Monday 9 November 2015

My Life in 15 pointers.

1. Born

2. Uncontrollable junior hooligan

3. Prep' School; noisy and rough

4. Senior School; lazy

5. Stock Exchange: horrific but eventually profitable

6. Antique Dealing: hardly profitable but fun

7. Art College: 1st Class Hons degree

8. Teaching

9. France

10. Stone Cutting; a few legacies

11. Painting; a few exhibitions

12. Building things

13. Nothing

14. Nothing

15. Nothing; old age


  1. Oh LOL Cro! My last three pointers are exactly the same as yours!

  2. I have felt the same and winter gloom doesn't help. Isn't it funny when you are older you become invisible? Recently I have resisted this and enjoyed be!ing subversive in small ways!

    1. I was having a 'worthless' feeling day; the approaching winter doesn't help.

  3. Maybe you should have stopped the list at number 12 Cro.

  4. Roaming around with your dog and discovering things seems much to me.

  5. being a beloved grumpy isn't nothing :)

    1. If I saw more of my grandchildren it would be better.

  6. I still think you are so lucky to live where you live the way you live.

  7. Replies
    1. Haddock's gives me great pleasure, it's true.

  8. 13, 14 and 15 are my favourite ones. The best.

    1. My 'nothing' days have been my busiest so far.

    2. It never entered my head that you might not be happy with the "nothing" entries although it clearly did to others here. I find my "nothing much" time now is far more interesting than my 20 years a stockbroker. Perhaps you need to get out Jude and read that.

    3. I entered my nothing years just over a year ago. I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm busy doing things that I like to do.

    4. I suppose that's what I'm doing too.

  9. I have to disagree with nos: 13, 14 & 15 Cro. You always sound so busy to me and I think ' head cook and bottle washer ' should have gone in the list somewhere ! XXXX

    1. I've never been as busy, but I'm not sure at what.

    2. LIFE & LIVING IT....
      Surely that's the answer to "not sure at what!"

  10. Is hall now go away and see if I can separate my life into compartments like this - most interesting although like Jacqueline above I don't think you can put 'nothing' - what about Haddocks, gathering, harvesting, bottling, preserving, foraging in the wild, cleaning out (and refilling) the pool - and also those lovely recipes you post?

    1. Maybe I'm just too busy, and I should start to slow down a bit.

  11. Like I am always saying, it's very difficult to actually waste time - I should know, I am very good at it from years of practice.

  12. You do yourself an injustice. I can't imagine you and 'nothing' having much in common.

    And I reckon I could have picked your 'baby' photo out of a bunch. You can see the man you were to become.

  13. After I retired I spent at least a full year trying to figure out how to do nothing without feeling guilty. Luckily, practice makes perfect.

    1. I don't think I've been busier in my whole life as I am now.

  14. Being busy with things you enjoy is not nothing. However, I can understand how you feel. I feel like that at times also.

    1. For a while everything seemed pointless; I'm feeling better now.

  15. I think your life now seems interesting and fun! When you have to work all the time it's easy to feel like life is nothing but doldrums. ..never enough time for cooking and gardening and time spent with loved ones. I think you're a very lucky man.

    1. Yes I mustn't complain, I just wish that each day had 36 hours.

  16. But Cro, getting older is WONDERFUL - no-one expects you to do anything anyway, so sitting in the winter sun drinking wine is quite acceptable, I find. Anyhow, my only memorable school report said ...'Finds maths most mysterious...' and then I became a shipping clerk, doing calculations all day long, so what do they know anyway?

    1. The 'noisy and rough' comes from a school report from when I was 5; nothing's changed.

  17. I'm a relatively new reader.... the "nothings" should be replaced with "father, grandkids or Grandpa"....probably one of THE most important things you have done and from what I've read, done well.

    1. I think I was having a bad day, Jan. I feel better now.

  18. You can add being a brilliant Blogger to your list Cro. Your life sounds very interesting to your Followers. Take care now. Marion x

  19. Well, before you kick the bucket, how long is it going to take for those pickled onions to be ready? Still hard as rocks. Hoping they'll be ready by Thanksgiving?

    1. Pickled onions are supposed to be hard; slightly crunchy. You wouldn't want them 'soft'.

    2. Thank you. I was beginning to worry that it would take weeks or months.

  20. Hmmm, I do think that you might have been having a bad day when this post was hatched.

    As I read the list, I imagined some sort of bar chart ... and then I thought that many of us might see various points in our lives as more important to us than others might be, Folks who have observed us for more than a year our two might take a different view.

    Do you know that financial measuring word "Metrics?" I dislike it very much and yet enjoy making fun of it with my friends when we start some sort of conversation that veres into comparison.

    Choose you own metrics. Measure your life as you wish.

    I'd hope that you might give a little value to the enjoyment that readers of your blog receive. There is no place quite like this. I find it a good forum.

    Perhaps you will lengthen your list?

    Best wishes.

    1. Thank you so much, Frances. I'm feeling better today.

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