Sunday 10 January 2016

Migrant Gang Behaviour.

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I was really disgusted to read about the migrant gang behaviour in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

It wasn't so long ago that Matron Merkel's rose-tinted acolytes were proudly parading in the streets with their 'Welcome all Migrants' banners; those banners have all now been put away, and their wavers are all declaring 'No, it wasn't me gov', I didn't want them'. The do-gooders have suddenly been replaced by worrying vigilante groups.

I've said many times before that folk should be very careful before wishing for things they don't understand. Even Matron Merkel herself is having serious doubts about her rash Blair-like open door policy.

Sexual attacks against young women, by migrant gangs, are now happening daily across Europe. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, and Sweden have all reported outbreaks. Is this surprising when most of the young men involved come from countries where women are treated as no more than sexual slaves?

Genuine refugees need our help; economic migrants with disgracefully primitive attitudes do not. They all happily accept whatever money is generously given to them, then spit in the face of the country that provides.

I know I'm going to receive criticism for saying what I've said; the truth is often difficult to accept. But there has been an embarrassingly heavy silence on this subject. These disgraceful gangs seem to think that they're above European law; I hope that they'll soon learn that they're not.

Of course these sexual attacks are not exclusive to the recent immigrant populations. But the overtly disgraceful behaviour by certain new arrivals is quite shocking.  The violence is caused by a small minority, but that minority leaves mighty big waves in its wake. When wanting a new country to see you in a good light, it's also extremely stupid. They probably don't care.

Be warned; there is real danger lurking out there. If you don't believe me, ask those 100 young women who were brazenly attacked on New Year's Even in Cologne. I suspect we're just seeing the beginning.


  1. "Is this surprising when most of the young men involved come from countries where women are treated as no more than sexual slaves?"

    It's not surprising at all, Cro. Not at all. They need to be made examples of. Civilized countries should make it very clear that those behaviors will NOT be tolerated! It's disgusting.

    "Genuine refugees need our help; economic migrants with disgracefully primitive attitudes do not"

    My thoughts exactly.

    1. Matron Merkel now says that these people will be kicked out of Germany if found guilty. I should bloody well hope so too.

    2. They need to be dropped from a plane smack down in the middle of whatever shit hole of a country they emerged from.

    3. There is also an element of misunderstanding on behalf of the sexual attackers about how we treat our women in Europe. When I was in Egypt years ago, I was asked if it was possible to sleep with a different woman every night, and I had to reply that it was, but wasn't encouraged. Their understanding stopped at the word 'was', and they couldn't believe the disrespect us men showed to our sisters and mothers.

      The attackers are criminals who should indeed be sent back to where they came from, but they are like kids in a sweet shop.

      Also, Jennifer, you should remember why their countries have turned into shit holes.

    4. I know why. That doesn't excuse coming to a country offering them safety and behaving like savages.

  2. Couldn't agree more. Jennifer's comment about civilised countries sums it all up - these migrants don't come from civilised countries, and have no idea, and presumably don't intend to learn, that women have a right to go where they will, without the threat of being attacked.
    Many of these young men have brought their primitive attitudes with them, and I fear for all of us, once these barbaric hoards gain the upper hand, as they surely intend to - they have no conscience. What a big mistake to allow them into Europe in such numbers, but I'm sure we'll be taken to task by the do- gooders, and politically correct.

  3. Another thought - if they are kicked out of Germany, where will they go? Will they be sent back to their country of origin, or will they just be deported over the nearest borders?
    They could all be conscripted into a "European" army (funded by those countries with migrants)and sent to fight the rebels who threw them out of their homelands in the first place.

    1. The idea of a European Army, made up of wayward migrants is pure genius.

    2. Thank you Cro, but will anyone buy the idea?

  4. Oh wow, I don't watch/read/listen to local or international news. But it sounds awful. I hope the premier does a major clean up and slings them out of the country.

    1. Common sense flew out of the window when inviting all these people in. I just hope that common sense returns when throwing some of them out again.

  5. God isn't the world a complicated place! My philosophy involves having an uncomplicated life where I don't hurt other people by my words or actions. I thought that most of humanity was the same. Seemingly not. What is it that is going wrong? Somewhere in the developmental process some very damaged people emerge who can do this type of thing.

    1. Sadly, they come from different cultures where such behaviour is not only common but also lauded by their peers. They must understand that it isn't to be imported into Europe.

  6. Brilliant post today Cro. 'Politically incorrect' of course but to hell with that, you're absolutely right and I for one are very alarmed at it all. I can see them all ending up in the UK and finally putting an end to our NHS and everything else....

    1. I'm anything but PC. These people will of course have their supporters (they'll probably be here before long), but it's always best to tell the truth, no matter what the consequences.

  7. Well said, Cro. I agree entirely.

  8. I am totally in agreement with you Cro.

  9. Drink and drugs and the far right and a police force that did not pick up on what was happening. That is what happened in Cologne. It is exactly what the far right wanted.

    1. Of course, they've been straining at the leash for an excuse like this. It's all been transparently predictable.

    2. I would say that they, the far right, organised it.

    3. What, you think they organised for a load of migrants to assault young women? Are you serious?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry, something went wrong there with my computer skills. What I was saying that the attacks appeared to be organized with smartly dressed men giving out orders and then disappearing in the crowd over and over again. Similarly organized attacks happened in other north European cities.

    6. That's new to me... Maybe; who knows!

    7. Who knows. But it seems like somebody was organising them.

  10. I just talked about it with a German freind who lives in Germany, i said what you said here, and he said the oposit, they must be very naive the Germans.

    1. There's always a few blinkered zealots who refuse to see what's in front of them.

  11. In Cologne, not only woman travelling single but, also those accompanied by a boyfriend were attacked.
    I read Oriana Fallaci's (a war journalist), "Rage and Pride" where she writes about Islam and Eurabia and, back then in 2002, when the book was published, she was considered crazy.

    1. I should think that everyone who warned of such things were considered crazy. The tide has now changed.

  12. Well said.
    The scenes were shocking, deplorable, disturbing but predictable. People who come from places where women are treated badly do change overnight.
    The sad thing is, how do we help them but keep our own population safe from them?

    1. Jean, if we knew that we'd be awarded the Nobel Peace prize. I fear there is no solution, and things will simply deteriorate.

    2. Maybe we should just accept the women and children into our countries, leaving these thugs to fight each other to their hearts' content instead of exercising their brutality on our population.

  13. No criticism from me. I have thought and said the same from the start of all this.

    1. A disaster waiting to happen.

    2. Exactly.......and there are/ were Muslim countries that could Have taken all those refugees without the culture clashes.

  14. In this country women fought hard to be treated with respect and as human beings. A new culture coming to within our borders may spell the need to start all over again. sigh.

    1. Let's hope not. If these people want to be adopted by the west, they must adopt western ways. And they can start by respecting EVERYONE.

  15. Totally agree, Cro and what was possibly worse was that the first reports of this alleged that migrants were not involved. If you are going to make stupid decisions, at least man up and admit when it results in catastrophe!

    1. Apparently it would have been seen as 'racism' to have told the truth. We live in an odd world.

  16. The assertion that this was arranged by the far ight by Rachel is ridiculous. This same thing happens to women in Egypt, including western women accompanied by western men. The most notable being reporters during the arab spring. There is even an arab term for it!
    Why anyone with an IQ higher than a house brick would not realise that importing migrants, 80 percent of which are male and of military service age, from countries that view women as property would nt lead to significant problems . For the police and government not to anticipate that in such a large number of male migrants will be a notable percentage of criminals fleeing the authorities in their own countries is quite simply inexcusable. This will include muderers, rapists and many career criminals. Of course we won't know because no one actually checks.......

    1. Thank you Ro. How can I find your blog, I would like to read it? Can you give me a link to it.

    2. Rachel, when the likes of Ro start comparing IQ with bricks please do not even be tempted to build a wall.

      Ro, what do you actually REALLY, really, know about different cultures and how they view "their" women?

      Let me tell you, and opening any history book will confirm it, that among pillage that war brings "possession" of the enemy's women is paramount. Applies to all. "Primal" as they say. By which, before you barge in, I do not say that all men are (potential) rapists. They aren't. Which is why Rachel has such a valid point.

      Anyway, let's not get too steamed up. Sure, groping isn't exactly what you expect from a night out neither is it quite the disaster it's made out to be. Worse things happen. Women are not, or so I hope, daisies. Neither are men.


  17. I'm pretty sure that women in Times Square on New Years Eve were also groped. The difference is that the groping in NY was not an organized attack, simply drunken men being their usual rapacious selves. Perhaps the girls of Cologne don't get out much. Certainly the men's behavior was a repellant violation of the women's personal security. So far there is no detailed information on the men's origins, but a significant portion seem to be North Africans in Germany illegally, i.e., not recently admitted refugees from the Middle East. I am uncomfortable with the tendency to view the refugees as other, in other words, not us and all alike.

  18. Thank you for all your comments, on a subject that should never have been necessary. I notice that there was only one real apologist for this appalling behaviour, and that didn't surprise me. I come from an age and background where respect for women is paramount, unfortunately I also live in an age where it isn't.

  19. Ermmm... Well let's not get paranoid about these migrants. There's good and bad in every society, mental issues, drugs etc causing chaos. It's called human nature. Who was responsible for numerous mass murders in the USA?? It's a concrete jungle out there and one should always be in survival mode wherever you are. However, some sort of introductory course on a country's laws and culture should be mandatory. Cheers from an ex Kiwi living in Oz and fearing for her life every time I go "home" and that's not from the immigrant Muslims!!

  20. One thing I find most bizarre is when you see free minded liberal (and feminist) women speak up for the wonders of Islam whilst bashing "sexist" Christians and the like! Go figure. They wouldn't have even half their freedoms even in a so called "moderate" Muslim state.
