Wednesday 15 April 2015

Summer's within sight.

We're already dreaming of Summer.

If the trees weren't still mostly leafless, you'd almost think we were in mid-July. We've had temperatures of 28 C.

It's eating outdoors time again. Lunch under the Quince tree, and dinner in our badly positioned au vent. Pizzas are back on the menu, along with salads, long shadows, and cool drinks. Beers will be appearing again in the fridge.

Oh how I love the warmth of the sunshine, the early morning dawn chorus, and the buzzing of bumble bees amongst the fruit blossom.

I was born in July, so I guess it's in my blood; Summer suits me just fine-n-dandy.


  1. Can't believe it's only mid-April. That pizza looks good...

  2. Oh for some warmth. Don't think the month of ones birth is relevant. I don't like the cold either - but on the other hand I don't like it too hot. mid to late 20's suits me fine.

    Good looking pizza - I really must try making a g.f. base.

  3. I love Winter best though I was born in our Summer. We'll be visiting your part of the world in late September, hope it's not too hot there then?

    1. June and September are my favourite months here. September tends to be fine with liveable temperatures. It's also the month of Cepes (mushrooms), so Cepe omelets should be on the menu.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry I'm still alive. Wish to come along to eat your pizza. May be you will invite me. Surprise....surprise. I'm hungry.

  6. It's warm here too in Sussex. 25 promised and the daffs still out! Mr Him can't be trusted in sainsburys. Cider and beer make their way to our trolley. Bbq time soon.

  7. Oh no, I had forgotten about the quince. Soon it will be time to ask for recipes again.

  8. You paint a beatiful picture! It sounds idyllic. I'm a summer baby too and that weather suits me just fine. X

    1. Weather can still be dodgy here until mid-May, but I'm an optimist. We're basking in the present offering.

  9. Cro that pizza looks mouth-watering. Sadly the temperature here is just 12 degrees and there is a harsh wind blowing, so outside eating is a mile away.

    1. Green pesto, tomatoes, mozzarella, and anchovies. Lovely.

  10. We love to sit outside, but living just 12.5 miles from the sea and on a hill, we get NW winds that chill us and the food. But now we have the conservatory we can leave it's door open and sit "outside".
    You paint a very idyllic image of summer living, making a lot of people jealous!

  11. Not warm enough for that here but soon...soon....we're not wearing snow boots any more and the spring jackets have come out of moth balls. It's exciting.

  12. Hi Cro
    Regarding the Togs thing, I still don't know where it originates from, maybe cockney slang?

    1. I believe it refers to a type of coat. i.e. Tog Coat.

  13. We had our first dinner outside the other day. It was glorious. Life, as I like it, is back.

  14. Yes, won't be long now. This morning I saw close-up my first green woodpecker of the year. Many baby squirrels (are they really called kittens?) playing in the Vienna Woods. And a man taking 3 huskies for a walk or maybe they were taking him. He had to run to keep up with them. The 'ice men' will be coming soon. It's a cold snap in May.

    1. I'm ignoring the 'Ice Saints' this year; I just can't see us returning to frosts (I also have my fingers crossed). I've planted out all my tomatoes, peppers, chillies, and aubergines; Only time will tell if I've been foolhardy.

  15. How can you eat quince? my parents planted quince tree by mistake when i was a child and we never ate the fruit or the jum that they made. every thing else is so beautiful in your post..

    1. We eat thick slices roasted with chicken or pork, we also fry thin slices in butter sugar and cinnamon and serve with cream, otherwise they all go on the compost!

  16. Well, there's summer and then there's SUMMER. It's in the mid-80's now and we call it spring, you can guess what we call summer.

  17. Though I was born in December, I detest winter. I too am eagerly awaiting warm and sunny days. It's been too cool and soggy where I live; I prefer spring to be blue skies and warm.

  18. I might make a pizza like yours. I love anchovies. It looks quite appetising. I don't find bought pizzas very exciting.

  19. I love the warmth and this year early spring has been almost like summer - it is hard to keep me indoors at times like this - I am with you all the way on this one.

  20. Yum …. Pizza looks delicious Cro …… is the swimming pool ready for swimmers yet ?!!
    I was born on February 1st but I still love the warmth of the sun !! XXXX

    1. We did consider opening it earlier than usual, but it's positioned not far from a huge Oak tree that drops catkins in late May. Best to keep the cover on until they've finished dropping.

  21. Well into autumn on this side of the planet, and the temp is plummeting. There has even been the odd early snowfall in various parts of the country. I have stored the outdoor chairs and table away for the winter, no more outdoor lunches for a few months.

  22. And here I was rejoicing because temps climbed to the mid 50's (Fahrenheit, would be around 12 Celsius). Most of my yard is cleared of snow :0)

  23. The focaccia/flatbread pizza looks really yummy. And yes, it is very nice to see the seasons change again. Bring on the sweet air and sunlight!
