Friday 13 March 2015

To Construct or Destroy?

                               Résultat de recherche d'images pour "IS smashing sculptures"

As someone who is on the creative side of things, whether it be via my painting, sculpture, or interior work, I abhor what these idiots above are doing.

They seem to be out to shock the world by killing, torturing, and, above all, destroying.

Everywhere they go they leave death and destruction in their path. Never do they construct, embellish, or improve. Nothing is 'better' after their passage. Their beliefs (I presume they have 'beliefs') seem to preclude any form of 'goodness'.

Just look at these idiots above; they even destroy their own precious heritage.

I hear they now want to destroy Egypt's Sphinx and its surrounding Pyramids...... The bloody fools.


  1. There'll be some group funded by the tax payer explaining how this is a natural reaction to the prejudice and lack of freedom in UK

  2. A very sad reflection on the world we live in. I fail to comprehend what these idiots are hoping to achieve.

  3. I think they are finishing off unfinished business from the bible.

  4. Have they actually given any reason for their actions? It is so sad to see work done thousands of years ago by our ancestors just reduced to rubble in a matter of minutes. Is it something to do with the 'graven image' idea I wonder.

  5. Napoleon used the Sphinx as target practice with a cannon. That's why the nose is missing.

  6. Scary. It is geting close to us.

  7. Makes a good argument for keeping all those treasures in the British Museum and not returning them . At least no one is smashing them up there !

  8. Evil personified. I get shivers just thinking about them.

  9. Their belief of false gods allows them to destroy anything not from their religion. We all see the destruction they cause, very good post.

  10. If they want to return to the stone age, fine, but I have no intention of joining them there. Complete imbeciles for the cultural destruction going on.

  11. I abhor it, too. What happens after they've destroyed everyone and everything they're against? If that's their raison d'etre, then they don't have anything left to live for.

  12. I have tried to understand their motives, but can't. While I have faith in a higher being, I do not believe their acts can ever be justified in any way or for any reason.

  13. Horrifying, isn't it? It's hard to wrap my mind around such evil behavior. They have such a blatant disregard for the sanctity of life and for our planet's history... and their own heritage. Insane. Such a terrible terrible waste.

  14. They always put me in mind of the troubled or just plain bad kids at school. If you don't have what it takes to create, you destroy.
