Friday 14 August 2015

Human Rights; where we stand today!

                               Image search result for "Karenzi Karake"

This charming person is Rwanda's 'Head of Security' Karenzi Karaki. He recently landed at Heathrow airport (June 20th) and was immediately arrested. There was a European Arrest Warrant issued for his extradition to Spain for genocide; but luckily help was at hand.

Champion of all things evil, Cheerie Blair (wife of Tony), was there to defend his human rights. For a SERIOUS amount of money she has managed to avoid his extradition to Spain, and he will soon be happily on his way back to the safety of his beloved Rwanda. Well; a chap does have rights, you know.

Oh, and I don't know if there's any relevance in this, but husband Tony did have the use of two of the Rwandan president's private jets (organised by Karaki), when recently on a charitable tour of Africa. Well, they do say 'One good deed deserves another'.

Look, just because a chap is accused of mass genocide, it doesn't mean he's guilty. I think Cheerie was quite right to act on his behalf (for a HUGE undisclosed sum); after all, there is a minuscule possibility that it's all a question of mistaken identity.

Yeah, a bit like Tony's understandable mistake about Iraq's WMD's.

Ain't life grand... another million in the coffers. What larks!


  1. Would it be terribly vulgar to use an old Aussie expression?; the Blairs both belong up a dead bear's bum !

    1. No, that would be perfectly acceptable... and correct!

  2. I think he ordered a few assassinations after the genocide, he was probably an adviser to Tony Blair in the assassination of Dr Kelly. However it is all a bit embarrassing, his arrest at Heathrow, because he was only coming here at the invitation on MI6.

    1. Well at least Cheerie has turned his brief visit to her advantage.

  3. I'm definitely with Rallentanda on this one.

    1. Maybe, if anyone knows their address, we could send them a dead bear.

    2. They have got many addresses !! How many dead bears can we find?

    3. I know of a US dentist who could possibly help.

  4. Definitely the best place for them !! Poor Cheerie, she means well when the price is right, but always so misunderstood !

    1. Never in the history of human rights, has a woman been so misunderstood.

  5. At some point we may be able to get Blair to explain how when he was in office he could barely pay the mortgage on an unremarkable London home yet own several multimillion pound homes within a couple of years of leaving office. Particularly when none appeared to have a mortgage. We may also get to untangle his offshore tax affairs!
    However his wife's support for such odious characters hits a new low even for them!

    1. And didn't he accidentally shred all his papers when he quit No 10? Very careless!

    2. It gets worse and worse !!

  6. Don't know enough about this to leave an intelligent comment, but I'll be working to change that...

    1. UK politics is a dirty business; especially when it comes to The Blairs.

  7. You know the world has gone insane when a genocidal maniac has 'rights' of any sort, let alone apparently having more rights than the countless people who have suffered and died because of him. Cherie Blair can take her human rights and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

  8. I haven't heard of this Cro. Will need to get updated me thinks.
    It is no secret that I am a Socialist, but I SO hate that man Blair.

    1. His day will come; unfortunately hers will probably not.

  9. Ahh, we have the Clinton couple over here enriching themselves.

    1. Something nasty happens to people when they have POWER.

    2. Agreed, Cro. More often than not, this tends to be the case.

  10. There are no morals though two are capable of, are there?

  11. Am I completely wrong to bury my head in the sand?

  12. Don't make me start about Human Rights. Only ONE question , can you name ONE country respecting fully the Human Rights Convention. I wonder. Concerning the Blair family I have no real opinion proclaming themselves as Catholics they seem to be selfish and consciousless , not really interesting people , just making profit of any occasion, unfortunately they are not the only one. I 'm not really aware what happens in Great Britain in detail

  13. How horrid. It's beyond abhorrent that money and power can protect evil people from facing the consequences of their terrible actions.

  14. We have a shockingly amoral current leader here too. And another leading the country over the Tasman. What is happening at the moment is bewildering to me. And yet there are some very altruistic people with great integrity waiting in the wings. I hope it is just the death throes of the power-corrupt...

  15. My god, the Blairs (or Bliars) have totally given up any pretence of being honest. They used to pretend they were ethical, now they don't even bother to pretend.
