Friday 9 October 2015

What will replace 'Bake Off'?

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BBC TV has just announced it's new Winter schedule, amongst which is this brand new reality show which is bound to be a real favourite; it might even replace 'Bake Off' in the top ten list.

'Celebrity Bomb Disposal' will be exactly as described; celebs attempting to de-actify real bombs. The present line-up for Series One includes Julian Assange, Katie Price, Jeremy Corbyn, Vladimir Putin, Rolf Harris, Donald Trump, and Anne Widdicombe.

There will also be a live audience who will be encouraged to give false advice; shouting 'Cut the yellow wire', etc, and will applaud when things go a tad wrong (they will, of course, be behind a splatter proof shield).

One celeb per week will be 'eliminated', and 'the last man standing' will be given the choice of either leaving with nothing, or attempting one more 'very tricky' bomb disposal to win £1 million.

Sounds like fun, don't you think? It should be a blast!

Contestant nominations for Series Two are already being sought.


  1. How come Tony "Wingnut" Blur isn't in the first series?
    He's usually the first to make comments about armaments!!

    And the chestnut in your picture for "Nature's Cycle"...
    currently No6 in your popular posts...
    in the little picture...
    just like one of those Japanese monkeys that bathe in hot springs!

    1. I think someone mentioned that it looked like a monkey when I posted it. You're right.

      OK, Blair is booked for Series Two.

    2. And I think the Beeb needs to rename the show...
      "Blast Off!!"

    3. Strictly come Blast Off, or Celebrity Blast Off?

  2. Heavens, Cro, don't get us all started on adding to the list. What a brilliant idea for a show - mega ratings all round!

  3. Surely you need to bump someone from the first series to make way for Russell Brand?

    1. OK, we'll spare Anne Widdicombe....just for Frances. I just thought she'd explode rather well.

    2. So would 'U' (explode well) once Russell was no more.

    3. Russell would be given a particularly sensitive and large bomb to defuse.... no chance. It would probably be the most popular episode.

  4. What a grand idea! But what do you have against Ann Widdicombe?

    1. Nothing at all, I rather like her (see above).

  5. Cro - your sense of humour merits a programme of its own.

    Marvellous crit yesterday in Times 2 on the retrospective at the Tate on Frank Auerbach (sorry about the spelling) , it certainly makes me want to see it.

    1. Now that Lucien Freud is no longer around, Frank has taken his place as 'possibly' Britain's greatest painter.

    2. David Hockney, do not forget him too.

    3. I think David's gone a bit odd.

  6. Mr Putin will be with Natalya and will not be available.

    1. Natalya has agreed to hold his hand.

    2. I cannot allow Natalya to be put at risk. Mr P and Natalya will therefore be moved to a secret location.

  7. HA! Your idea isn't too far off the norm for some of the wonky reality shows that have been on the air. I can think of quite a few politicians who should be included in that show. Entertainers, too. By golly, you may be onto something.

    1. Some Japanese shows I've seen are not that dissimilar.

  8. There is also a good article in this week's 'The Lady' magazine on Frank Auerbach. When an incredibly bad start he had in life - and what sadness. It shows in his face - and I think maybe in his paintings too. Do you agree Cro?

    1. His work is certainly very dark and brooding, I suspect that's partly why he's taken so seriously. Light and flighty doesn't cut the mustard in the art world.

  9. Replies
    1. I'm sure she'll be around.... I can see an entire series devoted to her cooking. Merited!

  10. What a brilliant idea. Worth the license fee.

  11. You are a very amusing man. Wishing just now that some of the would-be leaders of our DC House of Reps, or even some presidential contenders were more than amusing.

    Getting a bit more scary over here every week. Watching the dollar exchange rate daily.

    Happy weekend.

  12. Nadiya interview in the Saturday Times - it has already begun.

  13. Somehow I don't think the £1m will be an incentive to any of those mentioned except, possibly, Julian Assange.
