Wednesday 4 February 2015

Rowena Cade 1893-1983.


Dear Ms Cade must have been one of the most extraordinarily determined English women of the 20th C.

Almost single handedly she conceived, and built, the wonderful outdoor Minack theatre near Porthcurno, Cornwall.

Built into the cliffs overlooking the English Channel, she created an amphitheatre in one of the best (and craziest) locations in the world.


Weather is not always kind on England's south west coast. It's often wet and blustery, but the shows must go on; the punters usually arrive kitted for all eventualities.

Well done Ms Cade; we think you were wonderful.


  1. Replies
    1. We'll go to see him in about an hour's time. We are not over-optimistic, his life seems to be in the hands of the vet'. We're still hoping for a miracle.

  2. I always wonder how you get the idea of the daily post here. but I am so glad to read about new things.
    Wish that Monty be well.

    1. Yael, you seem to be suffering from the same problem as myself. My comments also appear twice.... and I have no idea why. If I find doubled comments I will delete one of them.

    2. Thank you. I niticed it. If it was only me i could think that there is some consiprancy against me but not.

  3. This lady was new to me so I had to go and look her up. What a wonderful woman! Thanks Cro.

    I too am keeping my fingers crossed for Monty.

  4. I think I may have visited this place years ago. Would be so much fun to see a live performance there, preferably when the sun is shining.

    Hope Monty is buoyed by your visit.

    1. We may even try to bring him home overnight, so he can be with Bok again and not feel abandoned.... we'll see what they think tonight.

  5. Isn't this an amazing place. How wonderful what you can do when you set your mind to it and have a passion for something. Fingers crossed for Monty.

  6. I have been there, in the afternoon, then later on in the evening for a performance. It's magical. Rowena certainly left an amazing legacy.

  7. I have been to the Minack theatre, it was a magical experience, one I will never forget - it was breathtaking. I am keeping Monty in my thoughts xx

  8. A wonderful setting for drama have viewed the performances sitting in the theatre and a few times from the sea onboard my motor cruiser.

  9. Very cool. Glad to learned of this extraordinary woman.

  10. Fingers crossed for beautiful Monty.

  11. I have read about her a few times over the years Cro. I think the British do this sort of woman magnificently - much more so than anywhere else in the world.

  12. If only the whole world could be like this tonight. Thank you for putting her here today. I wonder, like Yael, how you decide what you are going to write about. For me it is very immediate, for you maybe it is more planned. Either way it is interesting and stimulating.

    1. Yours certainly is, and I hope mine is too.

    2. I wouldn't be a constant visitor if it wasn't; even when you go on about footy.

  13. I wish I could go back and visit this again as the last time I was there I was being young and out of sorts with the world which was a good many years ago. All my thoughts are for dear Monty and a healthy recovery.

  14. I remember seeing a programme about Rowena Cade and the Minack Theatre …. wonderful and what a place to see a performance.
    Am thinking of you, Lady M, Monty and Bok. Lots of love. XXXX

  15. A wonderful lady indeed, thanks for bringing her to me. I just enjoyed further reading about her.
    Big love to Monty x
