Tuesday 10 November 2015

It usually seems longer.

No-one enjoys waiting at traffic lights (especially temporary traffic lights), but this idea at least gives one hope.

I have no idea if these 'second counting' lights exist everywhere, but here they've become reasonably common. I came across this one yesterday.

They have a calming effect. A good invention methinks. Do they have them where you are?


  1. Never seen or heard of those before.

  2. What a great idea! I often come across temporary lights on country roads, where road works are being carried out and it's frustrating sitting there thinking "change, change, change" for what seems an interminable length of time. I'd be happier if they included a countdown.

    And get over to the left, Cro! You're on the wrong side of the road!

    1. Everyone drives on the wrong side here; it's amazing there aren't more accidents.

  3. We dont have it here, it will be very good for an Israeli driver.

  4. The singing kettle appeared and I thought that was what I was supposed to be looking at

    However, I saw those lights in the Azores. I thought they were good..

    1. Ah, the singing kettle. Now sadly long gone.

  5. Great idea. 994, 993, 992...

    1. If it started at 994, I'd turn around and find another route.

  6. No we don't have them here, so maybe it's just in France, but they are a very good idea. Too often when you're waiting you begin to think that temporary lights have been left permanently on red !
    Unfortunately the locals here would probably start moving before the countdown finished.

    1. Actually I think it encourages patience; one doesn't mind waiting as long as one knows for how long.

  7. I saw one recently ! Here in our village in Ireland.

  8. Not seen them here but I think it's a jolly good idea. Arilx

  9. I've always like the French version of a traffic light with a small repeater down on the post at windscreen height.
    Thumbs up for the countdown lights.

  10. A good idea but, I don't actually mind sitting at traffic lights .... I just listen to my music ! XXXX

    1. I start to swear and become agitated; so these for me are quite calming. I don't know why I don't listen to music in the car; maybe it's because we're always talking.

    2. I only have music on in the car if I'm on my own ...... I find it a bit rude when I'm in someone else's car and they have the radio or ipod on .... I'd rather talk too if I'm with someone. Also, if I'm with someone, the traffic lights wouldn't bother me because I'd be chatting away !!!!! XXXX

  11. There is one in Killarney. Great idea!

    1. Patricia (above) says she's seen them in Ireland too. Maybe we are the only 2 countries so far.

  12. I have seen them in the city for the pedestrians letting them know how long they have to cross before a truck will mow them down. I never drive in the city so I don't know if it is set for the drivers at the light as well.

    1. I don't blame you not driving in the city; I hate it too.

  13. They wouldn't work here. They're on the wrong side of the road.

  14. I've never heard of those lights, but they sure are calming!

  15. I've never seen them here for the driver only for the pedestrian.... I maybe dash across the road a little faster as they hit zero!!

  16. We had to wait in front of one this type of traffic lights a couple of weeks ago (region 65700 in France). Couldn't figure out why the numbers were being flashed up...thought that it was something to do with how may vehicles were waiting to come in the opposite direction. In fact we were so mesmerized by the numbers that the car behind had to give us a beep to tell us to drive on when they got to zero and the green light went on!

    1. Well now you know; it's not the number of waiting vehicles, it's a countdown to impatience.

  17. Sounds like a jolly good idea to me Cro. If I am driving alone and am at the front of the queue, I often sit there thinking they are never going to change. I have never heard of them before.

  18. haven't seen any here.

    1. I think they should be introduced everywhere.

  19. They are all over the Netherlands, mostly or possibly only for bicyclists and pedestrians. Very good, keeps the tourists on the sidewalk and the rest of us calm (and then we run down the tourists who can't count)!

    1. Well done The Netherlands; as soon as that zero appears, you drive at any remaining slow walkers. I like that, it keeps things tidy.

  20. They don't work for some people, Cro....
    I was sitting at one, also a few days ago...
    in the fog...
    watching the time reduce...
    a queue of about ten vehicles behind me...
    suddenly... as it reached the one minute to go mark....
    there was a roaring noise and a big bike appeared...
    flashed past all of us and vanished into the fog beyond...
    fortunately, we weren't held up further by an accident on the road ahead.
    The biker, male or female... went past too fast to determine... but was obviously in the early stages of Darwin Syndrome!!
