Tuesday 16 June 2015

Poor Old Berny!

Back in April I wrote about a 'visiting dog'. We think he's a Bernese Mountain Dog, and he belongs to some people who live about 2 kms away.

This poor dog, who we now call Berny (naturally), turns up here on a regular basis; he seems to think that Bok is his best friend. Bok, of course, thinks otherwise. It's all rather sad.

We don't encourage Berny at all, and we certainly don't feed him, he simply comes here for the company, and some human kindness.

This morning I woke to find him installed outside our kitchen door (above). When I told Lady M that he was there she told me that she'd seen him there the previous night; he must have stayed there all night.

Now, as you probably know, I am an animal lover; I especially like dogs, but this is becoming ridiculous. When we're working up at the barn we are usually surrounded by a 'Dog Club' consisting of about 4 or 5 dogs. They hang around hoping for a kind word and a tickled tummy; presumably things they don't receive at home.

It's now 7.15am, and I'm just about to take Bok out for his morning walk. Bernie will accompany us, and hopefully will find somewhere else to go afterwards. As much as I like him, I really don't want him here all the time. I first wrote about Berny here...


p.s. His owner drove by last night looking for him. I told her that he'd spent the night sleeping on the terrace etc. I expect when she finds him he'll be chained up.


  1. Are you sure you don't want to adopt him???

  2. How sad - I am sure he would make a great addition to the Magnon household.

  3. That makes me so sad. Like humans, dogs need to give and receive love. I hope your talk with your neighbor will wake him/her up.

  4. I wonder why they don't take him in at night?

  5. Some people love dogs only in their adorable puppy stage. After that, it's as though they're a nuisance or burden. Dogs somehow sense this indifference.
    P.S. I HATE to see a dog chained. Turns my stomach.

    1. I expect he was a 'trophy puppy'. "Oh do look, we've got a Bernese Mountain dog" etc.

  6. Poor Berny, what a patient fellow, he looks such a lovely dog, and well cared for if his coat is anything to go by. We are at a loss to know why people have a dog, then either let them roam or just ignore them completely. If he's a Bernese, and we think you're right, then he's a big dog, but a very gentle soul. He does seem to have adopted you and Lady M, but Bok probably feels his Alpha dog status is threatened. Hope that you can persuade his owner to keep him secure in her garden, but not chained up.

    1. His coat is actually quite matted. I don't expect he gets much grooming. He's not really suited to the area.

  7. Poor Berny! I'd be no good in this situation at all - the thought of how desperately sad he must be to seek out a new home and companionship would have me welcoming him with open arms! (plus he's so big you could use him as a plough horse at haddocks)

    1. One side of us is the same, the other says 'caution'. If we make a fuss of him he'll never want to go home. We had this before with Bok.

  8. Well everyone said it, take him in he is gorgeous. I want a dog but then I live in England and will go to a local rescue centre for one. Take heart, if his owner was looking for him last night there must be some affection there....

  9. ...every so often Berny liked to go oberland to find the mountains and lay beside the lake listening to the trickle of the water ...........

    1. I feel a children's book coming on. Berny on Sabbatical .

    2. With the evil Cro over the mountain.

  10. Sounds to me as though he just doesn't get as much love and attention as he craves at home.

  11. He is looking for love. It is strange that he did not look at you while you took his picture.

  12. Poor boy. I hate to think of him needing love so badly.

  13. Very sad. Unloved pets will always instinctively find the ones who will give them love and nurturing. The thing that puzzles me is that these types often have children and I have never understood how they can differentiate between the family pets and the kids in terms of love and nurturing. No one has ever been able to give me an answer or if I have asked they look uncomfortable and gloss over the question.

  14. Poor dog, he's obviously not getting what he needs at home. :(
