Tuesday 14 April 2015

Mrs v Mrs.

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The Americans have assuaged their national guilt by having elected a half-white president; and they think it could now be time to elect a woman (the saucy devils!).

The current favourites are Mrs Bush, Mrs Nixon, Oprah Winfrey, Mrs Clinton, or why not combine all the essential PC elements, and have the fragrant Mrs Obama.

Mrs Obama could be the front runner. She's what is known (over the pond) as 'African American', she's a she, and she has two children; the perfect combination for photo opportunities.

Mrs Obama certainly looks more presentable than Mrs Clinton. She has impeccable presidential connections, she wouldn't look like a 'short-arse' in international diplomatic circles, and I hear she can cook a stomping Apple Pie. What more could the USA want?


  1. And she can make more egreemants with Iran like her husband.

  2. Above , a pic of your wife...as she seems to be blond like Hilary and stupid because blond !

    1. You have now been 'blocked' and reported to Google + for 'hate speech'. I hope this is the end of you!

  3. Haha good you are efficace but google + will not care ... you are a little will be paysan and I suppise you need to blig to have some friends.Poor you !!!!!

    1. You claimed to be male, then claim to be female. I'm now wondering how old you are..... I'd guess about 12.

    2. 10 , lol. A male called Sara, why not I love transgenders. Not so narrow minded.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I didn't think that O'Barmy was born on US soil.

      We now have an ex-New York Mayor who wants to be Mayor of London, we have a present Mayor of London who was born in New York, and the very first Mayor of New York (Capt Thomas Willett) is a fellow old-boy of my alma mater. It takes all sorts.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I thought his Hawaii origins were discredited. He certainly seems very cagey about his birthplace.

    4. I thought he was born in Nairobi.

  5. Of course electing someone competent would be entirely illogical. Checking the diversity, feminist boxes is far more important than actually being able to do the job. Something that has also crept into politics in the UK as well. I don't vote based on skin colour, sex, race, disability. I vote for the bugger who is the most competent. Naturally with them being politicians that leaves a very restricted choice, in some elections none at all.

    1. I would suggest that it might be best to vote for the least incompetent. Even more restricted.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I suggest that Hillary Clinton has sex in the Oval Office with all the interns in the White House and upholds the great memories and entertainment that Bill gave us in the otherwise dull world of politics in the 1990s. Of course she needs to get into office first. Otherwise she should put her slippers on and retire with Bill.

    1. The 'Revenge sex' would be fun, but what about the 'Revenge policies'? I favour the slippers.

  7. Great suggestions, all of them! Cro, I would very much like to contact you about another matter. How do I go about it? My email is on my blog.

  8. I'm not a great Hilary fan, but compared to the weirdos running on the other side she looks good.

    1. Really? I know nothing about her, but she looks dodgy to me.

    2. You know nothing about her, but you find she looks dodgy. You are VERY logical in your statement, how stupid Mr. Cro. The comments.you wished to get are quite diffetent, most of the answers are positive concerning H.C..
      Echec et mat

  9. Just my two cents....I'd love to see Elizabeth Warren as our first female President.

  10. Since the conservative Republican favourite Ted Cruz threw his hat into the ring the legal constitutional beagles have come up with a new interpretation of what the founding fathers meant by the term Natural born citizen. Ted Cruz was born in Canada of American parents. And John McCain was born in Panama!

    as for Hillary -- I am a fan -- but I wish she weren't running. It will be a very nasty campaign...

  11. There is an interesting article on Hilary in today's Times 2 - I too, like The Broad, am a fan - anyone who could put up with Bill and come out the other side smiling and up beat has my vote. But quite rightly you say - US Politics is a nasty business - all the folk I blog with who live over there say as much. And we think ours in bad.

  12. I have very few heroes, but Hillary Clinton is one and I have already donated to her election. The male republicans have been bashing her for the last few years, knowing that she would run. It will get ugly, but I do think she'd make a good president. That said, I do wonder what makes people like her run. It is such a thankless job, but she believes in service to her fellow man and country.

  13. Sorry former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton does not seem 'presentable' enough for you.

  14. No, No, No... She has been around Bill to long secretive, lies and she messed up big time as Secretary Of State. Can anyone say Benghazi ? She lied about this too.
    Now she is pretending to be one of the Middle Class and driving around in a van. I am one of the Middle Class and she is not.
    I belong to the Democrat Party but not for long.

    cheers, parsnip

  15. Good to see that there are equal amounts of pros and cons; that's how it should be.

  16. The fact that she chose to conduct high level state business on her private unsecured servers and then when caught chose to delete them shows her entirely unsuitable for government office.
    All her dirty laundry will be aired now though and as I understand it there is quite a bit to air!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have seen Hillary in person a few times and have been very impressed. It is time for a woman to be President and she has my vote.

    1. It's time for a woman to be president? You regard gender as the most important qualification? Wouldn't you want someone whose abilities made them stand out as your first choice?
      When people here voted for Mrs Thatcher it was because she represented competent leadership, which given the opposition at the time wasn't hard, not because she was female.
