Tuesday 18 August 2015


                          Image search result for "cannabis"

What would you do if you were to discover that (for example) you were living next-door to a Cannabis Farm?

I'm not (heaven forbid) suggesting that I am; no, no, no, whatever put that idea into your mind! I'm just putting forward a theoretical dilemma.

Frankly my own response would be to do nothing. I'm a 'live and let live' kinda person, and as long as no-one is annoying me, I would leave well alone.

Of course there is always blackmail; does 30% sound about right?


  1. 30% of what? The profit or the harvest? ;)

  2. I thought it was maize growing in that field!

  3. Keep quiet. Be friendly. Get freebies.

  4. Smoke and drink a glass of Pécharmant. What else ?

  5. I was watering an elderly neighbour's greenhouse a few weeks ago….it was full of tomato plants, but tucked away in the back corner was a pot of cannabis. I only mentioned it to my husband, and kept quiet otherwise…..not my business.( It might well be for medicinal reasons, though he was probably a " bit of a lad" in his youth !)

    1. There's probably far more being 'secretly' grown than we imagine.

  6. Live and let live, I say. To be fair, it should be 33 1/3%.

    1. What WAS I thinking... of course, you're right.

  7. Somebody once offered me £15,000 turn use my workshop as a farm for a year. I reluctantly declined.

    1. Sounds like a reasonable offer!

    2. The idea of a couple of years in prison put me off.

  8. Cannabis farms make the best neighbours in rural Norfolk. You just don't know they are there.

    1. And some put huge barricades around their plantations, so you know exactly what is there.

  9. From time to time the polce finds some fileds here and burn it, the whole neighborhood have a lovely smell for days.

  10. Well...thinking of all the innocents about to be introduced to a drug that could lead them on to even more dangerous drugs...I would say...report it. Thinking that not reporting it amounts to aiding and abetting a criminal activity and could result in some jail time...I would say...report it. Thinking that perhaps this fantasy grow up might belong to them of the orange wall and thirsty horses .... I would say ...report it. Just sayin'.

  11. I wouldn't know a cannabis plant if it tripped me up by my own front door.

    1. Take note above Weave, you may find it growing on the farm somewhere. Growers plant it in quiet out-of-the-way places.

  12. Oh dear, that is a quandary...but it probably depends how many others have noted the "crop" and also demanded their percentage. You might end up with a measly 1% !
    In all seriousness, and you take the long term view, Delores is right. Are they more lenient about these things in rural France?

    1. I don't think so. I think he's known to the cops, so maybe one day he'll end up in clink, but it won't be me who tips them off.

  13. Oh, I'd be over there so fast with my snippers. I've been trying to find seeds for years.

    1. And as long as they are not bothering you, why on earth would anyone else have a problem with it. MYOB!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What is the old saying? "Be careful what you wish for."?
    I live in northern California in the heart of the Emerald Triangle (Mendocino, Trinity, and Humboldt counties)--largest cannabis-producinging area in the state. I was of the mind too--"Live and let live." even voting for the first ballot initiative permitting medicinal marijuana growing for your own personal use. Today? I'm not quite so enamored with this industry. What is it? Thievery among thieves...pit bulls protecting "farms", environmental devastation of our national forests, homicides when an owner refuses to share....I could on but you get the picture. No, Cro, it's kind of lost its luster.

    1. It is also the drive byes, turf wars. guns, violence late night gun battles.
      Here in Tucson if you cross some one they kill you and your family.
      Then there is the animal abuse, women and children sex trade.
      Don't even get me started on the meth and ecstacy labs that blow up taking several neighborhood homes in a ball of fire.
      ummmm, no thanks.

    2. It's a cut-throat business because of the cash involved. This guy is just a bit dim, it's probably his only way of making money.

  15. An acquaintance let his late mother's house to some individuals and was concerned when they gave every excuse to refuse him entry to inspect the property. When he eventually gained entry he found a cannabis farm. The police refused to enter the property with him unless he thought his life was in danger! The electricity company wanted him to pay the bill incurred by his tenants, whose contract was made directly with the electricity company. The house was left in a terrible mess. The upshot was he was left with a bill to clear the property which was not covered by any of the rent that was paid.

    1. Dreadful. And what happened to the tenants.... probably nothing.

  16. The first thing that popped into my head was is it cannabis or hemp? One gets you high and one doesn't, yet the plant looks the same.

    I live in a place where you can grow medical marijuana. Yes, there are restrictions and guidelines. I can also grow some for someone else, if that person is not able to grow her own and have up to two ounces (~60 grams) at any one time. A friend of mine at my last location would actually benefit from medical marijuana, but it's not legal where she lives. If she moved here and wanted me to grow some for her, I would. Not sure how successful i'd be given the industrial strength slugs.

    If it were my neighbour, and if I wanted a sample? I'd probably suggest swapping some cuttings in my garden for some of his and would mention the plants that caught my eye.

    1. Nice idea, but I think I'll leave well alone.

  17. The only time it would be a problem would be if there was a fire there. But then again, after a couple of minutes you wouldn't give a shit anyway I suppose.
