very best wishes, Cro xx

  26. Oh Cro, I was wondering why sprouts had to cook for so long, but eventually caught on the little joke! I also steam for 15 minutes, quick fry in diced smoked pancetta, dish out on the plate, a bit of grinded pepper and freshly grated parmesan on top.

    1. I've not tried grating Parmesan on top. Sprouts have become something of a joke in the UK, but I love them. They just need treating with 'respect'.

  27. we did christmas...sprouts and xmas pud...but not together!! xx

    1. We couldn't face the pud', or the cheeses.... too much of everything; but wonderful. Cro xx
