Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Fly in the Ointment.

I love the lazy days of Summer; sitting by the pool with friends, discussing nothing in particular, enjoying a glass of wine.

We've had visitors from all over the world this year. In the photo above he (D) is from Canada/Barbados, and she (S) is from Johannesburg. Others this year have been from California, Australia, and even Blighty. The world seems such a small place, yet our lives and aspirations are so similar.

The only thing that spoils such occasions is knowing that elsewhere in the more primitive world children are suffering, men are being tortured and executed, and women are being forced into slavery.

I know I tend to go on about this quite often, but it preys on my mind; night and day.

When I see pictures of middle-eastern towns that are no more than piles of rubble, or fanatics destroying precious ancient monuments, I wonder if the perpetrators can possibly be of the same species as myself. 

How can one human being be so fond of peace, quiet, and order (me); yet others think of little other than hatred, killing, and destruction.

I suppose it all boils down to 'brainwashing'; or dare I say it, 'religion'. Actually, the two seem synonymous.


  1. I so much wish for peace in the world Cro, I realise how fortunate I am right now while many humans are suffering.
    Bok seems to be enjoying himself too, he looks like he is ready for a run!
    I like your blue espadrillas.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. If only we had a magic wand, or even a strategy for ending it all. Thinking of what a world my grandchildren will grow up in makes me very depressed.

  2. I don't have any answers. I try to remember to be grateful for the good luck I was born with. I often think how different things would be had I been born in a place like present day Aleppo, for instance. Or some desperately poor African nation. Or any of 100 more awful scenarios I can think of.

    Sometimes I think humans are never going to get over themselves. We should be doing better in the year 2016. 🌏

    1. And I agree with Maria, I like seeing good old Bok in the picture!

    2. Some humans should be totally ashamed of themselves, whilst others just despair.

      Bok is usually very nearby. Lovely boy.

  3. Yes, synonymous, although jealousy and greed also play a part.

    Sadly though, the atrocities seem to be escalating.

    1. And all in such a short time. One can but imagine what it'll be like in ten years time (if nothing drastic is done).

  4. Hot-headed people in hot climates and oppression and jealousy are a bad mix.

    1. And add a sense of hopelessness into the mix for good measure.

    2. Religion doesnt come into it. It is merely a facade.

    3. Sunnis killing Shias (and vice versa) certainly sounds like religious hatred.

    4. Shias and Sunnis are fighting together against ISIL in Syria.

    5. I've given up trying to work-out who's fighting who in Syria. Maybe I was thinking of Iraq.

  5. I can't help but think if religion were abolished, the world would be a much better place. Unfortunately, the evil arseholes of the world would simply find another excuse for perpetrating their crimes against humanity.

  6. We should ask ourselves who makes the poor ? countries poorer, who exports weapons and who provokes the wars all over the world. Would be interesting !

    1. I understand what you're hinting at, but trying to halt wars can be interpreted in any amount of ways.

  7. It was always like that Cro, some parts of the world are happy the others are sad, and it will be the same for ever.

    1. The places that can sustain human life are usually happier than those that can't. Unfortunately the richer countries give lots of money to keep people in the poorer countries. I think this is partly why there is such jealousy about Israel, who managed to work on exactly the same land that surrounds them, yet turn it into a 'green and pleasant land', whilst all around them remains as it always was.

  8. I get so exasperated with it all. Is it wrong to think that we (GB) got our in-fighting done centuries ago and the old mid eastern 'civilizations' are still going through that stage?
    No? Well it was just a thought on one of the many intractable questions of the day.

    1. Most 'western' countries have had their own internal conflicts. The UK, the USA, France, Spain, etc, have endured civil wars, yet mostly they remained within their own boundaries. The current lot seems to be spreading like some nasty disease.

  9. That iPlayer link I put up last night (which you probably can't use) was about Alleppo last August. More charming people and sweeter, prettier children being bombed out of existence by Assad and Putin, you could not find anywhere in the world. It is heartbreaking.

    1. Words fail me. Every time I see pictures of those rubble strewn cities, I despair.

  10. It depresses me too Cro. Greed and power, but to what ultimate end? The 'ruling' powers won't have much to rule over once they've finished in Syria.


    1. Damascus will be the only city left standing.

  11. Many unspeakable acts have been committed in the name of religion. I am most thankful for where I live. -Jenn

  12. I too am thankful for where I live. But the war zone is getting closer. I worry about the world my grandchildren will have to live in. Will humans ever be able to live in peace? There has always been conflict but the weapons are capable of such greater destruction nowadays and TV and social media brings it live to us. Terrible terrible terrible.

    1. That's how I feel. I probably shouldn't let it get to me, but I just can't ignore it.

  13. The beautiful song, Imagine, says it all. If only, if only.

  14. I despair of things ever turning to better times and all the horror in the world abating.

  15. You are far from alone in your concern Cro, and as I age I think of it more often. This weekend four students were shot and one killed at the University where I just graduated. It could've been me or one of my classmates or a relative. The only upside is I do now enjoy my peaceful times with family and friends. I know they are running out.

    1. I hadn't heard of this latest shooting. They seem so common now that they are no longer news-worthy. What a world!

  16. My feelings exactly Cro, although as my friend and I were saying this morning over our coffee - it is not always religion - look at Pol Pot for example. Sometimes just sheer madness.

    1. It makes you wonder how such as Pol Pot ever manage to get followers, let alone do all his killing for him.

  17. I count my blessings that neither of my brothers, who were drafted back when we had the draft, had to go to Viet Nam.

    Since the military draft ended over here, and consultants began to be part of the outsourcing of war waging, and few of us white Americans actually know friends or relatives who are fighting overseas, the entire political scene has been altered. The horror of war does not reach every family.

    Silly me was wishing that last night's presidential debate moderator would have asked a question about bringing back the draft. Or even about war and peace.

    Topic switch. I made the eggplant, red onion, green pepper, red kidney bean curry tonight. Supper was good...and the reheated leftover curry will be even better tomorrow. Thank you again for the recipe notes.

    1. We are having the same curry tonight. My son and family return today, and it's a favourite. Glad it turned out well.

  18. I've begun to wonder how other human beings can do some of the things they do. All we can do is be a positive force in the world.

    1. Hello Stephanie. I'm afraid you're right. If we dwell on things too much it would turn us all nuts!

  19. The beauty and joy in the world doesn't erase the horrible suffering. We live a life ruled by paradox. I help where I can, but I must focus on the glory of God or I can't bear to live.


  20. I like you grew up in a world so full of hopes, I watched Star Trek thinking our world would become united and war and fighting would be over. Every day is a disappointment, how can we live in peace, knowing through out the world is war, hunger and suffering.
