Saturday 4 April 2015

Home alone again.

Lady M's off gallivanting again in London, so I have the run of the house for a few weeks. I also have loads of work to do, but recently it's been bloody non-stop raining, making life difficult.

Rain ruins everything when one lives out in The Styx, so much so that I've found myself Hoovering, putting that annoying duvet back into its cover correctly, and even oiling the hot plate of our poor-man's Aga. I can't mow, dig, or plant; outdoor life has come to a standstill. It's a nightmare.

My current major job is wall building up at the barn, but even though it's indoors work, I need to use an electric angle grinder to cut blocks/bricks, and there's no way I'm going to do that outside in this bloody rain!

So, I wrap myself in my leaky Barbour and take Bok for plenty of short walks, I watch old DVD's of Rick Stein, I sit by the fire and read pamphlets about bathroom fittings and kitchen taps, and I also eat things that otherwise would be banished from the Magnon kitchen (e.g. Whelks, Snails, etc).

I've just checked the weather forecast, and it looks to be getting better. Thank goodness!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh dear. Sorry, but the weather is perfect here. It has been a wonderful summer and so far has been a great autumn although some rain is much needed for the garden.

    1. It rained again here in the night. We're promised better weather for next week; the grass is getting very long.

  3. I think we came back too early! Log fire is nice though. Happy Easter. x

  4. I had snails once in a restaurant in Brantome, not sure of spelling, it doesn't look right. Anyway they were delicious and I can remember them now even though it was 30 years ago.

    1. The spelling looks right now it is published.

    2. Perfectly correct, other than an accent on the 'o'. Brantôme. It's quite a lot north of here.

  5. I have never had snails, and do not plan to…ever! Hope the rain stops…it hasn't been good here either.

    1. Snails usually just taste of butter and garlic. You should try them.

    2. It is the thought of the texture that puts me off the most!

  6. It is slightly better here this morning even bits of blue sky showing. Love the look of that dish you have cooked for yourself - you are quite a gourmet cook aren't you? Wish I had a tame one, it would make life much easier.

    1. Another day of drizzle here, but from tomorrow it should be fine for quite a while. I have so much outdoor stuff to do, a week's sunshine would be very welcomed.

  7. It's just part of Spring Cro, this too shall pass.

  8. Grey and drizzly here too Cro ….. and, we have lots of plants to get in the garden.
    Still, a plate of snails is a good substitute for mowing and, if your weather is like ours then, next week is supposed to reach 19 C !! XXXX

    1. Both our weathers are quite similar. Ours is probably a couple of degrees hotter in Summer, and probably a couple of degrees colder in Winter. Yup, 19C forecast for here too.

    2. It was 8C here this morning. What's all this about19C????

  9. Look on the bright side - at least you are not being rowed across The Styx.

    1. But I do keep a coin in my mouth; just in case!

  10. Ooooh, your whelks are bigger than our whelks. They look delicious.

  11. Where do you find the snails? i wonder if they are "kosher". (i ate snails in Paris long time ago but they were brown).

    1. The ones above are Whelks from the sea. The ordinary snails I always buy ready prepared and stuffed; it takes too long to do it oneself.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. rick stein french odyssey episode 2
    have you seen that? i love rick stien.

    1. The French series is a favourite; a very good friend of mine is in it.

  14. Do you collect your own snails?
