Sunday 28 February 2016

Burka Bother.

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The Burka isn't to all tastes, even within Islam.

Other than the rather downtrodden and enslaved appearance of Burka clad women, there are other problems which are often overlooked; one of which I has only recently come to my attention.

There is considerably less sunlight in Europe compared to the Middle East, and this is causing European Burka wearers to become deficient in Vitamin D.

The result has been a huge rise of 'Rickets' in children born to women who cover themselves from head to foot in black.

I don't suppose they'll change their cultural habits, but maybe they should have sunbeds in private rooms somewhere, or take vitamin supplement pills. We'd all thought that Rickets had died out with the dark ages; it seems not, apparently it's being revived by the Burka.


  1. I doubt any of the men in those countries give a crap about the health of their women. Vitamin D deficiency is the least of their problems.

    Burkas are disgusting and the sight of them infuriates me. How can half the population in some parts of the world still be so repressed and abused in the year 2016?

    1. I must say, the picture above fills me with horror.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. And me, and I agree with Jennifer - a visible sign of Islamic women's subjugation. If the men of Islam had their way, we too would be dressed from head to toe in the dreadful things.

    1. Well, if the men of some Islamic sub cultures did, yes. Dangerous to pin that on the whole religion.

  4. Isn't it amazing how most of us get enough Vitamin D, just by going about our own business in daylight with bits of us uncovered. Wow! x

  5. I hate that is just horrible and even if the women in it are happy to be dressed that way, I don't want to see them.

  6. It really is taking Eve's fig leaf too far. They look like Dementors. (from Harry Potter, fyi Cro.)

  7. I agree that thatpicture is appalling and really a visible sign of the subjugation of women - it doesnt need any words with it. But let's not forget that there are plenty of women in the Western world who aredominated by their menfolk too.

  8. They look like something out of Michael Jackson's Thriller video....

  9. Live and let live. This is their religion and if they want to cover up when outside nothing to do with us and some to cover more than others. In the home they will not be so covered. They may have an enslaved and down trodden appearance but that it is all it is, an appearance. It is Muslim men who settle in non Islamic countries who must learn that because we are happy to walk about half naked it does not mean that they can do what the fuck they like with us.

    1. I was just pointing out one of the unknown side-effects of burka wearing; not whether they have the right to don one, or not. I thought I'd made that quite clear.

    2. I agree with Rachel. Burkas don't bother me in the slightest. I try not to judge.

      And about the lack of vitamin D. It has made an enormous comeback in Western society. Probably more to do with our sedentary indoor lifestyles (generally speaking) than anything else.

    3. Yes I know. I was going to say take a vitamin pill then but I couldn't be arsed.

    4. I'd already said that in my final para'.

    5. I'm with Rachel on this one. I don't know why anyone should suddenly become concerned vitamin deficiencies of well-fed children when so many are ending up walking the 2400 mile route on their own to escape being killed by their own people. Could it be that you just don't like burkas, Cro?

    6. Of course I don't like burkas. I like to see what women look like, being a connoisseur of beauty! But that's not the point; my point was about the re-introduction of Rickets.

    7. Funnily enough, Rickets is making a come-back in G.B. right now, and it hasn't anything to do with sunshine or burkas. It is becoming more common amongst children from poor families who feed their kids on cheap junk.

    8. I was reading that the rise of Rickets in the UK was blamed on Burkas. I can't imagine how junk food causes a lack of Vitamin D.

    9. Scurvy will be making a come back next.

    10. You say it's nothing to do with us, but in this country at least, it is us who picks up the tab for medical treatment for all these children who develop rickets.

    11. "I was reading that the rise of Rickets in the UK was blamed on Burkas. I can't imagine how junk food causes a lack of Vitamin D."

      What kind of newspaper do you read, and do you believe everything you read in it? Do you think that eating junk food in childhood may not result in vitamin deficiencies? Jesus Christ. Next thing, you will be voting for Trump.

    12. I certainly didn't read it in the 'Socialist Layabout'. Vitamin Deficiencies is not the same as being deficient in Vitamin D (maybe you thought the D stood for Deficiencies?). Jeez, you'll be declaring your love for Corbyn next!

    13. Grudging respect (for his sheer good luck at being in the right place at the right time), certainly not love. Corbyn stands as much chance at being Prime Minister as Trump does at becoming President... hang on, that's not reassuring...

  10. Besides vitamin D deficiency, the small " grate" like opening for the eyes and mouth also causes eye damage and severe breathing problems. Maybe the positive outlook is they will never suffer skin cancer. Greetings Maria x

  11. Fascinating. The vitamin D deficiency is an apt side effect for a custom that is being transplanted to another world. Although I see lots of women wearing the hijab here, the only ones in full burka are followers of African American Islam. But then we've got students, not migrants.

  12. When I was a child, I went to Catholic school. The nuns wore similar outfits with only their eyes, nose, mouth and hands showing. Nobody thought it was odd.

    1. We used to think it was odd at my school.

    2. My sister was at a convent, where the Nuns wore Nuns outfits with their faces showing; all else was covered.

  13. Replies
    1. That's why I wear black; but I do leave my face showing.

  14. Burka Bother sounds like the title of a short cartoon at Saturday morning cinema...

  15. this picture makes me shudder. (nothing to do with religion.) Grey ghosts.

  16. I have friends from Egypt and all I hear " that is their right." I, myself feel uncomfortable around them. I don't mind the hijab but this ugly burka I don't like.

    1. They make me ill at ease on several counts.

  17. You can write a simple piece about certain medical side-effects of burka wearing, then some people will attempt to make political warfare out of it. Some times I despair.

  18. Having had my own face treated a few times for skin cancer, I now don sunscreen every day and do try to stay out of sunlight from about 11:30 to 2 every day, no matter what the season. Sometimes, I wonder a bit about whether I'm missing my vitamin D, but...not for long, because I do take a daily multi-vitamin pill.

    I am glad to live in a place where a burka is not required. I'm also glad that my Muslim friends also live in a place that burkas are not required.

    Best wishes.
