Monday 28 September 2015

The Sunday Roast.

Autumn does have its good points; one of which is roasting just about anything that is still hanging-on at Haddock's.

Yesterday's dinner was a case in point. I roasted half a chicken; we're only two, and the other half went to the freezer. The Chicken itself was rubbed with a mixture of spices, and alongside it were some chunks of Butternut, a couple of Aubergines, a few long Peppers, a few Chestnuts, and plenty of garlic. The whole lot was drizzled with Olive Oil, and sprinkled with salt and some Herbes de Provence.

Preparation time; 10 mins. Cooking time (wine sipping time); 60 mins. Expertise required; none. Pleasure; inestimable. 

It looked so nice just before I popped it in the oven that I took its picture 'uncooked'. It looked even nicer when it came out, but I was too hungry to bother with more photography.

Why do people think that preparing a 'Roast Dinner' is so bloody special; the oven does all the work.


  1. All cooking is easy, too many people just get worked up about it these days.

  2. Oh My Goodness that roast dinner looks so wonderful.
    I can just image how good it was.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I agree with Rachel that all cooking is easy. Do you cook the nuts with the shell?

  4. Looks great even before it's cooked. I can never quite understand why people get so worked up over Christmas dinner....after all, that's just a roast too.

  5. Great to have fresh ingredients from the garden - I'm a bit of a 'bung it all in' cook too.

    1. We have lots of aubergines and peppers at the moment. I'm constantly trying to find different things to do with them.

  6. That's how I do a roast too, everything in the one roasting pan with some oil, salt, and a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Easy and delicious. And the kitchen smells great.

  7. Nice. Cooking is one of life's great pleasures.
    I don't understand those who think it's difficult or tiresome - it's not all Masterchef and Michelin stars!

  8. I enjoy roasted veggies. Their taste and look are wonderful and yes, so easy to make.

  9. Cooking can be easy. Cooking can be difficult. Like most things if you have the knowledge, the skill and the confidence then even 'difficult' may be easy.

    1. I think one could replace the word 'cooking' with almost any activity.

  10. Looks about like our Sunday roast and it's the easiest meal I make all week.

    1. I've just been making a Cottage Pie, and it has taken me nearly half an hour.
