Monday 20 July 2015

Salon de Thé; Bonaguil 47.


Decent restaurants, out here, are becoming as rare as hen's teeth; but I've recently found a little treasure.

Not a restaurant in the wider sense, but an eaterie car même.

The little Salon de Thé in Bonaguil is a gem. It sits within the garden of a tiny cottage at the bottom of the long climb up to the famous chateau. The cottage itself is used as an exhibition gallery for Madame's pottery, whilst the garden is used by Monsieur for his charming Café/Restaurant.

We went on a very hot day, and the Wisteria, which roofs the entire garden, afforded perfect shade; flowers from its tumbling tresses fell onto our plates as we chatted. It was totally charming.

A Tabby sat on my lap, there were huge ancient flower-filled pots all around, and the condiments tray included truffle oil and black volcanic salt.

These people are aesthetes. Perfect décor, perfect ambience, and a perfect meal for the occasion.

My friend Wheeze and I both chose the same simple but delicious salad. Thinly sliced smoked duck magret, a selection of local cheeses, figs, melon, and a mixed green salad; followed by a coffee served in one of Madame's hand-made cups, with a delicious small chocolate cake.

I forgot my camera, so my description will have to do. The perfect meal for two cost just €25; merçi cherie.

The picture above has nothing to do with the restaurant, but gives some idea of the rustic garden ambiance.

I recommend.


  1. Sounds good - next time you will have to take your camera.

    1. You might remember Louise (Wheeze), she lived in Second Avenue.

  2. Almost opposite us. next to the entrance to the park if I remember.

  3. Sounds delightful - a gem of a find indeed.

  4. It is so nice that people keep in tuch long after childhood.

    1. We met aged about 14. We're now about xxx.

  5. Sounds wonderful, A simple meal in a lovely setting and with special company.
    Pity about forgetting your camera.
    I bet you will go back!

    1. I certainly will; and quite soon (with Lady M).

  6. Replies
    1. It's somewhat similar to Truffle Oil.

    2. I suppose I am asking if it is made from turtles, or is that a silly question?

    3. It's TRUFFLE oil.... TRUFFLE.

    4. Oh, I must use glasses more often. Did you not say 'turtle' originally?

    5. No, it always said TRUFFLE.

  7. I had a few old school friends over for a curry night (it's VERY cold here!) and it dawned on us that we've known each other for over 50 years. It took me aback, I can tell you. Where did that time go??

    Our surrounds weren't nearly as salubrious as yours but we had fun.

    No turtles were harmed at our dinner party.

  8. It reads like a Mary Poppins moment in time.

    Practically perfect in every way.

  9. oooh go again and take pictures it sounds lovely

  10. It sounds perfect Cro …… so uncomplicated which is how food and surroundings should be. XXXX

  11. Looks perfect. Should remain a well kept secret if it's to stay a little gem, but look forward to more photos when you take Lady M.

  12. We found a place like this once and it turned out not to be a restaurant. We wandered into a garden set with tables and asked to see the menu. She said we are not a restaurant but I will feed you later, I have a goose to cook. There was four of us. We had a very good meal with a lovely French couple. They would not accept payment.

  13. Might have to investigate this place when my daughter, Kat, is over from the UK in two weeks time. Haven't been to Bonaguil for years - last time was for the Son et Lumiere, an amazing spectacle.

    1. The bar at the bottom is still nice, the climb to the top still requires Sherpas and oxygen, and there are now an abundance of horrid souvenir shops. Still, you can reward yourself to a pleasant hour or so at the Salon de Thé. Get there just before midi; It filled up very quickly when I was there.

  14. Half the fun is coming across places like this out of the blue. That salad sounds perfect but not sure how it would work here where, sadly, things have not necessarily been ripened by the sun and are often lacking in taste.

    1. Yes, the whole plate was made-up of simple yet perfectly produced different things; even the fig was just right.

  15. I REALLY want to go there.
    I think I will have to include it in my next trip. It sounds as good a reason as any to go to France.
