Wednesday 17 December 2014

Our Christmas Fizz.

I don't know about you, but I very rarely drink pukka Champagne. Frankly I find it overpriced and over-hyped

No, for Cro it's either a Crémant de Bourgogne, a Crémant d'Alsace, or even a dry Italian Prosecco. 

I do, of course, keep a couple of bottles of Mumm in the fridge just in case Wills and Kate should pop by, but it's something we would hardly ever open just for ourselves.

My most recent favourite fizz is this l'Altissime (foreground). It has no appellation d'origine on the label, but is extremely good. The other one in the photo is a good Crémant d'Alsace.

This may sound like heresy, but the important things to me about fizz are its taste, the appearance of the bottle (v important), and the cost. A bottle of l'Altissime costs me about €6 (under £5) and when chilled is perfectly delicious. Unfortunately a bottle of very ordinary Champagne would set me back at least 3 times that, and would probably be unremarkable.

We might have a bottle of Mumm for Christmas Day, but otherwise I'll stick to the Crémants.


  1. We spend about the same on our Christmas fizzy. I wish it came in a bottle as pretty as that one!

  2. Grant has bought six bottles of Tanzanian fizz for the communal Christmas lunch next to the pool at the client club next week. I'm teetotal so wouldn't know if it's going to be OK, although the bottles will be every bit as pretty as yours!

    1. Hmmmm; Tanzanian Fizz sounds intriguing. One to try!

  3. As a non-drinker when I have tried champagne I found it to taste what I would expect cat pee to taste like.

    1. I'm pleased to see you didn't write 'it tasted like cat pee'.

  4. I found some bottles of Lambrusco wine from Italy in a very small shope near my house.I bought them and they are good.

  5. Mmm....champagne. I love a nice dry champagne, even though it usually gives me a headache the next day.

  6. Other than a sip, I can not drink champagne. It goes right to my head and the result is not pleasant. A nice Italian white suits me fine.

  7. Lidls have a perfectly good champagne for £10.00. I had some very over priced Bollinger last week, but Mumm is my absolute favourite. I don't know if you remember the Mumm advert with Elaine Stritch in, it's a classic.


    1. Ten quid! That's amazing. No I don't remember the ad', I'll see if I can find it on YouTube.

  8. I purchased a case of nice Italian Prosecco for those that I love…the big ones that is and several juices for the wee ones that I adore. I also purchased a putrid boxed wine for those I don’t like but am forced to deal with during the holidays. I really should go away for the holidays.

  9. I wonder, can we buy it he? I rather fancy something with a bit of a fizz this year for the eight of us.

  10. A neurologist told me once that the bubbles in champagne make it the fastest alcoholic drink to bring on the 'high' or what have you. You can tell I don't drink much. Have a wonderful holiday Cro.

  11. A good Blanquette de Limoux is twenty times better than a mediocre Champagne.
