Friday 24 April 2015

Visiting DOGS.

This dog (we think he's a Bernese Mountain Dog) has been turning-up each morning for the past week or so to join Bok and myself on our first early walk of the day.

We know who he belongs to, and after his first full day with us, about a week ago, Lady Magnon put him in the car and returned him to his rightful home about 2 kms away (she's just done the same again).

However, he seems to have no intention of staying there, and now spends almost every day with us.

He is a lovely dog who asks for nothing more than a bit of canine/human contact and kindness; but, I'd rather that he'd stay with his owners. He's probably just bored.


This one (above) is Bok's girlfriend; unfortunately named ISIS. She comes to play with Bok most evenings. She's a real cutie, and belongs to my friend Laurence.

Isis and Bok have both had 'the snip', so no pups are foreseen.

It's one permanent canine merry-go-round here; we never know what or who'll turn-up from one minute to the next. Thank goodness they're all nice dogs.


  1. Nice looking dogs, both of them. I used to live next door to a Bernese called Roger. He was a very laid back fellow and a relaxing walking companion - he never rushed, he ambled.

  2. If visiting cats come here there is all out war. Are dogs not like that?

    1. Bok seems to get on with all comers, occasionally just tolerating them.

  3. It's like that with teens and twenty year old at our house. You never know who'll turn up and what they'll get up to. Last weekend it was washing cars and playing remote control vehicles in the cul de sac.

  4. Are dogs in France allowed to wander where they like?

    1. Out in the country they do much as they please. There are no sheep/lambs here so they just visit different people.

  5. The only other dogs near to us are fierce guard dogs at the Haulage Contractors nearby - quite nice dogs to us because we know them well and are friendly with their owners - but Tess has never met them.
    Dogs tend not to roam here because of all the sheep - and lambs at this time of the year, but I agree with you, that ovely Bernese Mountain dog probably just wants the company.

    1. Yes, I think he's bored at home. They ignore him.

  6. Isis is an encient Egypt goddess,don't worry.

    1. The name was OK a couple of years ago.... but I've noticed she's now calling her Izzy.

  7. Dogs come to you becuse they feel safe and a part of something ever slightly bigger

    1. I'm sure they must know that we're dog friendly people.

  8. Our neighbour, Philippe, has just acquired his fifth dog. His collection now comprises 3 Breton Spaniels and 2 loppy eared hunting hounds. I prefer the hounds to the spaniels. Needless to say they are all regular visitors at my kitchen door.

  9. bet you end up keeping him !it It is usually cats that make home choices, but this lovely chap clearly wants to live with you.
    We are both a bit doggy today aren't we?!

  10. The Bermese owner doesn't sound too responsible, Cro.

  11. I wonder if you are going to end up adopting another wandering dog.

  12. Maybe Monty sent them to cheer all of you.

  13. I thought the same as Gail.

    At my last location, there was a white dog named Kimba who loved to walk, and she'd join anyone walking by her house. She'd accompany you on your walk until you went by her house again, where she'd give a nod of her head and go up the drive. Very sweet, and easily took 4 or 5 walks a day. Her humans walked, too, but not far or long enough for Kimba's taste, it seems.
