Wednesday 19 August 2015

World population.


One of the most disturbing of all internet sites is to be found here.

It tracks (gawd knows how) the world's births, deaths, and overall population.

I suggest you have a quick look; it demonstrates perfectly what a bloody mess we're making of this beautiful planet of ours.


  1. Good heavens - that is scary.

  2. Don't lemmings always have a population explosion before everything goes arse over teakettle?

    Oh dear, looks as though my inner curmudgeon has come out to play.

    1. Maybe it's why life is treated so cheaply these days. If you have a political gripe, you plant a bomb and kill 20 innocent tourists; or spray bullets on a beach.

    2. Who needs science fiction? The machines have already won, we've learned to see one another as machines; if you can't switch it off or change the channel, why not just destroy it or toss it on the scrap heap.
      Yup, definitely a curmudgeonly sort of day here.

  3. Frightening...
    It was always said that Mother Nature restored the balance, with wars, famine, natural disasters, but it looks as if the poor old dear has let things get quite out of hand ! Will she ever catch up?

    1. She did try recently with Ebola, but we beat her. No doubt she'll come up with something else before too long.

  4. Don't want to know, burying head, fingers in ears ….. lalalalala …… just too scary Cro !!!!
    Let's talk about happier things ….. how's the barn coming along ….. did the kitchen go in easily ? XXXX

    1. The kitchen is coming along very well. There are a few bits missing which we'll get next month, and certain bits of tiling have yet to be done, but otherwise all is fine. I'll post a picture when it's complete. Easily? No, it's taken a lot of jiggling.

  5. In the immortal words of Private Frazer - "We're doomed!"

  6. Subway and McDonald's are using these figures for their new outlets across the world right now.

  7. Replies
    1. Have a look when you feel like being depressed!

  8. I think they must make it up as they go along. The only people to keep track of this information that I know of are the Mormons in Salt Lake City.

  9. Fascinating, but scary as hell. And how do they do it? I think Tom may be right. I did a bit of a Google search trying to find out who these Worldometers people are - no clue.

    1. I imagine it's just a toy; but probably with roughly the correct numbers.

  10. Replies
    1. And we are still awaiting a grand-DAUGHTER(or several).

  11. When I check out links like that I am reminded once again to enjoy every NOW moment I can. Our new grandson helps me do that, just looking in his eyes I can still see hope. Problem is his mother won't allow me to hold him constantly.:)

    1. Donna, we need that HOPE for the sake of our grandchildren.

  12. Yes, we all want less people in the world, yet few of us are ourselves willing to have no children are we?

    1. Replacing ourselves is essential; breeding like rabbits isn't. Unfortunately some seem to think that it's the latter that's essential.

  13. How did you find that scary thing?

  14. Every 2 seconds a child dies of hunger. This is scary.
    The internet site you referring to can just be a little hobby toy of some freaks. Looks not very serious.

  15. With the number of people who die in wars or terrorist bombings or from disease...with the number of us mother nature tries to shake off daily with natural disasters...still....we are repopulating faster that we are being destroyed. Good grief.

  16. It astounds me that in the 50 years since I was born the world population has nearly doubled.
