Thursday 23 April 2015

Fish ignorant (as well).

I'm not good with fish. I like fish, but I'm hopeless at either choosing, buying, and cooking it. The extent of my ability is frying the occasional Salmon steak, or making a fish finger sandwich.

Most French fish fingers tend to be made from one solid fillet of fish, and are really excellent. I fool myself into thinking that they are the closest thing to actual fish; but without the fins.

I couldn't count the amount of times I've made a decision to 'eat more fish'. I look at them amongst all that ice at the fishmongers, then usually end up buying a kilo of sausages.

But, I always have a pack of the above 'fingers' in my freezer. A fish finger sandwich with tomato ketchup remains an occasional lunchtime comfort-fast-food-favourite.

N.B.'Colin' is Hake, and the crumbed exteriors of the above fingers are not quite as orange as suggested on the box, but reasonably bread coloured. 

Fish fingers have a dubious reputation, but they cater for my dire lack of piscatorial knowledge. I can live with that!

I must remember to buy some more when I'm next out; I don't think there's any left.


  1. I feel the same way Cro....I want to eat more fish, but I'm pretty hopeless at cooking it. Except for the occasional salmon fillet thrown on the grill, we don't eat nearly enough fish.

  2. Flowers yesterday, fish today, well blow me down with a feather. AND fish fingers!

    1. I need to take a long hard look at myself, then lie down in a darkened room.

    2. I nearly had to go and lie down in the darkened room never mind you.

  3. today is our 67 Independance day No fish here either.

    1. Are you having big celebrations? Happy 67th!

    2. most of us are going to the woods and the fields and have barbecue, we eat a lot and drink wine and beer.Than we come back home and start another diet untill our net holiday.

    3. most of us are going to the woods and the fields and have barbecue, we eat a lot and drink wine and beer.Than we come back home and start another diet untill our net holiday.

    4. most of us are going to the woods and the fields and have barbecue, we eat a lot and drink wine and beer.Than we come back home and start another diet untill our net holiday.

  4. We eat fish four times a week. A Salmon en Croute does us for two meals, next is some delicious fish cakes with vegetables, followed by baked cod and Smedley's peas with a knob of butter. Am not a lover of hake but do like halibut when available.

  5. I have no choice to to cook fish as David goes sea fishing in Cornwall at least once a month. The fish he catches are mostly Pollack and Ling with occasional Mackerel and Whiting.
    A soon as my youngest daughter visits I shall change my header. Have a you a preference for animal or vegetable themed pic?!

    1. As long as it is warm and sunny, I don't really mind..... It's all that snow!

  6. I'm hopeless with fish too. I either over or under-cook it. The trouble is that fish has a boundary between the two of about 10 seconds.

    1. With salmon, Lady M likes it opaque all the way through, whereas I like it translucent in the middle. I end up having it a la Lady M.

  7. I hate cooking it, the smell lingers forever. SO I often choose it when eating out. I too ADORE a fish finger and tomato sauce sandwich - nice and hot making the butter melt, mmmm!!!

  8. We eat fish ALL of the time Cro ……. salmon, sea bass, smoked haddock, halibut, crab linguine …… I could go on…. and, I nearly always choose fish when we go to a restaurant. I come from a fish loving family and, my husband used to deep sea dive so crab and lobster was a regular meal. My most favourite dish in the world is turbot and I had the best turbot in France.
    Mind you, there's nothing wrong with a fish finger sandwich { I like mine with tartare sauce { or sauce goodbye as my Dad used to call it !!!!! }}
    Have another go with fish Cro. You are such a good cook and I can't bear to think of you missing out on such deliciousness !!!!!!!! XXXX

    1. The strange thing is that I love fish; I just lack the education. I'm probably not alone. It'll be on my weekly shopping trip from now on.

  9. Fish is good for you but it smells and tastes so ..... 'fishy'. I do like salmon and halibut though so I tend to stick with that.

  10. I tend to cheat and have breaded fish too. Smoked salmon is on offer at Xmas and I stock up and freeze it in smaller bags

  11. I agree - we should all eat more fish and less of the red meat - fish is so good for us. The trouble is that when I see fish on the fishmonger's slab, complete with fins and eyes, I am thoroughly revolted by it. This means I can really only buy ready filleted fish. Salmon I like and find it easy to cook in various ways but apart from 'chip shop' fish - which is really too fatty as it is covered in batter - I struggle to find anything I fancy.

    1. I don't mind the filleting, etc. It's my lack of knowledge about each variety that gets me. With meat it's either pork, beef, lamb, or chicken; with fish it's a thousand ugly varieties that I don't recognise.

  12. I know how you feel and personally make up for things with a fish oil supplement. A nice alternative is smoked salmon. You can use it in fancy sadnwhices, with crackers, salads, etc.

    1. We eat smoked salmon quite often. Delicious.

  13. I find fish boring... one white fish tastes just like another to me... I know each one has different textures but I find it too samey. In saying that I love shellfish, prawns, mussels, and clams any day. mmm prawn cocktail!!

    Jo in Auckland,NZ
