Saturday 6 December 2014

Managing Diabetes.

After my regular 3 monthly blood test, my visit to the Doc's was reasonably encouraging.

The number crunching (above) seems OK, my blood pressure was surprisingly normal, and whilst with the Doc' I even had a flu jab. Everything is under control.

So how do I manage to stay in such fine fettle? I don't really deprive myself of anything, I don't overdo things, I take plenty of exercise, and I watch my weight.

I also follow what many would call a 'Mediterranean Diet'. Plenty of fresh fruit and veg', plenty of Olive and Walnut oils, and a liberal sprinkling of Vin Rouge.

I NEVER buy 'ready meals' of any sort. We eat veggie one day a week, and I try to follow the 5:2 diet as much as I can.

It all seems to be working.

p.s. Any nurses reading this, please don't look too closely at the figures above; or if you do, don't tell me.


  1. I see your HbA1c is slightly better than mine at 45 - not sure about the other readings. obviously we are both doing reasonably well without meds.

  2. I am not a nurse but looked closly. What is the diet 5:2?

    1. 5 days a week you eat normally, and for 2 days you 'fast'. It works well.

  3. Thank you. I googld the diet and it looks good.

  4. Exercise? you see that's the bit I don't do...obviously where I'm going wrong........

    1. With 2 quite big dogs in the house, it's obligatory.

  5. A friend of mine underwent blood-pressure tests which showed horribly high readings, and they eventually put it down to a couple of ready-made dishes - which had horribly high levels of salt. I treated myself to a Waitrose smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich yesterday, even knowing that the salt content was 2.93 grams. Imagine that as a little pile! Beware hidden salt.

    1. And hidden sugar; I don't know which is worse.

  6. You are obviously doing the right things to keep it under control, Cro. Tom's comment is also a warning - the trouble is that salf often equals flavour and once people get a taste of ready meals they can't resist them. As one who no longer works, other than at home, I would consider it a failure to buy a ready meal.

    1. I certainly think that way. It would have to be an emergency to buy something 'ready made'.

  7. Cro, good job on the discipline of eating. I am going be seriously watching what I eat from this point in life on. I am approaching the eighth decade of life and extra weight is becoming an issue as the exercise decreases. If it weren't for gardening, I definitely would be seriously over weight. The 5:2 diet seems to be a very good approach to dieting. On the fasting days food is still eaten but very restricted calorie consumption. I've not heard of this diet but I'm going to give it a try. I really don't have a need for a diet but really what I need is a life style eating change. I have been trying to eat more of my own prepared meals from raw vegetables and meat so that I can control what seasonings are going into the meal but I still have a long way to go.

    This year was the worst year for my health but it's ending with all the issues taken care of. I'm looking forward to much better years ahead and consider this year just a bump in the road of life.

    Have a great good health day.

    1. David, it's well worth looking after one's health. The 5;2 diet is good on many fronts, and it doesn't seem as one is depriving oneself. I am a few years younger than you, and still working my backside off; building, gardening, log sawing etc. I'm sure it does me good.If I was to do nothing I would become a slob.

  8. Most of the people I know are on tons of medication for one thing or another. When I say I don't take anything they look astounded - so like you, I must be doing something right.

  9. You're doing really well. Exercise and a good diet are crucial.

  10. Good for you! Nothing like a good lab report from the doctor to make one's day. In addition to preparing just about everything we eat from scratch, I believe in eating "real" things as opposed to low-fat man-made imitations. Only butter, real eggs, and real mayo will do. Life's too short to eat chemicals.

  11. Through my work, I associate with a lot of GPs. At a workshop a while back, I found that 5 of them were on the 5:2 diet and were having great results. I figured if doctors were doing it, it would have some merit. I gave it a go for a few months, lost 12kg (still need to lose more) and haven't (so far) put the weight back on. I haven't done it for over 6 months but I think it's time to have another crack! Maybe after the festive season.

    1. Yes, probably best left until after Christmas. But don't make it a 'New Year Resolution'; do it as just a natural part of life. Good luck.

  12. Seeing that I'm doing an essay for my Masters at the moment and critically analysing literature to the hilt, I should really be adhering to evidenced based medical knowledge. But a patient who I saw months ago told me she was taking 'Sizzling Minerals'. She looked great and was unrecognisable from the person I'd met before. So, I've bought some and am going to trial them in spite of a really awful publicity leaflet that does make some wildly spurious claims. I'll let you know how I get on with them but the bumph does talk about the benefits for diabetes and a colleagues swears by another mineral supplement that's double the price. All the other stuff you're doing sounds good though!
