Monday 28 September 2015

The eye of the beholder...

Never let it be said that Cro is racist, sexist, or tranny-ist. I'm a liberal thinking supporter of all life-styles, fashions, and philosophies. I'm an easy-going 'live-n-let-live' fella.

This man (above) has chosen to dress-up as a woman. He now has the frock, the over-sized threepenny bits, the lippy, and the high heels. What he doesn't have is any femininity whatsoever. One might have thought that that was a priority!

If he is seriously trying to say to the world "look at me, I'm all woman", there will no doubt be trillions of women out there shouting "OH NO YOU'RE NOT".

Many transgender people look fine, you'd never know; but I'm sorry, when I saw this guy's picture I just thought how absolutely ridiculous he/she looked. We all make our own choices in life, and this was his. I'm sorry if I sound callous, but I like a woman to look like a woman, even if she was born a man, and not some silly cartoon version...... Perhaps I am tranny-ist after all.

Go on... now you're going to tell me how gorgeous he/she looks!


  1. Oh my....that's a disturbing photo!

    And you said I was getting off to an early start with Halloween decorations!


  2. He feels happy about his look so that's all that matters.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I agree with Rachel. If he's content with how he looks and his look doesn't impact on anyone (why would it?) then good on him. We all should be able to be who we think we are.

  3. I would have thought that he was not at all happy at not being able to look feminine, so instead he decided to look like a Panto Dame; and become as outrageous as possible.

  4. NO YOU"RE NOT! That is a scary image, Cro!

    1. Sorry, but what are you scared of, just because he/she is a bit different?

  5. Nice pair of legs - shame about the rest.

  6. Nice legs but those giant boobs must be uncomfortable.

  7. I suppose if this guy wants to wander around with everyone staring and pointing at him like the freak he is, then that's up to him.
    God knows what drives someone like that though...

    1. That's really what I meant by 'Panto Dame'. He/she must be very insecure.

  8. Somewhat top heavy! I wouldn't want to carry that lot around.

    1. Perhaps he thinks it's sexy.... I certainly don't.

  9. I think the main point with the " wreck of the hesperus" look is that the people involed genuiningly think or feel that they look good .
    Perhaps thats all that matters cro

    1. You're probably right. We had a wonderful selection of people in Brighton that we used to refer to as 'The Happy Circle'. Life wouldn't have been the same without them.

    2. I wish i had his confidence ......itsnt that inpirational?

  10. My (very) big breasted friends all tell me that they have problems with backache, with many considering reduction surgery. Perhaps this man (unless now a woman) doesn't realise how being so top heavy could affect him later in life!
    Nice legs though!

    1. He looks to me as if he already is in 'later life'.

    2. They should improve their posture then. No need to have back ache with big breasts.

    3. I only have their word to go on Rachel, being a Chesticular challenged woman myself!

    4. With blog identities like yours and an avatar of a chicken of some description I have no idea whether your are a man or a woman.

  11. Kind of reminds me of those prehistoric sculptures of an "Earth Mother" or one of Picasso's ladies. Beauty is in the they say.

  12. Physical beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Inner beauty is in the mind of the beholden.

  13. I am in agreement with Rachel.
    You are calling this person 'a man' Well to me this person looks like a woman. So lets cut to the chase here, this person is a woman so call her a woman. She has the attributes of The Venus of Willendorf who many people admire.

    1. To me she's a man dressed as a woman; and not terribly well. Of course in Ireland you may be used to such sights.

    2. You silly twit.... I suppose we cannot expect much more from the cohort of a dead pig's head!

  14. SHE has obviously transitioned to a woman. She has breasts so it is beyond "dressing up as a woman". She identifies as a woman so should be referred to as such. Gender identity is a complex subject, but one that should be respected. Plenty of women dress inappropriately for their bodies, and the tight, short dress may not appear to flatter her in your opinion, but she has a big, bright smile and that's all that matters. She seems happy.

  15. Replies
    1. Attach the bait, throw the line, and wait for them to bite!

    2. Naughty.. You knew youd get in trouble for this post!

    3. It's certainly brightened everyone's Monday !

  16. Think that you need to be aware Cro that French Law does not allow bigotry to transgender people and you need to educate yourself by visiting

    1. I still like a woman to look like a woman; sorry.

    2. And by the way, as I said in my piece I have absolutely nothing against transgender people, it's just that this bloke looks ridiculous.

  17. You are a bigoted racist homophobe ;-)
    (said very much tongue in cheek)
    Get with it old chap, time to become a real progressive. Here is a little guide to help you understand the modern 21st century definition of things.

    1. Aquiles, cro is not in the least racist and as for being homophobic.... All I can say is pah!
      Remember this is his blog so be polite, even if you dont agree... He would be

    2. Mr Gray, please re read and look at the link I provided.
      the statement is very much tongue in cheek. I said so when I posted.

    3. Apologies.. I tend to believe what people write

    4. Aquiles, only just looked at your link. Poignant.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Women come in all shapes and sizes but in my experience most don't want to look anything like this.
    Most who look even vaguely similar to this are not happy. They are often the target for even worse bad jokes and unwanted attention than the rest of us have to endure. It takes a very strong character to not be affected by that.
    I hope she moves in circles where her appearance is admired. God help her if she wanted to catch the last bus from Chesterfield to Clay Cross on a Saturday night.

    1. Well said Jean. I think you're getting close to my attitude.

    2. As a Derbyshire lass that last comment made me goster Jean

  20. Don't know what to make of all this really Cro. As the grandmother of a transgender grandchild I know that many of them have problems in their teenage years and find it hard to fit in. beyond that I don't know, so shall leave it all to your commentators above.

  21. It's funny how men trans to women do not really care to be respectful of the gender they are presenting, I haven't seen the same when most women do trans to men.
    I really don't care if you are homo hetero gay or trans being respectful of the gender you are representing is simply having some pride for your own person and the humanity.

  22. Nice legs. Can't imagine wanting to court backache, though, which happens all too often when one is large breasted.

  23. Thank you everyone for all the above; that was fun, apart from that idiot Mia More who I delete every time she/he appears. Of course I posted the above to court discussion, but junior insults will always be deleted.

  24. I think Cro is funny, I come here for entertainment.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I did not post the same comment three times.
