Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sometimes I feel exactly like this.

                                            This absolute nightmare.

Occasionally I have the feeling that the world wasn't designed for people like me. My mind works on logic and not on emotion; I was always thus.

Most folk are gregarious, fun-loving, extroverts; I'm not. I'm probably at my most relaxed when tramping through the woods with the dog, BY MYSELF; analysing complicated situations.

This is not to say that I don't enjoy the company of others; I do, but in small numbers, and only with a select group of very good friends.

There's nothing I enjoy more than an intimate dinner at home for four. A party away from home where I might know just one or two out of numerous guests is a bloody nightmare.

A square peg in a round hole? Yes probably, but with a certain amount of the squareness having been whittled away.


  1. I'm one of those gregarious people. I love being around friends, talking, laughing and eating with them. I don't mind my own company as long as I have a book or sometimes a movie or even TV but my worst nightmare is walking into a room of strangers on my own and I find it very difficult to make new friends when I'm on my own.

    1. Walking into a room full of strangers is high on my list of nightmares.

  2. I am extremely gregarious.... online. Less so in person. Can't say I'm more emotional or logical; balanced fairly evenly between the two - although I do tend to express myself in more emotional terms, I've generally also spent a goodish amount of time thinking things through.

    In fact, when necessary I can be ruthlessly practical.

    1. I can be ruthlessly impractical; when it suits me.

  3. My life is ruled by emotion not logic go figure

  4. There's nowhere quite as lonely as a room full of strangers.

  5. I don't mind a room full of strangers but I soon get bored. I like my own company most of all though.

    1. Probably because your own thoughts are more interesting.

  6. I'm with you, but I feel compelled to lift and correct that slab.

  7. I am a bit like that myself Cro, although I don't like to be on my own too long.

    1. I'm just as happy by myself, as in company; probably because I'm always busy anyway.

  8. I too have never been one for parties, unless I am off my tits, which is not too good. In my multi drug-taking days, I was quite capable of sitting at home staring at the wall and having a very good - if internalised - time, so I suppose I am lucky. I seem to like both, just so long as there is a choice.

    1. When I was much younger I would get pissed at parties to give me the courage to pick up women, then I'd be so drunk that I was useless.

  9. You walk into a room full of strangers every day, Cro, via your blog. But I expect some have become genuine friends over the years. Nice, isn't it?

    1. It's an alternative family. We squabble, we sympathise, and we have fun. Then we turn the machine OFF.

    2. I love you comment Ninaschen.
      Very true.

      cheers, parsnip

  10. I love walking into a room filled with friends and family but strangers always intimidated me. Now, though, as I have entered my later years, my fears have subsided and I am more welcoming to new experiences.

  11. I like people but I also like my own company …. I think that I'm lucky that way.
    BUT, if you ask most people, they can usually count their friend's on one hand !! XXXX

    1. Is that really true? I certainly have quite a small number a very good friends, but I'd thought that was unusual.

    2. I think that it is true….. REAL friends that is….. I've just been counting mine and have managed two hands worth that are true friends so, a tad more than one hands worth but not hundreds !!!! XXXX

  12. I am the same, in fact my last post "Avalon" was an evening spent in a ballroom filled with strangers. It was my worst nightmare.

  13. Much better to be with friends, but then if you don't sometimes meet strangers, how are you going to make new friends ?

  14. The older I get the more I am select about people. Take for instance this new job, been here 3 months. Granted I am more in a supervisory roll than most of them and hold the purse strings to the project. But I have not given one of them my mobile number. Not because I am rude, I just have nothing in common with one of them. Not one. Which I find quite sad. But also it comes back to the saying "know thy self".

  15. When going to an affair where everyone knows each other and I know no one, I am reminded of George Goble's line, "Did you ever feel that everybody was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?"

  16. Sometimes, I feel exactly like that, too.
