Saturday 15 August 2015

Julian 'effing' Assange.

                                  Image search result for "julian assange embassy"

I'm really not interested in the legal 'ins and outs' of the Assange farce, what does annoy me is the ridiculous cost of 'watching' him.

Now that certain previous charges against him are beyond Sweden's statute of limitations, I read that it is STILL costing a staggering £10,000 a day to police the Ecuadorian Embassy where he's been given asylum. As a UK tax payer, I really object to my money being so overtly wasted.

Apparently (according to certain newspapers) there are three 'elite uniformed officers' on duty every day outside the embassy. This makes them each earning a staggering £3,333 per day; roughly £1,100,000 per plod per annum; albeit an 'elite' plod (certain newspapers obviously don't do the same calculations as I do).

And there was me thinking that it was only footballers and human rights lawyers who earned that sort of dosh.

Wouldn't it be easier simply to abandon all this policing, and let him do whatever he wants; after all, it's not really the UK's (or the Ecuadorian's) affair, is it? Personally I'd throw him to the effing lions.

Oh, and it should be noted that ALL foreign embassies in the UK receive round-the-clock policing, as normal practice.... so where's the need for more?


  1. I suppose all your regular followers will
    agree.Human Rights yesterday . Mr. Assange today. I feel you are in the mood to quarrel. Your tax contribution is wasted for much more useless things all you can try is civil desobedience and explain to your government why you will not pay your tax anymore

    1. Quarrel with whom? I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks this money is being well spent.

  2. You have the ability to hit the nail right on the head Cro.

  3. You are right Cro. - it's all just yet another waste of money.
    Perhaps Cheerie will give some of that mega fee she earned the other day, towards footing the bill? It would be a nice thing for her to do, seeing that she's so concerned with Human Rights. Maybe she's already beavering away behind the scenes to have him exonerated....once they've agreed on a price of course.
    How strange that mia more thinks you are in the mood to quarrel - you are merely expressing a widely felt opinion.

    1. I expect there'll be more 'trolls' along before long... it always happens when one presents a 'common sense' argument.

  4. Whenever you, the "UK taxpayer", vent your spleen on anything vaguely political, my heart sinks. Rhyme and reason fly out of the window, replaced by (ill informed) vitriol. I so prefer your meanderings around Cro Castle, its courgettes and calm.


    1. Vitriol against who? I was wondering how long it would take for his defenders to turn up; there's always a few around if one states what's plainly obvious to everyone else.

  5. I too have wondered how it can cost that much to have 2 plods standing outside an embassy!

  6. Break an international law or two and put him in a sack and into the back of a pick up truck and on to Heathrow and the first flight to Ecuador.

    1. I pass-on your suggestion to Dave.

    2. Boris would do it. One day someone will look inside the Embassy and discover he's not there.

    3. Just a well protected cardboard cut-out?

  7. What, exactly, are they guarding against? An upsurge in common sense?

    1. Gawd only knows.... you'd need to ask either 'bitchontheblog' or 'mia more'.

    2. I only said that your taxes are wasted in much more other useless ways than only for Mr. Assange. The same problem with the Human Rigjts statements. Right or left all governments are rotten the moment money is involved.
      The British givernment is no exception.

  8. Has he actually appeared on the balcony lately or are we just being shown the old photograph? Like you Cro - I couldn't care less about the whole thing - but if wasted a lot of time and energy on fretting about all the money the government waste on public 'services' whilst neglecting the nitty gritty, I would have a nervous breakdownl

    1. It's but a pin-prick, Weave. £Millions are thrown about like confetti, whilst we who provide it all have to count our pennies.

  9. Agree, but our government, which ever party is in always do a great job of wasting loads of money in the name of human rights. Like you I believe if you say or do things you sort your own mess, and not expect others to pay.Put simply we can't afford it.

    1. Maybe someone should start a Waste-Less Party.

  10. I think he's about to get chucked out of the embassy anyway. I wonder if they will give him a bill for B&B?

    1. Not much point him being in there any more, if the Swedes no longer want him. What about the bill for Plod & Plod.

  11. I need one. I'd use him for dishes, clutter clearing, pick the kids up at school. And other things.

    1. How much are you willing to pay; or do we have to pay you?
