Friday 5 December 2014

That CAKE.

Lady Magnon has made her CAKE!

Not too much swearing from her this year, but the ingredients were all over the shop. Why do SO MANY different things seem to go into these cakes.

Only one glitch too. After the cake had been in the oven (at the wrong temperature) for 10 mins, she suddenly remembered the Molasses. How could you forget the Molasses?

So out came the cake, it was emptied back into a mixing bowl, and the Molasses folded in. Then back into the tin, and back into the oven (at the right temperature).

Four hours later the baby was born. We'd been out at the Doc's during the latter half of the cooking time, and the aroma on opening the kitchen door was wonderful; pure Christmas. It's bottom now has to be anointed with Armagnac for the next couple of weeks.

This is a much bigger operation that Christmas dinner itself. It took two days in all, gawd knows how many ingredients, and the same time in the oven as a large Turkey. 

If you're interested, she used dear Delia's Christmas Cake recipe. I'll give my opinion when it's broached (Dec 24th), but I know it's going to be wonderful; it always is.


  1. Mm, I can smell it from here. No Christmas Cake for me this year. I'm currently having to make my rock cakes without egg (banana makes a good substitute) to keep the vegan boyfriend happy.

    1. Whilst you are over there, we have our youngest (from Mullumbimby) arriving over here for a few days; on the 15th. He is veggie, so I know the scene.

  2. I think I shall try the recipe.

  3. I always used that recipe when I made a Christmas cake. I gave up some years ago, as no one ever ate it at Christmas and the OH and I had to make our way through it for the next month…not good for the after Xmas diet!

  4. Looks wonderful. Y'know oooop north here in Blighty a slice of cake like that is eaten with cheese....

    1. There's no accounting for taste... Although it sounds rather nice. I shall try it.

  5. Delia's Christmas Cake recipe is by far the best Christmas Cake ever. Lady M has done it proud.

  6. I keep changing my mind on whether to make a Christmas cake this year. You've just helped me make my mind up. I'll make one. Never tried Delis's recipe, but everybody else seems to have done. So, Delia it is then. Off to the shops.

  7. My mother used to do this until her now arthritis riddled hands have stopped this tradition....the aroma is truly something special.

  8. There's nothing like the smell of Christmas cake baking.

  9. Shall I put the kettle on? Looks and sounds delish!


  10. Cro, your wife's Christmas cake looks to be very similar to what we here in the States call a Christmas fruitcake. It has a myriad of ingredients all mixed into a batter and baked. I was never a fan of such a Christmas cake but they always show up on the store shelves at Christmas time so some one must buy them.

    Have a great day anticipating sampling the Christmas cake.

    1. I love Christmas cake. A small slice with a cup of tea on a cold day, in front of the fire.... wonderful.

  11. ...can just imagine the glorious smell!!! hmmmmm

  12. Because of your first post on the filling for the cake and your use of Armagnac, son when out and bought a bottle. He used it instead of the Calvados the stuffing for the Turkey Roulade. So good.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. I apologize beforehand; I'm almost afraid to comment. I would love to try a slice of your Lady's cake, but in the States, fruitcake at Christmas has become a joke of sorts. It is often used as a Dirty Santa gift and suggested uses as a door stop, etc. Don't know why it has become so.

    1. Fruit cakes are certainly quite 'heavy' with all the dried fruits etc, but they are not to be derided. However, some fruit cakes would serve very well as door stops.

  14. Never had a dud Delia recipe. Goes well with a glass of Sherry. Sherry also ideal for drizzling over baked apples.
    Grandsons did your peanut butter and thought it very worth their efforts.

  15. I use Delia's recipe too Cro and made my cake about a month ago. I anoint it weekly with Highland Park single malt - the smell when I take the lid off the tin is enough to knock you back.

  16. Where can I find this recipe???
