Thursday 5 February 2015

Winter Visitors.

Guess who's coming to stay in a week's time.

It's half-term time again, and the boys are coming for their (almost) annual Winter visit.

Will there be sledging? Will there be snowmen? Will there be steaming clothes drying over the wood burner? Only time will tell.

I just hope it won't rain all the time; our cottage is too small for two energetic boys to be housebound for a week. I also hope this extreme cold will go; for a family used to central heating, our indoor temperatures might seem a tad rustic. 

So, we're planning lots of games, flapjack cooking, visits, walks, and adventure. Summer fun is easy to organise; Winter fun is much more complicated.


  1. You'll have a wonderful time.....lots of photos of winter fun please.

  2. Love the way you've captured Harvey with just a few simple lines and a dash of colour.

    (How is Monty?)

    1. We may bring him home this morning, although he's not a lot better. Kidneys don't repair themselves; we're taking things day by day.

  3. Blogland is so amazing, I find my self thinking about Monty from time to time during the day as if I know him well.
    I am sure you all wili have a wonderful time together.

  4. Guess whose coming?
    By the look of the drawing
    Christopher Robin

  5. What lucky boys they are....I hope they realise it. Lovely drawing. I hope that Monty gets well soon.

  6. Good luck to Monty. Coda, his doppleganger over here is struggling too , as his arthritis has flared.
    I know what you mean by having children that are used to central heating. My family often arrive and say that our house is "freezing" - it isn't. can't remember how old the boys are, but house dens made of blankets usually goes down well in cold weather.

  7. Thank you everyone for your very kind good wishes towards Monty. We have just brought him home. He seems a lot better today, but we shall see how his kidneys are behaving on Saturday, when he has another blood test. For the moment we are just happy to have him home!

    1. I'm so happy to hear he's home.....I bet he and Bok were excited to see each other!

  8. Sounds like it will be a fun week, I need to make plans for our half term week too :)

  9. Unless there is snow, it is hard to entertain kids in the winter. I have found that old fashioned board games are great fun and gets the whole family involved.

  10. Have a wonderful time with your grandsons Cro ……I'm sure that they are precious times for yu and Lady M..
    …. and hopefully they will help get Monty on the roaad to recovery. XXXX

  11. I'm sure the boys will love the new ping pong table...a perfect way to expend some energy!
    The drawing of Harvey is adorable.

  12. Visits from three grandboys here, and I always scour the newspaper and internet of something, anything, to keep them entertained. Weather can make or break a visit.

  13. To that last paragraph add 'and tiring!'

  14. We once got snowed in with three of the grandchildren and had a marvelous time. I hope with all my heart that your upcoming visit will bring the same. Give Monty a good old scratch for me.

  15. Have a wonderful time with your grand boys.
