Saturday 9 January 2016

Misery; pure misery.

I can't tell you how much I detest looking out of the studio window, and seeing this.

No leaves on the trees, the fields water-sodden, rain falling on the pool cover, everything grey, wet wet squelchy wet.

I should have joined Wills & Co, and headed for Surfer's Paradise in Oz; this bloody weather is doin'-my-'ed-in.

And in a short while I've got to take Bok for a walk; IN THE RAIN...... YUK.


  1. As you say - you should have migrated to Oz.

    1. I've just been speaking to Wills. He has an amazing apartment overlooking the sea, with nice pool etc. He's just outside Surfer's Paradise. It looked idyllic.

    2. Not too late to grab a flight !

  2. Can sympathise Cro, and although it's raining, things don't look too bad. Perhaps Bok will settle for a quick walk and home again.
    However, be thankful you can stay warm and dry. My thoughts go to the migrants who must have to suffer worse weather conditions.
    Shaping up to be another warm, sunny day here.

    1. It's almost 8.30am, and I suppose I'll have to go out. It looks dreary out there, and I can hear light rain.

  3. If it didn't rain sometimes we wouldn't enjoy the sunshine so much. Sun all the time would be very boring I think, I need rain sometimes simply to force me to do all those inside jobs that need doing!

    1. speaking from experience as one who lives where it is sunny most of the time I heartily agree Sue. I, for one, love the rain and gloomy rainy days ...but then I have never experiences them for very much longer than a day or two !

    2. I wouldn't mind a 25C daily temperature, with maybe an hour or two of night-time rain at the weekends. Does such a place exist?

    3. King Arthur's vision of Camelot, Cro. Agree with Sue and Helsie - during the endless sunny days of summer, we are apt to say "Oh no, another boring day" !

  4. Yes Cro, come on down 30+ degrees today (as usual)and heading upward for the rest of the week they are telling us.

    1. I've just been looking at it on Skype. I could see surfers, swimmers, sun bathers, and Boo Boo (my grandson) with his face covered in yoghurt. It all looked beautiful.

    2. Tis beautiful weather indeed. Drag your ancient body down here immediately and hit the surf :)

    3. It's tempting (apart from the flight).

    4. Alas, Cro, it's too late to be a ten pound pom !

  5. It is a miserable day and raining here too. You would certainly have gone with Willis & Co, but if I remember well you don't like travelling anymore. That beautiful winter scenery you have there will in a few months time become a summer one. The pool will soon be filled with splashing teenagers. Greetings Maria x

    1. You're right, I'm something of a hermit. Also I have several animals that can't just be abandoned. So, I stay put. May is when our weather is 'guaranteed' to get better, but from March it can be every pleasant. Pool opening is left until June 1st.

  6. Forecast says you've got a big storm coming in on Sunday. Hope there isn't too much damage. Beautiful weather in Sydney today according to my daughter although apparently it's been raining all week.

    1. I see that we're expecting HEAVY RAIN for Sunday and Monday. I suppose it's our turn.

    2. Raining and flooding down Sydney/Newcastle way Sue! Typical Aussie !

  7. What I want to know is when is it going to start getting lighter in the mornings - 7.45 and still dark.

    1. Yes, I find this very annoying. It's 8.45 here, which is even worse, as the day has already begun.

    2. Yes, I find this very annoying. It's 8.45 here, which is even worse, as the day has already begun.

    3. Still dark until 8.45 here, and very annoying. Most people's working day starts at 8.00, when it's still way too dark. My day starts at 5.30, but I'm odd.

  8. I can imagine how too much rain would do my head in as well! I couldn't take the UK because of the greyness and drizzly weather. Now I gasp for a shower of rain. Enjoy your walk with Bok!

    1. I'm just back from our walk, it wasn't too bad. The UK has a lot more rain than here, especially this year which has been exceptional. All those homes flooded must be awful.

    2. The hardest part of going for a walk in the winter is getting yourself through the door. After that the experience is usually pleasantly invigorating. I have a pedometer and try to do 10,000 steps a day on days when I'm not running. It's better to fasten it to the top of your sock and your hip or belt. I made the mistake today of fastening it to my trouser pocket by way of experiment and found I'd covered 5 kms with only 222 strides.

    3. I count my walks by time. Half an hour in the early morning, another half an hour in the afternoon, and non-stop throughout the rest of the day.

  9. I sympathise. Re: The darkness. I feel like a pit pony when I go to work at this time of the year. Thank goodness I'm not stuck in the office all day.

    1. I only worked in a office for a very short period; I hated every moment of it, and vowed never to do it again.... which I haven't.

    2. Woops, my 'n' is sticking.

  10. Cro grey miserable weather is here too but your view is much nicer than the cityscape we have here whatever the weather....going to and from work in the dark is just horrid. It won't be long until the pool cover is off and the sun is shining and order will be restored to the Cro state of mind.

    1. I need to go into hibernation. At my people's last home in Sussex, there was a door knocker on the door of the master bedroom. The previous owner 'hibernated', and the knocker was there for his maid to enter and bring whatever was required. Very sensible man.

  11. Beautiful morning here in the East of England. Dry, sun shining and blue sky. I feel a lovely day coming on.

  12. Cro, just think that in the not too distant future, the trees will be in leaf, the fields beyond will be green, the swimming pool sparkling and, I am looking forward to seeing the urn with that succulent that you planted, tumbling over the sides !!!!! If we didn't have the rain and the cold, the Spring and Summer wouldn't be as wonderful !!
    Positive mental attitude and all that !!!!!!! XXXX

    1. I do try to be positive, but my Winter depression digs quite deep. I'll try to remember your wise words. As for the Urn, I'm looking forward to that too!

    2. Go and get Jude the Obscure off the bookshelf and make yourself completely miserable.

    3. I only read Jude when I'm ill. I ain't ill.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. We are all fed up with the weather but here in the u.k. I'm just thankful that we are not flooded like some of the poor people in the country.

    1. I feel so sorry for those people who've been flooded out; many of them several times over. Awful.

  15. It must be such a tease having family down in sunny Oz! I tend to keep the shutters shut when its raining, which makes the house feel like a cosy cave!

    1. That's the best thing to do; close up, light the fire, and read a good book. I believe tomorrow might be a day like that!

  16. I hate these grey days but always try to think how good this rain is for the ground and my future gardens. However, my mood is as miserable as the day.

    1. Mine too, I'm afraid. Although some sunshine has appeared this afternoon.

  17. It's the same kind of day here, and I hate it. It wouldn't be so bad if I could stay home with the dogs, a good book, and the peace and quiet. Instead I have to go out to work in this miserable weather to spend the day surrounded by too much noise and crowds if people. Not to mention a couple of coworkers/bosses that I despise. Sigh.

  18. I'm off out for a walk, can't sit here any longer.

  19. It's raining here too Cro and foggy. No glorious sky this morning.

  20. I'm with you. So depressing. Only thing worse is ice.

  21. Cro - I think it is getting us all down. Two hundred feet higher than us and the rain has fallen as snow for the last twenty four hours - not sure whether that is worse or better. I just want a day that is sunshine all day. Even Tess won't walk in the fields now - they are too wet for her.

  22. If only i have that view from my window.

  23. I've been walking in the Downs above Lancing college today- it stayed grey but dry and at one point we could see the sun reflecting on the sea out beyond Shoreham. It was beautiful. Arilx

  24. The sugar would never taste so sweet if you hadn't had the salt.

  25. It's now the next day, and I can still hear rain outside. Woe is me!

  26. As the storm force winds raged this morning (after a rare day of relative calm yesterday) I was feeling like you and then I thought of all the people flooded out in Britain and suddenly my discomfiture seemed very insignificant.
