Monday 26 September 2016

Alarming Noise.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep....

Cro: What the hell's that bloody noise?

Lady M: Dunno.

Cro: Is it your iPad thingy?

Lady M: Don't think so.

Cro: Well it must be something; it's deafening.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep....

Lady M: Maybe you'd better go inside and have a look.

Cro: I may be some time!

Lady M: Well, what was it?

Cro: It was the Toast Alarm; your breakfast's ready!

Lady M: Phwar... open the windows someone!


  1. Ha ha, good one. Happens to us all as we get ummm older. If I'm on the computer I don't even hear an alarm, oblivious to all. Otherwise I wander round trying to track down the noise. Can never tell just what direction it's coming from. You would've had the smell!!

    1. We genuinely didn't know what the noise was; and how the toaster got stuck, I can't imagine!

  2. Shouldn't she stand and wait for her toast by the toaster?

    1. Are you kidding? She puts it in the toaster then goes off shopping, or gardening, or walking the dog.

  3. Multitasking.
    I smell something burning and say, the neighbours are burning their supper!
    Oops it's our!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I did recently burn some roast potatoes, but it wasn't my fault; the oven locked tight, and I couldn't retrieve them.

  4. It's those wretched intermittent and distant 'dying battery' beeps which really irritate me - smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detector or my phone.

    1. This is only the second time it's sounded. We'll get used to it in time; especially if Lady M keeps making toast.

    2. We had one of those annoying little beeps going off for days and couldn't work out where it was coming from. Eventually found a discarded fire alarm in a drawer in the spare bedroom.

  5. Time for the "Dried Frog Pills" methinks!!
    Fortunately "She who must be obeyed" prefers a breakfast of 'soy milk, yoghurt, fruit and surreal'....
    which can be assembled without a flamethrower.
    It is more likely to be me who would burn t'toast....
    My breaking fast is toast and pâté, followed by toast and marmalade....
    One cup of tea, only, and I am likely to wake the house....
    Two cuppas.... no smoke alarm.... I am awake enough to smell the smoke....
    Three strong black teas with a splash.... brain and body functioning.... no carbonade and pâté!!
    Interestingly.... marmalade is quite acceptable on burnt toast.... as is Marmite!!

    1. I'm with you on the toast and Paté. All this jelly and jam stuff does nothing for me. If I was in Blighty I'd probably have a Kipper too.

    2. Every single, bloody time that I boil eggs, I forget about them ..... Everytime !!!! ..... And, if I forget about them long enough, they explode which makes a right mess !!!
      ....... and, our new fridge has an alarm that goes off if you leave the door open for longer than a minute .... perhaps a good feature but it gets annoying when I'm putting the shopping away ! XXXX

    3. Our new fridge up at the barn does that; very annoying. Even worse is my sons fancy German car that shouts at you if you leave your seat-belt off. If you ignore it, it gets louder and louder. What we need, Jacqueline, is a wrist timer; rather like a watch. Set it for ten mins, and you can't escape its warning.

    4. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who can't boil eggs with out having them explode Jacqueline@Home !

  6. Think yourself lucky that the toaster doesn't talk á la Red Dwarf.

    1. I manage to use it without the Cordon Noir... Lady M has a way with technology.

  7. We have a heat-detector in the kitchen, but the shop 3 floors downstairs has a smoke one, and they sometimes burn toast. They are on our system...

    1. That sounds very inconvenient. I'll send Lady M around to advise them.

  8. I didn't know a toaster could have an alarm I just bought a new one hope it doesn't surprise me by being something else that beeps. Indeed, the fridge is very annoying...

    1. The alarm is a smoke alarm on the ceiling, directly above the toaster.

    2. As soon as I commented, it occurred to me that was probably the case!

  9. When I was in digs as a student the landlady used to burn my toast every morning. You could smell it and then hear the scrape, scrape. That was when I developed a love of Roses lime marmalade, it disguised the taste of charcoal.

    1. They could use that as a marketing gimmick to sell Lime Marmalade to students!

  10. At least you can hear the beeping. My husband can't hear it and even leaves the water running because he can't hear it. And, he won't get hearing aids. What's with men and hearing aids?

    1. This thing was very loud, but then I imagine it is supposed to be. I'd just found a step ladder to stop it when it stopped by itself.

  11. It's the radiation from the ufo. It was over Trelawnyd earlier according to the Denbigh Herald.

  12. Oddly enough this happened to my toast yesterday. There must be toast gremlins about.
