Monday 29 February 2016

Where our (your) money goes.

Above is a still from 'Benefits Britain; life on the dole'. I missed this TV series first time round (thankfully), but watched a bit of a re-run last night. What I saw was quite disturbing.

It's a sad state of affairs that Britain's welfare system is abused as much as it is. We all know that it happens, but no-one seems prepared to do much about it. One can now go on TV and brag about how much money you can con out of the government, and even what you spend it on.

Take the man above as an example. His name I believe is 'John'; he is Romanian and claimed to be receiving £20,000 in benefits (which he was hoping to increase). The programme showed him back in Romania, drawing out his benefit money from an ATM, and spending it doing-up his home. He was employing several builders, and was seen handing out cash like sweet wrappers.

He was installing a new bathroom, new windows, and even cladding the exterior with what looked like large marble slabs; all at the expense of the British tax payer.

PM David Cameron has recently been trying to stop the practice of UK benefits claimants having child allowances sent back to their country of origin, but maybe he should look into the foreign property restoration racket first. People like 'John' are making the UK look like one big pathetic Cash Cow.

So, if you're Romanian (or just about any other nationality), and you need some work doing on your home, pop over to the UK, join the benefits Gravy Train, and send the money back home. That new bathroom you've been after for years could soon be yours!


  1. That sounds great! How can I sign up?! Haha!

    Welfare cheats are everywhere. Goodness knows we have more than our share here on the US.

    1. I'd do it myself, but I think they might suspect that I'm English.

  2. The UK benefits system is in crisis. I've come across people who are struggling to feed themselves because their mental health issues aren't recognised as debilitating and many others who're trapped in a system where they can't afford to work or increase their hours as they'd be worse off. Not sure that there are any easy answers though

    1. If you'd seen this guy (above) bragging about how easy it was to get money, you'd have gone nuts. It seems that those who really need help don't get it, and those who are simply out to grab as much as they can have no problems. Not across the board, of course, but it happens far too often.

      I hope this guy has now been investigated, and kicked out.

    2. It would be against the Human Rights Act to kick him out.

    3. Not against mine, it wouldn't. I wanted to boot the TV when I saw his smug bloody face.

  3. Here, not only money is transferred but also famous brand companies are leaving the country which means people are left with no work. About 80 % of Italian companies operating in ' Eastern Europe (less taxes to pay, less severe working rules), are concentrated in four countries : Romania , Poland , Hungary and Bulgaria. Most of these companies come from the once rich northern Italy. Greetings Maria x

    1. It's a good thing that industries are started-up in these countries, but not at the expense of others. If people had well paid work in their own countries, they wouldn't need to sponge off others.

  4. There have always been, and always will be, those who play the system, but it amazes (and infuriates) me how they continually manage to get away with it. Does no-one check up on them?
    You're so right about not being able to claim because you are English, Cro. There must be many elderly people, of our generation, who won't claim because they are too proud, even though they are in need. As lovelygrey says, there are those too, with real health issues.
    What will happen to "John" and his ilk, if Britain comes out of the EU? Hopefully they will all be sent packing, and the money will be spent on the "natives", not the opportunists.

    1. I forgot to mention that 'John' also has a nice home in England, entirely paid for by the state. He probably considers it to be his 'Maison Secondaire'.

    2. And I bet he's not taxed for having two properties the way we ex-pats are !

  5. There is no end to the things that make us angry,What a none perfect world:)I can understand that Cro.

    1. The trouble is, that everyone knows what's happening, yet no-one is prepared to say STOP. It'll happen one day, by which time it'll probably be too late.

  6. I didn't see the programme but I can imagine. I can't even think of anything intelligent to say about this except "I despair!"

    1. I think we all despair; except for a very few who find excuses for them.

  7. The program was the topic of many a workplace staff room when the first season aired. Disgust came into the conversations many times.

  8. Out of 500 million people in the EU these figues are small. The EU is a great big unlevel playing field of people and the result is that a few will exploit the benefits system. Poorer countries also exploit the CAP payments system. Too many member countries of differing economies all want a share of everything.

    1. I don't really care how small the figures are; even just ONE person laughing at the system, is one too many. There are people in the UK who genuinely need assistance, and the money just isn't there because of scum like this.

    2. I blame the country for voting Labour in 1945.

  9. The benefits system here in the UK is a joke. The genuine claimants receive very little help. Mr Cameron' s EU reforms are also a joke. A massive shake up is needed but noone's brave enough to do it.

    1. That's the problem. No-one is prepared to say STOP, and re-organise everything. At the moment the EU wouldn't allow us to anyway.

  10. The 18th century diary I have been reading (and sent on to another blogger) mentions the old system of alms and pre-welfare state days, when alms and the care of the poor was handled by the Church. A cunning solution to an expensive problem was to buy a house for a destitute man with a large family (for £20) but buy the house in the neighbouring parish, thereby off-loading the long-term responsibility onto a different church. Brilliant! Maybe the Church should take care of Romanians.

    1. I think some Minister of Housing needs to be reminded of this. A cunning plan.

  11. Welfare cheats are the norm for low-income people in the US, but I am shocked that the UK allows this money and handouts to go out of country.

    1. You would be amazed at what goes on in the UK. Money is handed out like water!

  12. Rachel, out of a five hundred million people less than ten thousand will be murdered. I'm sure on the grand scale of things this is an insignificant number but you wouldn't just ignore it would you!

  13. In the US, especially where I live on the border with Mexico. If you are an pregnant illegal walking across the border, you first anchor baby you can receive up to 3,000 dollars a month. in food stamps health care, section 8 housing, aid to dependent children and even more if you are a single mother. So many baby daddies but no families.
    Something is so very wrong here.
    But you can not this outloud in our Political Correct world. That shows lots of guts to show that on TV.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The PC brigade have a lot to answer for. We should all tell it as it is. What's wrong with the truth?

  14. What also boggles the mind is that 'John' has no shame in allowing himself to be filmed. Were I a benefits cheat, I'd think I'd at least feel some discomfort in knowing that I was scamming the system & not want to show my face on national television!

  15. Don't believe everything that comes your way, and don't watch what the more enlightened call "benefit porn".

