Monday 31 August 2015

Cute Kitty.

                                    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "kittens playing with yarn"

Everyone say Aaaaaaaah.


  1. Where is everybody? still in vacation? i hope they are not in Callais or Dover this morning.

    1. The only people in Calais are the hoards of rioting economic migrants. I wish them well.

    2. i did not know there was a post here that was deleted, i just saw that there was a strike in the canal.ן i dont want to say any thing about the hypocrite Heron.

    3. Heron always wants to be seen as a conscientious do-gooder, but ends up looking like an idiot.

    4. I thought you do not like bad manners. Yael speaking of a hypoctite man concerning Heron. Does she know him ? And you speak as an.idiot...hey how do you call this ? Good manners ? You want to speak in a light hearted way about really difficult people situations , I call this a heartless ironic manner. And if the UK wants to leave the EU go ahead. Your country never agrees with anything so what else !

  2. Oh Mr. Cro yoz deleted your politically so correct post, why ? The kitty is cute cause ir's not hello kitty.

    1. No sense of humour around today; just the PC brigade.

    2. I did glance at your crass post this morning and then went for a walk. Leaving it for others to give you a verbal kick up the rectum, which they presumably did - jolly good for them I say.

    3. Fuck off. Everyone in the UK is totally pissed off with these 'economic migrants', but I don't see any of their few supporters offering board and lodging for them. Maybe one bearded left-wing Irish leprechaun might like to be the first good Samaritan; although I doubt it?

    4. Tut, tut such bad language and I thought you had sufficient education not to use such bad words however, you have proved me wrong.

    5. You ain't heard nothing yet.

    6. 'Everyone in the UK' Cro? Are you a UKIP supporter with a generalisation such as that?

    7. Absolutely not. But I do fear that if no-one does anything to sort out the appalling Calais mess, then we can expect a 'quit the EC' result when it comes to 2017.

    8. We HAVE to be realistic, just looking the other way is helping no-one. Better to act now, whilst things are reasonably calm than wait another few years before it becomes a serious disaster.

    9. I agree, but I feel a solution will be a little harder than some knee jerk reactions than I have seen. Not all migrants are simply potential benefit scroungers, although I expect a very large proportion are. There are some doctors, lawyers and teachers etc mixed in who are trying desperately to set themselves up somewhere more secure. There may even be some qualified gardeners, of which we have had some interest from, unlike the lazy brits who are more often than not work shy.

    10. Although I agree with most of what you say, I doubt very much if a qualified doctor or lawyer would be burning tyres in the street and rioting. Wouldn't they have simply bought a ticket to their destination?

    11. They may have, if they had been allowed to earn the money to do so. As for the rioting, even people with qualifications riot, as we saw in 2011. I don't know if there actually is a solution to this and all of the worlds problems, other than a decrease in population through a world war. Happy days eh?

    12. Kudos to you anyway Cro for putting up the original post. As long as people agree and/or disagree about important topics, at least they are thinking about them.

  3. Cute kitty is so beautiful but not as beautiful as my cats. We dosed them with flea stuff this morning and then they ran off into the rain. It is Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK and raining. I paid £100 for flea stuff for their necks, enough for 18 cats or three doses each for my cats, plus £21 for furniture spray. Fleas get everywhere and have to be attacked.

    1. Our Cute Kitty (Fearless Freddie) doesn't seem to get fleas; maybe the Frontline really does work!

    2. I laughed at 6.30 am this morning. Something made me laugh a lot. We dose the cats with Frontline (thanks for reminding me of the name) and it works well. One cat reacts badly to fleas and jumps across the room so her feet hardly touch the floor so I sprayed the floor with flea repellent to see if this helps her. The other cats walk normally on it. The vet said all cats react differently to fleas.

  4. Mr. Cro , are you really honest in saying there was no sense of humour for your morning post ? Refugees are just not a subject of joking Some emphasis would fit better.

    1. He was talking about economic migrants Mr More and as i tried unsuccessfully to tell you recently there is a difference between economic migrants and refugees and we know that so stop fucking about pretending you dont.

    2. Mia More... I shall repeat this just one more time. These people are NOT refugees, they are ECONOMIC MIGRANTS. They wish to get to the UK solely for the very generous hand-outs. Everyone wishes to help true refugees, and we do; but we mustn't confuse the two.

    3. What's wrong with economic migrants , they wish a better life, generous hand outs why not we should share .You will not convince me .

    4. Surely better to get a job. Maybe after a few years of having contributed to society, they could then receive certain benefits. But just to turn up in the UK with their hands out..... No.

    5. Agree with you Cro - they can't just turn up and expect everything handed to them, because they think they deserve it. Why shouldn't they work? We all had to, for many years, and to contribute to society by paying our taxes.
      I read an article on the Telegraph website recently that the migrants would be better off staying in France where the hand outs are much more generous than those in the UK. Either this fact seems to have been kept very quiet, or the migrants have all been brain-washed into heading for Britain,

    6. And (I can assure you) the weather is so much better.

  5. Well even economic migrants have a right for a better life ! I'm not Mr. but Mrs. More .....I saw your picture on the floor very funny, I was impressed by your eyes...look like steel.

    1. Tell us Mrs Moore - do you, or have you, paid taxes in the UK? Have you contributed to our system? Somehow I doubt it - like many people you are extremely generous with other people's money.
      As you are so concerned perhaps you should offer some of them a home.

    2. I'm not from UK , I work and pay taxes in my country, so what ? Sleep with your money under your pillow, if you do.not want to share. Yes imagine I take care of a young African refugee who has a room in my house and believe me it makes me richer than all the money which seems be so important to you.

  6. So nice to start a day off with a picture of kittens and puppies. I just watched a few Vine videos of the antics of a young Lab. Joyful! I will think of those when difficult news comes my way today.

    1. I've watched a few videos of young labs too. Most entertaining.

    2. I hoped it would calm certain souls.

    3. Although I find golden labs utterly charming, I have to say that the black ones are to my preference. I love the contrast of their pink, ragged lips against the contrast of the dark hair.

    4. Sorry, two 'contrasts' in one comment, but in all fairness, there is usually more than one in each video!

    5. Love your pussy with pink ball, btw.

    6. I just watch our young yellow Lab. - she's such a joyful soul !

    7. I love all Labs, yellow, black and brown. I have never met one that was not kind and loyal.

  7. Such a lovely picture but obviously it didn't have the desired calming effect.

  8. I was up late engrossed in a new book and missed the post that has since been deleted. But it seems to me that folks across the pond are becoming more and more like Americans---easily offended over everything and spoiling for a fight. Which is why I rarely post anything political on my own blog.

    This is Co's blog, he should be able to post whatever he likes without harassment, and if anyone doesn't like what they read here why don't they just stay away FFS?!

    1. I like to look at serious subjects in a reasonably light-hearted way; but some supercilious individuals don't like it. Tough!

  9. It is your blog and you can write here what ever you like, I dont understand those bad comments, no one is forced to come and read it. (today was the first and only day that i did not read your blog early in the morning,..),

    1. I take it with a pinch of salt; I just feel sorry for the odd-balls.... what a life they must lead!

  10. Sorry I missed the prior post... NOT impressed by people who want to appear compassionate in re: the prior post, but can't manage a little courtesy.

    Compassion and decency are shown in how one treats everyone, even the folks you disagree with; not in how strident one is in attacking.

  11. Oh wait, didn't miss it... just slept since then. Stand by everything else I said.

    Now Cro, aren't you ashamed of yourself for facilitating kitty domination of the worldwide web?

    >Insert colourfully hateful harangue of your choice here.<

    1. Sorry about Kitty, I just thought it would be kinder to the trolls to see something they understand and admire.

    2. Sorry I missed you earlier post - it was obviously meant to stir a few feathers !

    3. It was meant to be a bit of fun Coppa, and it was.

  12. Aaaaaaaaaaah
    I thought we were to say Aaaaaaaaaaaah ?
    Wouldn't it be funny if every comment said Awwwwww !

    cheers, parsnip

  13. I also missed the deleted post. I took a tech-free weekend and celebrated my birthday. The kitty made me smile, so thanks.
