Thursday 8 October 2015

Dashboard problem.

                                   Image search result for "kitten playing with wool"

Each morning when I put-up my day's blog, I go at once to my 'dashboard' to make sure that it has actually been published. More often than not it hasn't. It appears on my own laptop, but presumably not on others'.

I then have to start all over again, re-publish; then check again.

This can often be repeated several times before the bloody thing appears on my dashboard; it can take as many as five attempts.

Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know why this happens? Does anyone know how it can be rectified?

I'm wondering if it's because I have so many (2,300) postings backed-up that are blocking up the system, and maybe I should start clearing stuff from years ago. Any advice would be welcomed.

N.B. I'm not sure how one can illustrate one's 'dashboard'; so a picture of a cute kitten will have to suffice.


  1. I have no advice. Blogger is weird for me sometimes, too. But I like the cute kitten!

    Have a good day!

  2. Yip, I've had the same problem, Cro. I blamed myself originally thinking I'd not clicked "published" But it has happened time and again. I'll watch your blog to see who comes up with advice.

  3. No, I don't seem to have these problems and I've got a similar number of posts to you. Don't want to delete them as I will read them to remind me of my younger life if/when I'm too decrepid to type anymore!

    1. I'm a bit the same; I rather like knowing that they're there.

  4. I don't seem to have this problem, although sometimes my dashboard disappears altogether.

  5. I don't have this problem. It sounds ideal for me accompanied by a warning "are you sure you want to publish this" would be even better. However perhaps if you refreshed with F5 it would all appear.

    1. I've never known what those F keys are for; I'll try 5 when it next happens.

  6. I get the same from time to time Cro. It is more than likely a Google bandwidth problem in europe or a security agency check; don't take it personally:)

  7. Not a problem here,unless I click "view blog" too quickly...
    send them feedback..I did when I got the "you aren't following any blogs"...It was sorted within seconds!

  8. I dont have that problem, but when i had a problem with posting pictures i entered furums of Blogger and it halped me. (it took me weeks ).

    1. Forums can be very useful; if all else fails I have a look.

  9. What is a dashboard!!? I was expecting a post about your car! I have over 2,300 posts and have no difficulty in posting.

    1. At the top right hand side of this blog it should say dashboard and sign out. If you click on 'dashboard' you should find a list of all the blogs that you follow, 'updated'.

  10. Blogger is alright for me, but it is our internet connects which stretch my patience!

  11. I've never had that problem unless the entire post disappears because of a disconnection caused by crappy service to the router. I do hope you copy all this stuff before it goes, and don't have to type it all over again!

    1. No it's all copied. Maybe I need a Mac.

    2. Now that is a good idea Cro, not that having one will cure the above mentioned problem.
      iMacs are great I can vouch for them & I would never ever return to a PC.

    3. Me too ..... my Mac is brilliant, but that doesn't help you at the moment Cro !! XXXX

    4. When this one packs-up, I think I'll get a mac. Everyone tells me to.

    5. DON'T GET A MAC!!
      Here's someone telling you not to...
      I trained on the b'things...
      and don't go down the Ubuntu route unless you are a programmer or geek!!

      Our new machines are all Windows 10 and everything works...
      and the one old machine we've "10"d whilst still the same spec...
      and works faster than under Vista or 7...
      I think that as all they want to do now is sell apps, they've created a smooth interface...
      and 10 is way better than 8.1 [ie; Windows 9]

    6. The machine I'm on (Acer) is quite new, and I updated to Windows 10. I like it.

  12. Nothing cuter than a kitten, nothing more annoying than blips on Blogger. I always think it is something that I am doing wrong, but feel reassured when I find others with the same problem.

  13. I haven't had your problem but occasionally my reading list disappears and I'm told I'm not following not true....I just shut down and power up again and there they are. Don't delete your posts won't be happy.

    1. No, I don't want to delete anything, I just wondered if by doing so it would make any difference.

  14. My updates appear on my Laptop immediately but not on my Mobile Phone so this sounds familiar Cro. Marion x

    1. Mine appear on my laptop immediately too, but not on my dashboard page. This means that I can see it, but others not. Maybe a blessing in disguise.

  15. I think this is since they changed the rules about content same as you I can see my published blog but then it takes few hours to show publicly.

    1. Does this mean that Big Brother really does exist?

    2. I think Big Brother is really...
      Little Sister...
      she's a kitten really unless you pull her tail a bit too hard, then she'll have you!!

  16. No problems here, but I do each year turn my blog into a year book, so I have all my post, it's great to get the book out and look back. It's about £60 per book, you can get cheaper, but I so love them, the publisher I use is Blurb, which helps make your book look professional.

  17. Cro, I think Little Sister is montoring your Meanderin's...
    you don't conform and are therefore...
    DANGEROUS... for the established norm.

    Keep blogging, don't delete anything...
    Blogger often runs out of bandwidth...
    it is very heavily used....
    I check our posts on another machine...
    we have an old computer that isn't connected to the home network...
    occasionally a post takes a while to show...
    but only by half-an-hour or so.
    But posts going to phone format always take longer...
    if it is up on my old computer, it will only appear much later on my iPhone [argh, yes I do own something from Apple... perhaps I need therapy?!]
    it came with the 'phone contract!]

    1. I'm obviously too impatient. Next time it happens I'll wait a while. Thanks.

  18. It happens to me from time to time - but if you wait patiently the post eventually appears. I think there must be a stacking system on blogger a bit like planes waiting to land and particularly so in the morning when we are all posting around the same time.

    1. As I just said above, I'll try waiting and see if it does eventually turn up. I hope so, it'll save me a lot of fiddling about.

  19. If nothing else the cute kitten will bring in the comments. It never fails on mine. I can put up a sensible post and get hardly any comments, but post a cat and they come out of the woodwork.

  20. I've never had that particular problem (and although I'm a dedicated Mac user I'm sure that's not relevant). I do, however, often have Blogger problems and I've always assumed that most are down to bandwidth problems at their end.
