Wednesday 17 June 2015


I'm bloody annoyed. I pride myself on being a careful, accident-free, driver, so putting a dent into the front of the Compact Royce really hurts.

I was just back from shopping, and for some reason (I must have been distracted) I failed to apply the handbrake. Just as I was unloading my goodies from the boot, she slowly rolled forward and gently hit a wall. I'd tried to hang-on, but she was just too heavy.

So, there's now a nice dent and scratch sullying her otherwise perfect form, and I'm not sure what to do. Do I fork out some dosh to have it fixed, or do I just put up with it and curse every time I pass by.

Yes, very annoyed indeed.


  1. I supposer the whole panel will have to be replaced. What a pain.

  2. Put up with it and curse, a permanent reminder to apply the handbrake next time.

  3. It looks like every French car I have ever seen, dented. Add a few more randomly.

    1. A matching dent on the other side may balance it up.

  4. I put a dent in Klaus the Knaus. Was suitably annoyed as well but put a sticker over the injury. It was one of those with the stick people from the L'Aise Breizh shop and looks suitably carefree on a motorhome. May not have the classy tone that you desire driving a Rolls though.

  5. Fix it or you'll never be happy with it..... And anyway might it rust with a scrape like that ?

  6. It's such a symmetrical dent. With a bit of touch-up paint it could look like it's supposed to be there.

  7. Ouch...but no one was hurt...after all a car is just a tin box. Although I think you should probably bite the bullet and pay to have it fixed.

  8. Pay attention and focus may have to be your bywords from now on.

  9. Oh Cro …. I hate it when that happens but it happens to everyone at some point. I know that I'd have to get it sorted but that's me !! I just wouldn't like to be reminded of it everytime I got in the car.
    Don't beat yourself up about it though will you ? XXXX

    1. I'm just not looking at it, at the moment.

  10. So annoying but I should think all of us have done it at some point. Nobody was hurt and in six months it won't matter. I react exactly the same way and then when I calm down I remember people living in war torn countries and I regain perspective. Arilx

  11. Urgh....annoying. I say fix it. Paying over the money will hurt but you will forget about it in a short time. Looking at that scar on your beautiful car will cause a short burst of pain every day.

  12. I bet Lady M is jolly glad it wasn't her!
    The farmer hit a post the first week he had his new car and a week before we went on holiday. Good as new now and all done with gentle tapping with a hammer by the farmer.

    1. If it HAD been her, she would never have heard the end of it.

  13. I would never dole out any money to get a dent cleared. But I am young, poor, and most importantly, stupid.

    1. I feel somewhat the same, but may I suggest that I am old, not poor, and don't see myself as stupid.

  14. I think Helsie' s right. It's your pride and joy. You won't miss the money.

    1. My main problem is that we only have one car, and being out in the country is difficult.

  15. Do they have car insurance over there? It would cost at least 2000.USD over here to fix. Of course you'd have to pay a deductible first, then the insurance company might drop you. My husband has had two dead branches fall from a tree that recently caved in his new car and an old truck of my housekeepers. Combined, it was over 4000.USD to fix. And, he still parks under that tree. I given up on him.

    1. As a careful driver, I only have cheap insurance so I'd have to pay for it myself. Even so it wouldn't cost anything like $2,000 here.

  16. Sure it's only metal not flesh and blood Cro. Hold off on repairing the beastie until your family arrive from Oz and then presumably they will have a car and be able to drive you around, while the beast is being repaired.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Ouch !? Commendable restraint on your part Cro !
    I agree with Heron, wait until the family arrive from Oz, and then have it repaired.

  18. match all the other French cars with dents xxx

  19. I'd be annoyed, too. Someone hit my truck and took off, so I've no idea who put the dent in. I'm living with it, but not liking it.

    Maybe you should see how much the repair would cost? Then ask yourself if the price to fix it is worth getting rid of the dent's annoying you every time you see it.

  20. Do they have panel beaters in France?

  21. How annoying! On the plus side, no one was injured and it looks like the headlight is intact....

  22. Argh, what a nuisance! Hope it doesn't cost a mint to fix!
