Friday 3 April 2015

The Dalai Lama meets Rick Stein.

Recent bad weather has allowed me time to watch some old Rick Stein DVD's (Stein is a fish cook in the UK).

In one particular episode of his Indian series he meets the religious leader The Dalai Lama. Rick, of course, quizzes him about food.

The DL admitted that as a student they were forbidden to eat eggs, pork, or fish, but his father adored pork, and his mother adored eggs, so when visiting his parents he partook of both. Naughty boy.

He also stated that when he eventually became a fully fledged Buddhist monk, eating after lunch was forbidden, but he divulged that when hunger overcame him he would munch on a few biscuits; his excuse being that Buddha would understand that a healthy body was more important than breaking a tiny rule. Naughty boy.

His interview reminded me of those strict vegans and orthodox Jews who can't resist a bacon sandwich when no-one's looking; and who could blame them. Naughty, naughty.

The DL also stressed that 'Oneness of Humanity' is his mantra. Who could argue with that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Oneness of Humanity Cro. If only the world believed in that.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As the aging pirate that I am, rules are just guidelines meant to be err ... ah yes ...adjusted to suit particular circumstance. "the oneness of humanity"? wise words Mr. Lama, wise words indeed.

  5. The nice thing about Stein is that he seems at ease wherever he goes, and genuinely interested in the folks he meets. And his recipes are bloody good too.

  6. Rules are made to be broken. I love and admire the DL. He is a very good human being.

  7. the DL is an amazing man

  8. Where was the Delaii Lama last night when I needed him that's what I want to know. I like Rick Stein, you can filter out the cooking if you want to and watch his programmes as travel shows.

    1. I always say the same..... although in my case I enjoy both.

  9. I have bacon in my freezer and some bread also for the passover days . ( i think that i am the only Jewish around this blog so i dont mind to tell...)

    1. I was at school with a very famous Jewish TV personality.... he couldn't resist bacon either!
