Saturday 14 March 2015

Easy Spaghetti Carbonara.

                                 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "spaghetti carbonara"

It's been years since I've prepared this classic of Italian cuisine; too long in my view,

I love the simplicity of such dishes, and, frankly, any pasta sauce that doesn't contain tomatoes is always a very welcome addition to the repertoire (not that I dislike tomato based sauces).

For 2 people.

1. Take a handful of spaghetti, and cook in normal way.

2. Fry about 4 rashers of bacon cut into juliennes, with a chopped clove of garlic, and maybe some parsley.

3. Add some 'pouring' cream and heat until just bubbling.

4. Stir in the cooked spaghetti, serve, add freshly grated parmesan to taste.

Could anything be simpler and/or more delicious?

Lovely jubbly.


  1. That doesn't look like one of your photographs. No knife and no colour. The ingredients sound rather dull to me.

    1. No, the photo's not mine (mine didn't come out too well). The ingredients are 'simple', not 'dull'. Try it.

    2. Mine was served in a much nicer bowl too!

  2. This is a regular lunchtime meal for us. I like to fry some onion and courgette with the bacon. Quick and easy and a little bit naughty.

    1. People add various other ingredients, but I believe that this is the original..... very basic.

  3. Yours photografs are always better , I make a lot of this and we like it here.

  4. Oh, yum! I haven't had that for years! It's now on my list for this week. I've been a bit distraught since finding out I'm gluten intolerant but I've managed to find some reasonably palatable pasta substitutes. I so love (and miss) 'real' pasta and 'real' bread!

    1. There are plenty of 'gluten free' pastas around.... but probably not quite as good as the real thing.

  5. Add the first sentence of the above answer - exactly what I thought Cro. I think over here in the UK folk try to make all pasta dishes too complicated. In Italy they are always made up of just a few simple ingredients and all the better for it.

  6. I thought that carbonara had eggs with the bacon and cream?

    1. Sometimes it has a raw egg added, that just cooks in the residual heat.... this recipe is the really basic version.

    2. You are right, Frances, Carbonara sauce does have eggs in it - the Italians say so, even Martha Stewart says so.

      But what Cro says goes. At the slightest hint of disagreement - happened to me recently and be forewarned - he will declare you an "idiot", not enter a discussion and ask you to not darken his blog's blackened doorstep again.


    3. The clue is in the title, bitch; it says "Easy Spaghetti Carbonara". EASY...

  7. Cro, that looks delicious. I think I'll try this out for our dinner tonight. I also like pasta dishes without tomatoes, especially this time of year when GOOD tomatoes are still months away!

    I shall let you know how this recipe turns out!

    (I'd post a photo but we still haven't bought a new computer. Hopefully we'll do it this week and I can blog normally again.)

  8. One of my favourite dishes. Spaghetti is so versatile. I like it with squid.

  9. You cannot get more simple than a plate of plain pasta with fresh white truffle grated over it. You cannot get more expensive, either.

  10. Drooling here, got to try that.

  11. Everything tastes better with bacon. I do a variation with zucchini that is always well received.

  12. I LOVE pasta Cro and I'd eat it whatever was on it !!! I haven't had Carbonara for a while but you've reminded me what a lovely dish it is { in whatever configuration …. I'm not a purist !! } …. I also fancy Tom's suggestion but, alas, there's not a white truffle to be had in our house today !!
    ……. I also LOVE The Eagles ! XXXX

  13. It sounds wonderful. I wonder how it would turn out using soy milk and soy cheese? Probably not so good.

    1. Hmmmm, not too sure! Pasta needs real flavour.

  14. Three million comments for a plate of pasta, fourteen for trashing art.

    I prepare my pasta as above but add mushrooms which I have fried off in the bacon fat.

    1. I think I might do the same the next time.

    2. People prefer the safety of cooking.

  15. One of my kids favorites....I sautee an onion with the bacon, al dente the pasta, toss it in the onion and pour over mixed parmesan and eggs...I don't use cream. It may be why I had double stents placed in me 4 months ago....
